Child support sound right?
My boyfriend pays 500 a month for his 2 kids that live with their mom. He gets them 8 days a month and 6 of them are overnights. We live in nys. Kids are on medicaid(all healthcare is free-everything) and they do not have daycare since their step dad doesn't work anymore. They claim them every year and never let my boyfriend claim them. He only make s 23000 a year. Is this the norm? After taxes and child support he only makes 1000 a MONTH. How can anyone live on that unless you have several roommates plus still providing for the kids when they visit(food, snacks drinks, clothes, places to sleep). It just sounds outrageous to me.
So how did you two live? I
So how did you two live? I luckily make a decent income but still isn't easy. Any advice?
Correction: He needs a
Correction: He needs a second UNDER THE TABLE job because NYS will count the 2nd job as CS fodder as well.
Yes even If he could find
Yes even If he could find time for a second job they certainly would add it into income then raise amount given per week.
They won't take all of the
They won't take all of the income from a 2nd job to cover CS.
I hear people in public housing making the same type of comments. " I can't get a second job/increase my income, because housing will take it all." :?
No they won't take it all but
No they won't take it all but they will add the amounts together and take 25% of that. He does not qualify for any type of assistance.
He only has 8 days off a
He only has 8 days off a month and those are the days the kids visit. He works as many hours as he can at his job. Sure a second job would be great but not possible.
Why is stepdad a
Why is stepdad a moocher???
He could start charging mom and dad to watch their kid. How many times have stepmoms been told to charge BM and dad a fee when they are asked to babysit their stepkids?
I Dont think he's a moocher.
I Dont think he's a moocher. He is pretty sick and I'm sure he wishes he could work.
I agree. This is no way to
I agree. This is no way to live. Its not a permanent awesome way of life by any means....
A hotel like place with a bus
A hotel like place with a bus line! Wow why didn't I think of such a great idea? I wonder if bus line will stop at the kids school, their mothers home, their doctors appointments , any grocery shopping or god forbid an emergency bus route to the hospital. I will so look into that! Is that what u told ur ex to do? Another bm making sure their ex's live in misery...
Tommar has a point. The
Tommar has a point.
The transit system in NYC is fairly solid. You can take a bus to the market. Hell, a lot of people in NYC walk. Skids can take a bus to school. A lot of them do. You and your BF/H can hop a bus to work as well. There is the subway for longer trips. Buses to doctors appointments are also doable. Have an emergency? Call a cab or an ambulance.
She is offering some viable options to get him over the hump. It may not be attractive or what you want to hear, but it's an option all the same.
We do not live in NYC and
We do not live in NYC and have never even been close to visiting. There are no subways and little bus routes.
Maybe he should consider
Maybe he should consider moving here.
NYC sanitation department will be testing soon. (Maybe January???) You have until the end of this month to apply to take the exam. If he's hire, his salary will skyrocket. He should also look into working for the MTA. They are always looking for bus drivers. The track worker exams comes out often. I have plenty of friends who are track workers (they never went to college). I believe they start at @ $25.00 an hour. One of my friend's base salary is $80K. He damn near doubles that each year in overtime.
Nothing wrong with the bus
Nothing wrong with the bus system. When you can't afford a good place and a car, you make sacrifices till you have the funds.
He does not make a lot of money- why in the world did he make another kid with his ex when he could not afford one?????
He played - now he has to pay. I hope he goes to school and when he graduates, not only can do better for himself, but also pay more in child support for his kids!
Ya know there's a lot of
Ya know there's a lot of history to this post...his past of making 70k a year to surgeries to cancer to hardship now to me...he didn't always make a little amount... If u read what I wrote he does take classes and is trying. I am asking about the present and how one is suppose to survive on that....
And living in a cheap place
And living in a cheap place and taking a bus is great advise in the present.
And kids have a right to food, shelter, clothing, etc. so he has to think of how he AND his kids will survive. Not just him and you.
If he made 70k a year, the. He has skills. Something does not sound right. He should be able to make more than 24k.
My sister had cancer and surgeries...still makes her same money. I have had 12 surgeries and still make my income.
