Crazy Blended Situation - Not Sure I Can Handle It - Advice?
Hello Everyone,
I met a lady on over a year ago. Instant chemistry. Our first phone call was eight hours long!
But, things got insane very quickly. She has two ex husbands. Three kids with the first and one with the second. The first three are adult age (18 to 24 and the other little guy is 5.) They all used to take vacations together. There were still pictures on the walls of their vacations until a few months ago when I told her I wasn't going to come over anymore until they came down. The fist ex is the Godfather to the child she had with the second ex. The first night I slept over, I came down the stairs and she told me the first ex was coming over with some other people for a BBQ. I made an excuse to leave. The same ex came over for father's day, then the 4th of July. Then they all went on vacation together. I confessed that I didn't think anything was going on between them, but it was just too much for me. She was devastated. She promised things would change. But, every time something unacceptable would happen I broke up with her. For example, she asked her second husband about his sex life. She asked her first husband if he made the girl he was dating have an O. Just too weird. I told her that her lifestyle was okay, but just something I couldn't handle. It was just not for me. Plus, she has herpes. Which I've been able to avoid contracting from her.
Fast forward to today and her three girls pretty much hate me and told me that they think I'm emotionally abusive. I tried to explain my POV, but they weren't interested. The girls have brainwashed the little guy too. He often asks me, "Why are you mean to my mom?" The crazy thing is that, I'm light years from perfect, but I'm super sensitive and really nice.
Anyway, she's cooled it with her ex's and I haven't seen either of them in many months. But, going forward... I just can't see myself living with her. I would feel trapped and like I was in "their" space. I have two girls and they are 20 and 18. I am at the point where I don't want to have a little guy living with me permanently. I'm 48 and I am looking for more peace in my life. Financially I'm okay. I make six figures and have plenty of money saved for retirement. In addition, I'll have pension at 62.
Is it wrong that I can't imagine living with her because of her kids? I want my freedom. I would like to be with one woman, and if the kids come over to visit and stay for a night or two or a week, that's great. But, it feels like a prison sentence to have to live with a small child again. And, he has special needs. Not severe, but he'll probably never move away from her. I love her very much, but I do feel like all the nonsense with her ex husbands killed 25% of my love. BTW, she proudly showed me a picture from a vacation she took in Vegas. It was ex husband #1, #2, and her exboyfriend all standing around her with big smiles. I told her that the fact that she wanted to take that picture and those guys were willing to pose in that picture was beyond anything I can handle and just messed up on so many levels.
Sorry for the long story, but is it wrong of me to not want to be with her because I don't want another child?
Thank you all for reading and offering any advice.
Toss this one back, too much
Toss this one back, too much baggage. No, it's not wrong for you to not want to live with a small child when you've raised your kids already. Plus she has poor boundaries and allows her kids to treat you poorly.
No, of course it isn't wrong
No, of course it isn't wrong of you to not want to play daddy again. Perfectly understandable, IMO. Though, if you didn't want to be with her because she collects exes and exhibits them like prizes, I'd understand that too. When something doesn't fit your lifestyle nor wishes, don't, don't, don't stick with it "just because"!
Breakup with her now so she can go fishing for her next trophy and, more importantly, so that you can get on with living a life that suits you and pleases you.
The fact that she likes to
The fact that she likes to have her current man and all her exes with her together like some all-male harem is just ew. If you aren't into being part of her entourage of d!cks, move the frick on. That would be a reason all by itself. Plus add a 5-year-old into the mix, who will likely be trotted out as a reason to keep at least one of the exes close for the next 13 plus years.....yeah. Find a woman who has the same values as you.
Your instincts are totally correct
Your gut is your friend here, big time. For you to even still be in contact with her says another body part is giving you strong messages, too. Please listen to your gut. You know she is bad news. Good luck.
Chemistry is a biological
Chemistry is a biological "match".. desire to couple up. It doesn't take into account all the real life "realities".
Look.. the woman has had at least 2 failed relationships.. but is still enmeshed with Exland?
She is not a good candidate for a LT relationship. redflagland
I could never deal with that.
To me once you divorce a person that relationship has to end. If you want an other relationship. No all going on vacation together. No ex coming over for BBQ, No that type of relationship with the ex or in your case the ex's.
She can do what see wants, But you have the same choice m you can do what you want. People live crazy life stiles, Yoi don't have to be part of it,
Not to be blunt But ............
"The first night I slept over, I came down the stairs and she told me the first ex was coming over with some other people for a BBQ. I made an excuse to leave."
You should have never gone back! At this part of the story I was already running out the door.
