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Child Relocation

cruela25's picture

BM is moving skids further away in same state. We are looking at extra gas expenses and child care expenses when we would get them, 400 miles travel. We don't have the money for this extra expense and are expecting a baby. Has anyone dealt with this? Any advice?

cruela25's picture

CO now states every other weekend.. KY.. Have an appt with attorney next week to discuss further.

sixteensmom's picture

What do you mean she never does pay the extra so you file contempt... If bm want kid to come visit, bm has to buy the ticket, right?

jumanji's picture

If NCP wants the kid to visit and the CP doesn't... Then NCP's only real choice if s/he wants the kid to visit is to pay for tix & take CP to court.

In-state relocation is usually different than out-of-state relocation.

SMof2Girls's picture

Our BM is moving about an hour away from us with the skids. In DC traffic, it's probably closer to 2.

What can we do?