This is what makes you closed
This is what makes you closed minded- you relate your own sisters surgeries and cancer but do not know the details and acting as if he is purposefully making a low income...if u must know he physically cannot do the job he use to do because of medical issues. You can't possibly relate your own experiences with everyone else's. There's always more to the story. This post wasn't set up for a debate at all. then are are ok with then are are ok with him supporting his children. And 500.00 sounds right with his pay. Best of luck to you.
U sound like a bitter bm.
U sound like a bitter bm. Just saying...I'd say majority of people weren't planned so now "every man must pay!" Oh god relax he is a good dad.
Lol......nothing bitter about
Lol......nothing bitter about me.![Smile](
WTF is the furthest thing
WTF is the furthest thing from a bitter BM.
I have been reading this blog all day-there are so many little things that do not add up.
Your over thinking it. Just
Your over thinking it. Just relax take a xanax. This post will not change lives. Lol.
No, I'm not overthinking it
No, I'm not overthinking it at all.
Exactly why did you come here?
I can't imagine earning
I can't imagine earning 23,000 a year gross income and being able to afford myself and two children. Especially not in a high cost living area. And truth be told if this man were given these children fulltime he would qualify for the government assistance (Medicaid, SNAP, free lunches AND supplemented daycare) AND still be broke every month.
This guys answer isn't trying to lower his CS... it's raising his income earnings. Yes, a second job. He'll a third job.
Maybe where you live they
Maybe where you live they have bus routes and places that would be reasonable. Where I live if you want to live somewhere for 400 a month you better never leave your house...crime rate is very high in those areas. Like I said this wasn't a debate on " waaa I'm so sad he has to
To pay child support, its about his weaker state right now with all his medical problems and trying to improve but hard to survive right now.
Welcome to New York State!!
Welcome to New York State!!
In my case, Chef (biodad) paid $350 a WEEK (non arrears) for three kids when he was making $15 an hour--they were also on his medical/dental plan at the time. The state cares not about biodad's living expenses and fully expects him to hook up with a sugar mamma who will foot the bill and become a "visitation facilitator."
New york state is on the archaic system that many other states abandoned. Time spent with NCP is immaterial. All they care about is:
1. Who is the "custodial" parent (9 times out of 10 the BM) and who is the "non-custodial" parent (ususally biodad).
2. How much money the BM makes annually and how much money biodad makes annually (see this for a list of income counted:
In many cases they also want to know about other "household" income of the NCP--they aren't really concerned if biomom remarries a multi-millionaire.
They won't count your income dollar for dollar but they will think that because YOU are footing the living expenses, that frees up your BF's income significantly to pay MORE CS! (see item 7 on page 2)
Yes, Custodial BM will have to fill this one out to BUT see this: (see bullet point 14)
I did a bunch of research and because the NCP is the paYOR of CS, the courts are WAY more concerned about any additional household income in his case than of the CP biomom even if she does marry a rich guy. In addition, the local, state and fed gov't gets "administrative fees" for every $1 they collect so NO incentive to lower CS, only to keep it as high as possible.
My DH pays $850 a month for
My DH pays $850 a month for two kids plus health insurance and he does all the driving. He would be living in a van down by the river if it wasn't for me.
That's great for him. Quite
That's great for him. Quite an accomplishment. He did try school and work full time one semester, because of a disability he struggles with it didn't work. I'm glad your husband was able to do it.
I applaud all those that can
I applaud all those that can work full time and school full time as I did it myself but with no kids. I just believe everyone has their own separate lives and reasons why its possible and why its not possible.
^^^Yup, and the more he makes
^^^Yup, and the more he makes the more they'll take. He's chained for a long time to come. He'll probably have to cough up all the $$$ for college too as more states are requiring parents to pay ALL costs to whatever schools entitled kids want to go to. Have a kid, pay forever. 'Merica
He can get PELL and TAP to
He can get PELL and TAP to cover his tuition. If he's in a union, the union will pay for some of his classes.
Already been doing but
Already been doing but slowly. As you can see, he couldn't drop everything for full time school but does take online classes each semester. Still may be a loosing battle...if he made 35000 a year nys takes 25% gross income but I know what your saying.