You sound like a very nice man with a lot to offer someone. You also sound like you have worked very hard and you shouldn't sell yourself short but remaining in this relationship.
This situation sounds like it will being you more unhappiness than happiness. It doesn't sound like it has anything good to it accept the chemistry that you have. I get that, I have screwed up many years of my life over good chemistry and I will admit that good chemistry is sometimes hard to find. But what I can also tell you is that all of the relationships I had the "good or great chemistry" in were the most unhealthy relationships. Sometimes they go hand in hand. Cut your losses now I don't see this being a good fit for you. Don't invest years and years and be sorry later. It has to be the whole package or feed more to your life than just good chemistry!
Good luck!!
Chiming in
Everyone that has commented has the same gist. Ill add my 2cents worth:
1. Staying with her will bring more of the same boundary-breaking. She collects men like I collect tea pots. Tea pots cant give me herpes. She has shown you who she is and its all there out. Let her wave her freak flag, you just dont need to be involved.
2. Her older kiddos are accusing you of being abusive. This will continue and get worse over time. This happened to me. Im not a mean person, and yet I get accused of abuse. I'm stuck, married to DH, so I have to live with it. YOU on the other hand are NOT.
3. Her youngest with special needs. That in itself would say that you are not going to be happy raising this kiddo with her. You are not wrong for how you feel. So do the kid a favor and let his mother go out 'huntin fer a new daddy'.
4. You are financially secure. Do you REALLY want to support this woman who cannot seem to let go of exes, and goes on VACATIONS with them? I agree with another poster here, that it sounds fishy, like shes into hookups.
4. You are retiring soon, do you want to spend your retirement raising another kiddo thats not yours? No, you are not wrong for your feelings.
It's okay to have standards and hard limits.
Your choice is simple: chaos or peace.
You are a catch, so be choosy. You can do SO much better than this woman with her laissez-faire parenting, pile of obligations, venereal disease and hateful daughters. Relationships aren't supposed to be so hard, and you don't need to settle. But you can't find someone better until you free yourself from loosey goosey Lucy. Once you do, odds are she'll have a new man in short order.
When I was young, talking on the phone for hours seemed romantic. Now I understand it's a red flag, a sign of poor boundaries. Most women would want to take things slowly, especially those with children. Look for a woman who is self assured, measured and even cautious in her approach to dating and life. And if you only date women who are childfree or have kids that are fully launched, you'll automatically eliminate a lot of problems.
Being a member of StepTalk means you have a whole tribe, as well as access to valuable female perspective. Women know things about other women that men will never know, so I hope you'll continue to use ST as a resource.
Oh my goodness!
Given everything that's going on in this relationship, I don't know how you've been able to survive as long as you have. You seem like a very kind, tolerant person. This may be too harsh of me, but the way I see this situation is that your partner is demonstrating very little respect for herself. She is treating herself poorly. How can she respect you as her partner, when she carries on as she does in her life? Now, no one is perfect, of course. But there are so many poor boundaries here across the board.
Don't feel guilty about the situation with her children either. Do what you need to do to be at peace. If you can't live with it, that's completely okay!
Thank you all for the replies.
Everything I read makes sense. She's been a bit crazy the times in the past when I broke up with her. A couple of times she showed up at my apartment and demanded that I unbreak up with her. Once I tried to convince her that I was gay. I mean, this should be a sitcom!
But, I mean, there is just too much insanity. She told me that she had two best friends. Raquel and Dave. A couple of months into the relationship she told me that her and Dave changed their friendship to an intimate relationship and three weeks before I met her, she broke it off. And yet they remained friends. And guess what? They work together. She's dated and slept with six of her coworkers. One of them is where she got the herpes from. Remember I mentioned about the ex in Vegas? She is still currently great friends with his sister who lives around here. I mean, these guys get into her life and she maintains connections forever. She no longer tells me things because either she stopped keeping contact with all these ex's or she just knows I'd break up with her if I found out.
Obviously there are good things... she's very loving and caring and sexual.... But, I just can never let my guard down anymore. I'm still waiting for her to get another call or text from her one of her ex's when we are together. This whole mess makes me feel dirty and unclean.
How do I break it off with this psycho? She'll show up at my house. She'll call me dozens of times. I blocked her phone number and email once. I changed the lock code on my door. And the one thing I forgot was Alexa! She kept trying to open a video chat. She's threatened that she'd make accusations against me if I broke up with her again. She once told me with pride that no one has broken up with her before. That she's ended all her previous relationships. And that, "any one of them would take her back in a heartbeat." Wow, I can't believe I've put up with this insanity for so long. Arg!!
