Confused and need advice
A little background information: I have been married for 4 yrs and in my stepdaughter's life since she was 3 (she's 6 now). My husband and I just had our first baby together a few months ago. My step daughter has been living with us for the past 2 years and has no contact with her bio mom.
My stepdaughter has been getting into a lot of trouble at school lately for talking back and doing a lot of inappropriate things (asking to see students privates, saying she's going to burn the school down, saying she put crayons in her private). It has gotten so bad that the school got CPS involved and they are now investigating my family because of the behavior she's been displaying at school.
My husband is in the military and will be going on a 6 month deployment in the next few months and I am not at all comfortable with being left to look after my step daughter by myself with all of this going on. I was initially planning to take both my baby and stepdaughter and move back home with my parents so we could save money and I could have help with the kids while my husband is gone. However, after all the drama with CPS I am having second thoughts about taking my step daughter with me. Plus I am concerned about having CPS getting involved again and them possibly taking my baby from me. I did let my husband know that I was worried about those things and he got upset with me and said I was overreacting and being selfish. He seems to be taking everything that's been going on WAY too lightly and it is really frustrating. I have talked to friends and family and they think I should get myself and my daughter away from this situation. I am just looking for some unbiased opinions on the situation.
She is displaying behaviors
She is displaying behaviors that could indicate she is being sexually abused. When you consider this possibility, please remember most children are abused by someone they know. In any case it sounds like she could use some therapy.
you friends and family are
you friends and family are right you know, why can't SD go to her grand parent while Daddy is not there
i agree your sd needs some
i agree your sd needs some serious counseling. she is acting out in an unhealthy way.
protect your own child first.