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Covid/quarantine alcohol consumption?

Rags's picture

Not blended family/Sparent related. But.... what is everhyones alcohol consumption status during the year+ long covid crisis?

Usually I have a dozen or less drinks per year. Beer, wine, cocktails all included.  I am probably 3x - 5x that during the past year.

Mostly coctails with no carb mixers since that does not impact my blood glucose levels.  Though I enjoy it, I don't drink beer.  I also am very limited on drinking wine due to carbs.

So, what is the drink count during the Covid crisis/quarantine Vs the normal level of alchohol consumption?  


Indigo's picture

... as usual you cut right through to the marrow of things.  This has been a big "quiet" topic in my part of the world.  There are petitions to continue "to-go" alcoholic drinks from restaurants now as restrictions are lifting ... locals enjoy the increased accessibility, I guess -- pre-COVID that was unheard of ...

I'm a wine drinker -- red. I was the procurer of brandy for my mother @ her independent living facility.  I think both of our intake increased rather gradually over the last year.

I've not been locked down as many others have, but there still has been an uptick in my wine consumption. I'm not happy about it ... my waistline is not happy with it, but dang, this has been a rough year --- wine & a book at night became my new over-normal. I'm probably 1.5x frequency from previous years. 

My local liquor store owner spoke of how he had not anticipated, nor had any idea how much boxed wine he would need in a week when COVIID started --- like toilet paper in a grocery store, he had bare shelves in certain areas


Rags's picture

My waist has enjoyed the quarantine way too much.  I put on about 15Lbs since March 2020.  I modified our liquor/Wine purchases to reduce trips to the liqour store.  Not so much on wine purchases or on volumes that we purchase. Instead of the .75L bottles of liquor I buy the 1.75L bottle.  Fewer trips to the store, less public exposure.  Not that we have been total shut ins. We just ration our time out and about for things we enjoy, a nice dinner, a trip to the beach, etc....

Indigo's picture

... vaccinated? Hope so, preexisting conditions just aggravate things & reactions can be subtly surprising.

15lb gain over a year? Considering your journey, that's phenomenal. I'm fussing over 10lbs that snuck up on me & my base point was likely lower. 

My horse now needs to be on a diet & lose 10% of her body weight. Equine COVIID weight gain & diet --- if I wrote a book ....

BTW:  I admire your awareness of carb load & added sugars with mixers & gasp, wine    

Currently have a friend with Dexcom CGM & no understanding of dietary impact.  I'm not a medical professional but may I ask you some questions off thread?

Rags's picture

Ask away.  The topic of diabetes/Blood Glucose Management are a passion for me.  It is truly sad how many people think that they can eat whatever they want and just cover it with insulin. That never works and many of have truly horrendous long term outcomes and related health issues.  I have been a T-1 diabetic for 40 years and have zero of the issues that uncontrolled diabetics have.  No peripheral neuropathy, no retinopathy, I heal quickly when I get injured, etc...  The evolving technologies for diabetes management are incredible. I started with Beef and Pork insulins and urine glucose tests when I was first diagnosed and for the next several years. Even with analog insulins, CGMs, and closed loop control system insulin pumps a diabetic cannot just eat what they want.  A non diabetics insulin response is far faster than even a well controlled diabetic using all of the bells and wistles.  The largest contributor to normalized blood glucose fir diabetics is a very low Carb way of eating.  It is not a diet, and it isn't temporary.  It has to be a consistent life style.

Drop me a PM with any questions you may have and I will help in any way I can.

As for the Covid vaccine. I am fully vaccinated. I had the second round of the Pfizer vaccine on March 8th. My DW got the first round of Pfizer on March 17th and is due to get the second round on April 5th.  My mom and dad got the first round of Pfizer the first week of March. My brother and SIL got their first round of Pfizer this week.  The kid has not had any vaccine yet.  Surprising since he is active duty USAF.  But.. hopefully he will have at least the first round of a vaccine before he travels in the next  weeks for my nieces wedding.  DW and my mom and dad will be fully vaccinated before the wedding though not yet at full protection levels from the second vaccine.


ndc's picture

I drink more than I did before Covid, but that's because  I had a baby in late 2019, so I hadn't been drinking at all. But I probably don't have more than a glass of wine or a margarita every couple weeks, if that. I also haven't gained any weight. 

BUT - things haven't changed as much for us during covid as they have for many others.  My DH still has a job and goes to work every day,  and has for the entire pandemic (he's in the trades). My skids have been doing in-person school for this entire school year - their school was remote at the end of the last school year but doesn't even have a remote option this year.  With all the stimulus money, we're actually doing better financially.  We're low risk (young and no underlying conditions) and our state has been "open" for most of the year. I still see my family regularly - they're in our "bubble," which admittedly is bigger/looser than some. I don't know anyone who has died from covid. In fact, I know only a handful of people who've tested positive, and none of them had more than mild symptoms.  We've been very, very fortunate, and while our "normal" is different, I'm an introvert so my routine hasn't been thrown off that much. I still can't wait to get vaccinated, though.

Rags's picture

I am high risk so I mostly isolated from March 2020 until now.  It is now pretty much routine and I just don't go out that much.  That will change when I get back to work and DW gets through Tax season.

I hope you all get the vaccine soon.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I rarely drank pre-COVID. But even though I am working full time the increased stressors at home and limited options for activities outside the home have definitely lead to an increase in my alcohol consumption. 

My friend who never drank at all has become a regular wine drinker and even has it delivered to her house. 

The toughest times are what we call mud season. No snow for winter activities outside and too cold, wet and muddy for spring/summer activities.

Rags's picture

I am an extravert and expressive personality. The past year has been a big change for me.  Almost zero people interface IRL. 


Someoneelse's picture

Its pretty much stayed the same for me.  For me ive started exercising since covid started.  Ive lost 50lbs, stil have more to lose, and in still eating right, drinking water and exercising, buuut i found out my thyroid is screwed up majorly, I just started taking 2 medicines just for my thyroid. I hope this helps! 

Someoneelse's picture

Thanks! I joined beachbody and started eating really clean, my dr was actually impressed that even though my thyroid is messed up so terribly 

ndc's picture

That's an impressive weight loss! Congratulations. I hope you get your thyroid issues straightened out. 

Someoneelse's picture

Thanks! It's been hard work. I joined beach body and I've been working out everyday, and really started to eat clean. Whole grains, less salt, more veggies and fruit. 

Cover1W's picture

Our wine and beer consumption went way up fall of 2020 once the weather turned. But we recognized it and cut wayyyyy back. We make sure to get non-alcoholic, lower cal beverages whenever we are at the store. We're both big fans of plain sparking water or club soda.

I've gained a little bit, but still in the same clothes. I exercise a lot and am active.... we're lucky to live in an area with lots of outdoor space and smaller population. I am blaming perimenopause for some of it!

advice.only2's picture

I was only off of work for a month so I really didn't have the time to cultivate a daily drinking habit.  But  DH and I know people who are teleworking and they drink daily, sometimes before it's even time to be off of work.  I enjoy a glass of wine or two on ocassion but I could see how if I was able to telework I might drink more.