Its 23000 estimated. I did
Its 23000 estimated. I did the math its 480.00 for 25% just curious if others had a similar situation. I know 500 a month isn't a lot for 2 kids but my point was what he has left over to have him not live in a van down the street....
They also look at the federal
They also look at the federal kickbacks they are collecting on all CS money that goes through their system. It's not all about the child. Since when does our govt put children first? Look at all the cuts in funding for Head Start and public schools. If it doesn't profit the state they don't care, sad but true. ***Sorry getting off topic
That's why he needs to get a
That's why he needs to get a 2nd job and/or fast track his education to finish school. Plenty of single moms with MIA exhubands/boyfriends work full time and attend school full time. You do what you need to do to support yourself and your kids.
Its 23000 estimated. I did
Its 23000 estimated. I did the math its 480.00 for 25% just curious if others had a similar situation. I know 500 a month isn't a lot for 2 kids but my point was what he has left over to have him not live in a van down the street....
OP - out of curiosity, did
OP - out of curiosity, did you just move to nys? the profile you set up just last week says florida, so i'm a bit confused.
just asking trying to figure out cost of living and income differences between the two...
Idk y it says Florida. Must
Idk y it says Florida. Must of hit it wrong.
Please go away if your just
Please go away if your just going to pick fights on non related issues to this post. Thanks!!
I did not mean to put Florida
I did not mean to put Florida down , is that really bothering you? Seriously are you so bored that's all your worried about? Come on now...please go away!
That's not very smart ya
That's not very smart ya know...if you read all the responses do you honestly think that's what I want to hear? No silly nilly. I'm trying to sew if others have similar situations. Usually people join these to relate to others not pick on each other like you seem to enjoy...
He didn't qualify for food
He didn't qualify for food stamps or medicaid unfortunately but thank you.
Why didn't he qualify for
Why didn't he qualify for food stamps? NCP paying CS can get foodstamps.
Based on the numbers you posted, he would get foodstamps in NYC. I believe the income guidelines for assistance are lower in the rest of the state. Either your numbers are off or he isn't telling you the truth.
He makes $200 a month more
He makes $200 a month more than limits. He tried a few months ago. I saw the paperwork its silly.
Since he's that close to the
Since he's that close to the limit, CS would have been calculated into his monthly expenses. That would have made eligible.
Did he tell them he pay CS? If he reported yoyr income (he should have if you live together), then that may be why he was denied
He didn't qualify for food
He didn't qualify for food stamps or medicaid unfortunately but thank you.
I live in NYC and I think he
I live in NYC and I think he got off easy. He and BM should be paying for health insurance, not the rest of us.
If he can't make it on 23K a year(even without kids, that's pretty darn low)then he needs to take steps to increase his income.
Step dads disabled so gets
Step dads disabled so gets medicaid and somehow got them on it. I'm confused by it too as I thought only people who made minimum wage could get it. Yes I agree with schooling.
Yes ssdi yes free lunches and
Yes ssdi yes free lunches and could get food stamps(bm told me) but hasn't done so yet. Crazy right?
I'm glad she isn't getting
I'm glad she isn't getting foodstamps. It's bad enough we are paying for their kids' health insurance, do we really have to feed them as well?
I currently don't have health
I currently don't have health insurance but will next month with my new job-its a ton....I totally understand people getting stuff for "free"...annoying
It's normally around 25% of
It's normally around 25% of their gross income so that sounds right. My ex has a nice paying job and for two kids I get $1,910 a month in child support, he covers them under his insurance, BUT he gets to claim them on taxes every year since he provides more than 50% of their care.
Again, if you read correctly
Again, if you read correctly I said he's in school. I just graduated this doesn't have to do with me. This is about the present situation not the future. I KNOW it will get better he is not on assistance relax now...
Thanks to all who could
Thanks to all who could relate and responded without judgment. Gave me a different perspective and I respect those who gave a mature response. Other very very bored responders I'm too busy to have debates with you and seems you are starting arguments and debates. Its not that serious no one died... I'm done with this post:)
(No subject)
:? :? :?