so, sd11 had her friend sleep over cause the friends parents were fighting real bad. so we figured we would provide a safe haven for the girl, even for one night.
big mistake.
whenever sd11 is with this 'friend' the girls are always in trouble. i awoke at 3am to hearing banging and yelling from sd's room. i go in and the room is destroyed. everything that she has is scattered everywhere. and the girls are dressed in layers upon layers of sd's clothes. almost her whole wardrobe is on these 2 girls. why, idk.
so anyways, i told her freind she was not coming over for a long time. she asked why. duuuuuuh stupid! sd's room was a real mess b4 she came over but it was like a tornado came through. and it smelled like her friends shoes and whatever other nasty BO 11 yr old girls make. anyways, i told them to go to bed and they were getting up at 7am when i get up with bd3.
the next morning went well, so i knew something was up. both girls got up and dressed with no problem, even with like 4hrs sleep. once they both left for the friends house, i inspected the room, and OMG i thought i was gonna puke.
my lipstick was all over the wall. the same lipstick i couldnt find the day before, the same one sd said she didnt know where it was. the same one SHE helped me look for.
her grandma's comforter was cut open and the stuffing ripped out.
her pillows were written on with marker, as was part of her wall.
a bag of soaking wet peed clothes was under the bed.
paper, mounds of fuckin paper, with one little smiley face on each, all over the floor.
so i call the friends mom and tell her that her daughter is NOT welcome at my home anymore for any reason. i put the blame on both girls mind u, since they both did this. the mom didnt seem too concerned, said the girls never do things like that when they are at her house. whatever bitch.
so sd finally calls bf back and he layed it to her thick, told her she was done with skating, done with this friend, and she was to call the gma to tell her about the blanket. oh he told her that ebsm08 would deal with her about the lipstick. i told her that she is going to be punished so bad they will throw a benefit concert for her. she wont be home till 4:30. i think that bf has really had it this time cause he said he will let her stay at the friends house till 4:30, cause after that the girls were done with each other.
annnnnd. yesterday when bf went to the store to get me cigs, sd and i had a chat.
sd: when can i start smoking?
me: how about never. its nasty and i need to quit.
sd: i can get cigs myself
me: how's that?
sd: well logan and kyles mom know a guy that runs a gas station. i can get any kind i want
me: and what do the boys smoke? (mind u, boys are 9 and 12)
sd: marlboro reds
me: arent u allergic to cig smoke? u always say u hate the smell
sd: it doesnt bother me anymore. its not bad.
me: so those cig butts of mine we found in your room last month, u smoked them?
sd: i was gonna but u found them before i could get a lighter.
me: `sarcastic tone` great
sd: i'll get u tons of cigs if u dont tell dad.
me: what makes u think i wont tell him?
sd: cause you are acting cool now, not like all parental.
*i have been keeping out of shit. and barely talking to sd.
me: well dont be stealing my cigs like u do everything else of mine
sd: i wont. like i said i can get them whenever
me: u got any on u now?
sd: no i have to get more.
ok, so can anyone please tell me this child needs to go to a bad kid place???????
My guess is she has shitty
My guess is she has shitty role models and is taking after them.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
the friends parents are no
the friends parents are no prize. i was against this friend from the beginning, but bf overrode me. and now its come to this.
as far as sd11 goes, her dad guilt parents and her mom is a waste. im not perfect but i try.
Thats how kids turn into
Thats how kids turn into monsters, role models, or lack thereof. Sounds like dad need to step up and parent. And you shouldn't let her see you smoking, or try to quit!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I think her punishment
I think her punishment should be to clean up the mess in her room, for starters-! And then maybe more cleaning, I think that will do it, bwa ha ha
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
bf and i are going to have
bf and i are going to have the talk about her punishments. here is what i think should happen:
1. the girls are not freinds anymore
2. no more skating rink
3. obviously clean the room
4. no tv for 1 week
5. no nintendo ds for 2 weeks
6. no computer for 2 weeks.
to be honest, being her grades are also in the failing range, i would take away tv, ds, and computer until grades are pulled up and kept up for 1 term. the skating rink should be stopped cause its not a good environment.
so we will see. bf tried to tell her that we are 'disappointed' and not 'mad'. i corrected that, i am MAD. seriously IRATE.
Here here, I agree. She
Here here, I agree. She obviously has no respect for the things she has been given, so it is time to take away those things!
Some kids just don't get it.
I might even aim a little high with the BF, he might try to lighten it up a bit.
Oh, and at 9, maybe an essay on why it was wrong what she did, or maybe an essay on stealing.
Something we did when we had messy rooms was to box up everything other than necessities in their room. Only thing out was the beds and bed clothes, alarm clock, and radio. they had to keep the room clean, clothes put away and beds made before they could get stuff back out of the boxes. They understood really well. They learned to take care of stuff more slowly and understood better. It was not as overwhelming when they went to 'clean their room'
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm
What on earth? Seriously,
What on earth? Seriously, why would they destroy her room? And pee in their clothes? That is all very sick behaviour and not normal. I'm sorry but I'd have a psych evaluation done. I'd also ground her ass for 2 months and make her work off everything she destroyed. Add up the cost and she can replace it all herself! What a handful.
update: ok so sd is grounded
ok so sd is grounded for 3 weeks from the phone, tv, computer, going out, and her ds.
the skating rink saga has ended. forever.
and no more of her 'friend'. they can see each other in school but not outside of school or talk on the phone.
we will see how long this lasts. the freinds mom called to say she feels her child was to blame only when in reality we told her it was BOTH girls and they are too much alike and too much trouble. whatever.