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Car won't start

Scottish Skye's picture

Ever since the weekend, my car won't start.   I went to take my daughter to school yesterday morning, hoping that after a day of rest, it would finally fire up. 

The first attempt ut it just cranked very slowly but was starting to get quicker so I left it 5mins whilst I was chatting to my daughter about school.  After the 5mins, I tried again but it just cranked again but this time quicker.   I spent 10mins trying to start it  whilst also pumping the pedal purposefully but each time I turned the key, the engine just cranked at a steady pace.

Once I got dd to school, I got a neighbour to jump start it but that failed.  We then tried pushing it downhill but, again, that failed.


Any ideas as to what the problem could be? 

notarelative's picture

Since your car wouldn't start to go to the swimming competition and it won't start now, it's time to have a qualified mechanic look at it.

keepitsimplestupid's picture

My guess would be the spark plugs.  If your neighbor tried to jump-start it, and it still didn't start, then it's probably the plugs.  But I'm not a mechanic.

Rags's picture

Since it has power to turn the stater that leaves the most likely issue to be either the fuel system or the ignition system.  I would start with the fuel system since the ingition system runs off of the electrical system.

1.  Does it have gas in it?  If not. Put gas in in it and and try again.

2. If it has gas in it, how long has it been since you changed the fuel filter?

3.  If it has a clean fuel filter, when was the last time the injectors were cleaned?  (If it is a fuel injection equiped vehicle)

4. Then there is the fuel pump. 

Ignition system

1. Does it have spark at the spark plug cables.  Check this by unplugging one of the plug wires, sit it near where it connects to the plug and then crank the car. If there is spark you know that the ignition system is likely okay.

To skip all of the home diagnostics... call a mechanic.