My DH and I just got married not too long ago so we are newly weds but we didn't get a honeymoon because after the wedding he had to pick up SS6. So of course he wouldn't leave him with his grandparents during his weeks visit. So heres why I am upset, I don't have any kids and as you know he has his 6yr old. Everytime I mention us going somewhere it always ends with him saying "I'd love to take (his son) too" or "wow (son) would like that".. so I have beach reservations for later in the summer and he asked me to make sure I had it booked for when he has (son)... which I didn't (on purpose) for a couple of reasons, SS gets to go to the beach every summer with BM and her family... I've not been to the beach in years and I had these reservations before we even met (trip has been postponed afew times ) I want a trip with just my DH.. kinda like a late honeymoon... I want to go out with DH and experience the night life in Panama City, not babysit!!! I want a vacation from having to deal with a 6yr old!! It just hurts that he never wants just us time, its like he doesnt care if he has special time with me! I want to say something but I don't want him to get upset that theres things NO I DON'T WANT HIS KID involved in!
So explain it to him exactly
So explain it to him exactly like you explained it here. You want some one on one time with him. Couples need that, whether they're parents or not.
Tell him you'd love to go on a kid oriented trip with SS..AFTER your honeymoon and after you've had some time to spend together as a newlywed couple. Nothing wrong with that!
I can done hear his reply...
I can done hear his reply... "But I would like (son) to go too, spend time with both of you" but the thing is, it won't be spend time with both of us... it will be do whatever SS wants to do and who cares what I want... this really gets under my skin.. when we get out of the car to go into a store, SS and DH will walk infront of me, like I dont exist, and if DH does notice "hey wheres my wife" the SS will get infron of me to keep me from walking beside my DH.. of course he never notices this... so I know it will be a vacation for them and I will just be tagging along
LOL, when this happened to
LOL, when this happened to me, I just sat down right there on the sidewalk, it was a block & a half before they noticed. I refused to come to them & made them walk back to me. Never happened again though.
simifan I LOVE get
simifan I LOVE get virtual high five for creativity on that one! Sounds like they got the point! }:)
Oh.. I have the same issue
Oh.. I have the same issue and i dont know how to solve it either. If you get progress in this please let me know...
A couple has to have couple
A couple has to have couple time without kids. Even if the kids are joint bios from that couple. It sounds to me that your DH is a "guilty daddy". You need to give him absolute clarity that you insist on some non kid time with him occasionally that includes couple vacation time. My wife and I have been married since my SS-18 was 1yo. He has had regular visitation with his BioDad. 5Wks Summer, 1Wk Winter, 1Wk Spring.
For years my wife would veto vacations when the kid was with the SpermClan. Eventually we both came to the conclusion that we could no longer postpone our own lives to include the kid in everything we do.
So, we started taking nice weekend trips and even some longer more significant vacations when the kid was on visitation with his SpermClan. If we did something that we felt would be particularly enjoyable for the kid we would try to do it again when he was with us.
When he got older (teens) we would tell him what we were going to do and when we were going to do it and gave him the choice of going with us or going on visitation. We never would have let him refuse visitation with his SpermClan. He never missed visitation but he did call BioDad several times to tell him WHEN summer visitation would begin or end so he could go on Rags' family vacations with his mom and I.
This would piss off SpermGrandMa but that ... was not our problem or concern. The CO stipulates that they must give us 60 day notice prior to the start of their summer visitation. This allows them to pick the start date of the 5wk visitation. Eventually we quit waiting for them to pick their start date and just made our own plans. If our plans conflicted with SpermClan's plans then the kid had a decision to make. He always chose to do our thing and start his summer visitation on a day that would make him available to do our stuff.
Have fun at Club La-Vila and enjoy your time in Panama City.
deff. a guilty daddy cause
deff. a guilty daddy cause when it comes to needing punishment for acting out or doing something he good and well knows he's not suppose to do, DH says he's been thru enough and doesnt want to hurt him more by punishing him... reguardless of the situation kids still need punishment for wrong doings.
both of our jobs only allow
both of our jobs only allow time for one vacation a year, and I'm deff not spending my vacay time babysitting a whinny 6yr old... DH acts like SS doesnt get to do anything but like I said earlier his BM and her family take him to FL every summer... this will just be my 3rd trip (my first to FL other 2 were Myrtle Beach) and neither with DH, we have yet to have a vacay of any sort together.. I mentioned going on a cruise once and of course he suggests Disney and I said hey they have a place where they keep your kid while we could relax... ha he flipped out NOOOO way was he leaving his child on a cruise ship alone ANYWHERE! So the only way I get a cruise is if it's Disney and we keep the kid 24/7.. but heres the kicker, SS had a awful fit when we went to the lake this summer to go out on my dads pontoon and wouldnt get on the boat period! We drove 2hrs to where my dad lives to do this and we had to go back to the house cause SS is scared of water... ummm why did we even make the drive to begin with!? So if he wont get on a pontoon on the lake what makes DH think he will get on a F'n cruise ship on the ocean!!??
