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CP Summer Stay anyone familair with it?

tankh21's picture

Has anyone ever heard of a summer stay for the CP where the NCP cannot pick up the kids on their weekends? BM sent DH a letter back in March sometime that states that she wants her 21 day summer stay to be from July 22nd until August 9th which means that DH will not see his kids until the weekend of August 18th. Per the CO it stipulates that if BM lets DH know before April 1st that when she wants to keep the kids for her summer stay that DH cannot have visitation time which would be his usual 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend of every month therefore, he will not see the kids for 6 weeks. Not that I am complaining about it or anything }:) But, has anyone else heard of this or is familiar with it?

hereiam's picture

Never heard of it.

We had it easy, DH's summer visitation was exactly the same as the rest of the year, EOWE. He took extra days off here and there in the summer so SD could stay longer than a weekend but no long stretches.

I've never heard of the NCP not being able to have the normal weekend visits for any period of time.

SM12's picture

Anytime I have ever heard of visitation similar to that, the parents do not live in close proximity to one another which makes it difficult for the EOW visits.
Otherwise, it would appear, based on the order your DH would not get to see the kids during that time.

Does your DH get the same amount of time in the summer? Can he request his in a block of time without BM getting any time in between?

tankh21's picture

Yes DH can request 2 weeks here or there during the summer but we have to have a babysitter since the kids cannot stay alone so he just requesting his visitation at the beginning summer. It works for everyone. I was just curious if anyone else had this stipulation on their CO. BM lives like 20 minutes away from us.

Disneyfan's picture

ExDF's summer schedule is different from the rest of the year. During the year, he has the girls every other weekend.

He picks his kids up on June 28 and returns them on July 31. They stay with their mom until the first Friday after Labor Day, when the EOWE resumes.

I LOVED that schedule because it gave us plenty time for both kid and adult summer time. This schedule also made it impossible for BM to stir up shit about vacations. We took them on vacations in July and she took them in August.

tankh21's picture

Well BM is taking a vacation for a week on one of DH's weekends. She is taking two weekends from him for this summer stay thing.

WalkOnBy's picture

which is how it should be. Where and when a CP goes on vacation is not the NCP's business. Not even a little bit...

tankh21's picture

Maybe We read it wrong then....Need to go home and read over the CO where it says under 100 miles apart.

nengooseus's picture

Dh's CO has two, two week periods for him and for BM in the summer, and those periods trump the regular parenting time schedule. That also means that there will be a month this summer when DH pretty much won't see the skids.

Rags's picture

Not exactly the same situation though somewhat similar. Our CO stipulated that the NCP had to notify the CP (my wife) in writing no less than 60 days prior to the start of the SpermLand 5wk summer visitation. They never provided notification in writing and rarely prior to the 60day point.

We used this to our advantage periodically when we would tell them no, their visitation would start on day X rather than the day they wanted due to our prior plans and their failure to notify 60days prior. We did not play that card frequently but we did play it when we wanted to. We never used it to shorten their time we only used it to adapt their start and end days to our needs.

We always were on a long distance visitation schedule so other than the start date of their 5wks in the summer there was no variability in our schedule other than when they refused visitation and we kept the kid.

Make sure you read the CO in detail and if BM is playing games.... grab her by the short and curlies and put a stop to her crap.

Good luck.