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Casey Kasem and Jean Kasem and her stepchildren

bug3211's picture

After this article was written they found Casey in Washington State visiting friends with his wife. Police checked on him and determined that he was fine and left him alone. They said they were on vacation.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I totally agree. This is not a case of a greedy, evil stepmother. They have been married for 30+ years and have a child together. The kids are being melodramatic.

hereiam's picture

But part of the media coverage is a result of not just answering the question.

Seriously, this whole thing is just hilarious to me. There are 2 sides to every story. There is very little public information on the dynamics of this family over all these years, yet so many on this site take Jean's side. I am not taking ANY side but I know for a fact, some women are bitches. And yes, some men stay married to bitches for 34 years.

hereiam's picture

The picketing happened in 2013. That does not say anything about what's been going on the last 34.

I have seen it on this site and in real life; there are stepmothers who want their husbands to have nothing to do with their own children and will go to any lengths to make that happen.

My point is, nobody on this site knows what is really going on. To side with the step-mother just because we are stepmothers is, well, not right. Perhaps Jean is a bitch, who has tried to isolate her husband from his kids. Stranger things have happened. Perhaps his kids are money grubbing assholes. Do we know them? Do we know this to be true? Nope.

hereiam's picture

Ha, ha, nothing is too weird for Hollywood, believe me.

And being a BM doesn't have anything to do with this story. Now, people that are step-kids, that have truly had a bitch of a SM, that would be relevant.

Cinderella may have been just a story and we may not think of ourselves that way but believe me, there are plenty of step-mothers out there that could play that part. I am not saying that Jean is one, I am just surprised that everybody is jumping to the conclusion that she is totally innocent and such the victim.

hereiam's picture

Oh, I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to deal with it directly, either. Doesn't make her the good guy, just makes her smart.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I read yesterday that the kids "suspected" he was on an Indian Reservation in Washington State. He actually is in Washington so someone had to know, or was told, where he was.

yoursandmine's picture

Anyone else read the article? Crazy evil stepmom at large. REPEAT CRAZY EVIL STEPMO? AT LARGE!!


Poor casey and jean. I hate that anybody would.have to go through this when they are trying to enjoy their last days. Poor Jean especialy.

hereiam's picture

It probably won't all come out, not all of it, anyway.

Jean thinks she is protecting Casey and the kids think she is keeping them from him and maybe she is. Maybe she thinks she needs to.

This is what happens when there is no communication, no relationship. No matter what happened in the past, they are all adults now and need to act like it. How they are all acting, is helping no one and getting no where. I don't think either side is innocent or the victim. I think they are all making a bad situation (his health), worse. Casey Kasem is the only victim in this situation. It just sucks that his family, his kids and his wife, cannot come together to make his last days memorable. Shame on all of them.

hereiam's picture

I guess I don't have an "in" to his personal life to know that he was a "Disney Dad" or that his kids were alienated against him. Basically, that is giving his kids an excuse to act like they are. It's the dad's fault that he didn't reign them in, the BM's fault that she alienated the kids against him and the SM. Blah, blah, blah.

So, which is it? Is it Casey's fault? His kids' fault? Their mother's fault? Certainly none of it is Jean's doing.

Really, nobody (none of us) knows the real truth. That's all I'm saying.

Orange County Ca's picture

Lesson to be learned? Inform children that their inheritance is protected by a Living Will and they're included as recipients. Usable assets of Kasey such as his share of the home can be entrusted to his wife until she dies then they pass to his kids.

Why shouldn't they be concerned? If he dies she inherits and their single kid gets it all if that's what she chooses. I'd be pissed too.

Don't leave your kids in the dark when it comes to inheritance. You don't have to tell the details such as the dollar amount but just that they'll get what they deserve.

After you're well planted they'll learn the good or bad news.

moeilijk's picture

Really? 'Cause I think, I'm an adult and I can make my own way in life. So inheritance is a wonderful gift but absolutely nothing I would ever feel I should know about or expect.

Most wealthy parents pay for things less wealthy parents can't afford - better health care, extra curricular's, travel/cultural experiences, and post-secondary education. Isn't that enough? At what point does someone else get to reap their reward... or is it MINE MINE MINE forever?

JustAgirl42's picture

That all sounds good to me and I would probably do something just like what you did, but I don't have any bios.

If FDH and I marry, my assets would most likely go to him if I die first, which, by default, would end up with SD.

I'm actually screwed on both ends because when my dad dies, my stepmom will get most of his assets, which, by default, with end up with my step-siblings.

I don't place a lot of importance on money, but the fact that my step-family would benefit from my dad, when they haven't ever really treated me very respectfully, kinda makes me feel a little sick. Plus, they haven't been in his life very long.

moeilijk's picture

Not intended to be a personal attack, but why does it matter if they treated you respectfully? If they benefit from your dad, isn't that HIS choice? And if he somehow excludes his bio (you) and steps get it all, then isn't the relevant issue whether they treated HIM respectfully?

Calypso1977's picture

My fiance has me down on everything except his life insurance (tiny policy anyway) as SD and BM must be beneficiaries on that per the divorce decree.

he doesnt feel guilty about giving me everything else because its nt near as much as they will get between the life insurance and social security if he dies before SD reaches 18.

his plan is to name me on his life insurance as soon as his CS ends.

he doesnt want to leave anything to SD because by the time she ages off CS he will have paid well over $100K in CS. he doesnt think she should get more, particularluy given her ungrateful brat attitude.

maybe that's a jerk way to think, but she is an only child and will inherit the house, etc. from her mother some day. BM is too old to reproduce again (thannk god!!)