I've thought about moving and changing my phone number. But she's a cop, I think she might still be able to find me.
Document, document, document.
Document, document, document. And have a camera or two installed. You're going to need as much evidence as possible to go after her for harassment and/or a restraining order. You shouldn't have to move to break up. Oh, and disconnect Alexa for a while. Finally, it might be worth a shot going to speak to her superior (before she starts throwing accusations around) and telling them what's going on and asking them what can be done about it. Hopefully, they expect better from their officers.
This is harassment. YOU need a cop (a different one).
This is Harassment ...
And I hope you have kept all of this information. Documents as Winterglow said are very important. We did this with my husbands ex and I have a whole folder and voice messages. She is crazy!
Get rid of Alexa and go and talk to the police. Explain the situation and find out what your best option is. Do this sooner than later but I would suggest before you break up with her. That way you can end it but with all the information from the police as how to handle it. That way that is almost documented proof. You make it a matter of record, and as soon as she bothers you, you contact the police. Let them know you have a matter of record and you want them to speak to her. Let them warn her once if you want to but after that all bets are off!!
No matter what good qualities you think that this relationship has the bad far out weigh the good and there really isn't much chance that will ever change. I would suggest to take care of yourself and if you are having trouble ending it maybe seek out a counselor or therapy. This is truly a destructive relationship and with all due respect to you, you need to explore why you would have stayed in it after the first red flag showed up. We have all made mistakes but staying in it is another thing altogether.
Enmeshment with both of her
Enmeshment with both of her Xs, Herpes, over involved adult daughters, and a lippy 5yo individually are all deal breakers. Combined they are a life long shit show of monumental proportions.
You have nothing to feel bad or wrong about in not moving forward with a relationship with this multiple failed family two XH breeder of a BM.
End it, have your attorney send her a cease and desist order, file for an RO/PO. Make it all official. Cop or not, piling on every legal restraint you can will put the onus on her to knock her shit off and will put her under the hairy eyeball of the courts and her LE leadership.
Break it off, load on the legal constraints, and get on with your life. Make sure to have a camera system installed in your vehicle to document everything in the event she either targets you or has her coworkers target you. You may even consider a personal POV cam to wear anytime you are out of your home. Have your home security system updated so you can record every word spoken in your home and cover the outside and inside of your home with cameras.
Take care of you.
It's Over
This lady had more red flags than a Chinese Communist Parade!!
Thank you everyone. I ended it with that insane relationship. I just can't deal with the little, bratty kid and her having herpes. Not to mention all the other insanity. Thank you all for the feedback.
BTW, I did see a therapist both with her and on my own. And, his advice was that the relationship was a good opportunity for me work out my issues. WTF?! I don't want someone else's snotty kid and I don't want herpes. End of story.
Good. Go no contact. Leaving
Good. Go no contact. Leaving the door open, she may creep back into your life.
Move on and be more selective next time. Learn from this!
You 100% made the right call!
You 100% made the right call!! This is possibly the wildest story I've read on StepTalk thus far. I can't believe she told you that about no one breaking up with her before. I agree with the comment above that she likely has a personality disorder
No contact and moving on
Glad you made a strong choice. You can move ahead now.
Staying Strong
Hi Everyone,
Thank God she seems to finally accept this break up with fighting me.
You know what is insane? Her 2nd ex husband, also a cop, hid a camera in the step daughter's bathroom. He was recording them coming out of the shower, changing their tampons, using the toilet, etc. Then made a compilation of all that and would masturbate to it. She cought him red handed. When that happened the step daughters were 14, 16, and 18. SHE STILL KEPT HIM LIVING IN THE HOUSE!!! For a whole YEAR!! When he finally moved out he would still come over to see their son, and talk to the girls. When I found out, I told her that he is never allowed to step foot in the house again. Digusting, filthy animal. I asked her why she didn't turn him in... Because if he lost his job she would lose child support and the house since she couldn't afford the mortgage. Also, she didn't want his name in the paper and people would know that her daughters were the victims.
Yet, that disgusting animal.... if he ever could do it again, would just be more clever about his perversions. I've thought about calling Child Protective Services, but she'd know it was me that dropped the dime and... well, she's a cop and has a gun. I don't know if I'd be safe. Thank god I got away from that freak and her freaky family of losers.
I have to say that everyone's overwhelming opinions here really gave me the strength to get away from her. Thanks again. I will update if anything else happens. A few times coming home from work I've been sick to my stomach worrying that she'll be here waiting for me.