Child KNOWS she is getting special treatment when her brother and sister are getting yelled at
The youngest girl (8 years) came home from BMs and said,
"I get whatever I want at Mom's. I don't even have to ask. She just gives me stuff, all the time. And she won't to (10 year old Boy) and (12 year old girl). She yells at them all the time, about everything, everyday. I never get yelled at even when I do stuff wrong."
HOW MESSED UP is it that an 8year old can see that her mother is playing favorites towards her??
We are figuring that BM knows the older two REMEMBER how bad it was when their parents were married, or that BM knows she has already "lost" the older two?? Not really sure exactly WHY but the 8 year old brought it up!
See-thru I have often thought
See-thru I have often thought she had something like this,... My boyfriend said BM doctor put her on medication once and he said it was great, she was adifferent person, but she didn't think she needed the pills and didn't like the way they made her feel or something,... He can not remember what the name of the pills were...
But the other two kids back up this story, its not just coming from the 8 year old...
They tell stories like the 8 year old gets icecream when they get broccoli,...
And the 8 year old really LOOKS like a mini BM,... so I'm sure that helps BM pick a favorite, on to of her being the youngest as well...
Parents with this attitude
Parents with this attitude should have personality disorders and some times defensive parents want to hold the kingdom but it doesn't last for years.