Curious if daycare is included with monthly child support payments?
:? Possibly about to get divorced and curious if my monthly cs payments to the wife will include daycare? I live in Georgia. Question meaning, will I pay cs to my wife monthly which is used for living, mortgage, daycare, etc.; or will I be paying cs monthly and an additional payment for daycare as well??
You need to talk to an
You need to talk to an attorney about this, and look up your state's child support laws. I've often heard of daycare payments being separate from child support.
I live in NJ. I pay one price
I live in NJ. I pay one price for everything including daycare and she is always looking for more. :?
The good news is that Georgia
The good news is that Georgia recently changed its child support laws...I think it happened three years ago. They are little less obnoxiously biased toward the holder of the golden uterus. They went from the percent obligor to the income-share models.
Typically, you don't get to decide how the custodial parents spends the child support. She can do whatever she wants with it.
Daycare is an adjustment. If you look at the child support worksheets, you'll see a line item for daycare expenses.
Make sure you talk with a family law attorney. They know the law, they know the table, they know the adjustments and deviations, and most importantly, they know how the judges tend to rule.
The guidelines are just that...guidelines. Georgia family law judges have a lot (way too much) of judicial discretion. They can award upward and downward deviations as long as they can articulate a semi-coherent reason for it.