I would ask him for time
I would ask him for time alone so you two can spend some time together withut his son. My husband did the same and then I was left while husband was dealing with and playing with his boys. I felt so seperated from them. You guys actually need alone time together.
You definately need to make
You definately need to make your DH understand .Me and DH have been together 16 years and SD was 3 when we married.We started the same way although we did take a honeymoon.My DH used to call SD 2x a day EVERY DAY (plenty of excuses for the ex to fight with him and me) and had her every single day off he had.On our honeymoon he called as usual and the BM was crying becasue he was on his honeymoon. Nothing like arguing and guilt trips on your honeymoon!BTW she left him and married his best friend-so crocodile tears.Everytime we went anywhere without SD when it wasnt visitation time SD had a "medical emergency" and would ruin the day becasue DH was worried.
Anyway we never really went anywhere because of SD and now we have our own kids too.We went to every other weekend when SD was 5(that was a huge dramafest) and the phone calls slowed down too.Now DH regrets that we didnt have our couple time.
This is where you have to learn HOW to say it.I used to be all bitter and nasty and argue with DH about SD.Then I learned to be a phony and his guard went down somewhat.LOL I would say I love when SD is over.Shes so funny or cute or whatever(not) and he wasnt quite so defensive with me.Lets take SD to Chuck E Cheese this weekend or whatever.Then when I had a gripe I would say you know I have nothing against SD but do you think maybe we could etc etc?He then listened more to what I said about alone time and wasnt so defensive.We didnt vacation alone but when we had our kids he understood we needed time as a family becasue SD was and is a moajor attenetion hog and pretty pretty princess. :sick: It is a tad manipulative but if youre in it for the long haul(like me) I call it diplomacy.You catch more flies with sugar,LOL
It worked with my DH but then again he is really a sweetheart.Thats how the ex sucked him in to begin with.Dont know if youre DH can be "sweet talked "LOL Thats why the ex hates me. She knows I put an end to all that other crap.Might as well stay married to the ex if the kid and the BM are going to call all the shots and control everything. LOL
Anyway good luck.Its a long road.
Repeat after me, "Honey, I
Repeat after me, "Honey, I love your son but I'm IN love with you. I want and deserve time for a honeymoon and for us alone. This is important to me and it is important to us. Couples cannot survive if they do not make time for each other without children. This is in no way an indicator that I don't like your son. It IS an indicator that I'm in love with you and I want to spend time alone with you." Lather, rinse, repeat.
so took everyones advice and
so took everyones advice and tried to talk to DH about how I feel, well... didn't work, just got SS threw up in my face... go figure.
What happened? How did the
What happened? How did the conversation go exactly? Sorry to hear this...alone time is imperative for you two as a couple-both need to protect that FIERCLY!
you need to say something to
you need to say something to him, i don't like taking ANY of my kids on trip much because i feel guilty for not taking skids, but taking dd, even though dh is ok with it.
we'll spontaniously pack up on a friday night and head in a different direction it
I have the opposite problem,
I have the opposite problem, I want to take at least ONE "family" vacation and H will not hear of it.
I guess I would go alone
I guess I would go alone then. Have a great time and enjoy some "me" time. You may not feel like it, but you have had this trip planned for too long to have him take it over like that. Go alone, sit on the beach, sip fruity cocktails and ignore your cell phone. Lounge in your room and read, enjoy the pool and go out dancing in the evening.
If you give in on this one, you are doomed. Is he really THAT against having some alone time with his new bride? No honeymoon. Maybe this goes in the TV show blog. "The No Honeymooners". Sorry, but this is just wrong.
I'm very sad you have to feel like this!
I would tell your husband
I would tell your husband exactly how you feel. You can do something during the summer vacation with your ss, and you two deserve a vacation alone on one of the weeks or weekends you will not have the ss. That is not too difficult. I understand the no honeymoon...I'm right there. Had to postpone everything. So, tell him and if he doesn't get it tell hime again.
SS had a shi* fit cause he
SS had a shi* fit cause he has to now sleep in his own bed since I came along... By NO MEANS AT ALL will he ever be in my bed! DH can go sleep in SS's bed but SS is NOT getting in mine
Hay!!! Book your your trip
Hay!!! Book your your trip to the beach whenever BM books her trip to the beach and buy non refundable tickets WITHOUT his permission. Then, you surprise him with it as a honeymoon SURPRISE!!!
Obviously don't go to the same damn beach!!!
Be creative. He tries to include ss6 because he really loves him and he's part of him. I understand this, but I also understand you have a need to be intimate with DH. Tell DH you need both, family time and then intimate time. After a while you will learn to negotiate time for you, time for family.
Thanks for all the comments..
Thanks for all the comments.. Not had a chance to be on here lately.. I can't remember how the Convo. went but it didn't go over good, and I was being nice and walked on ice about it.. Didn't help.. he is soooooo defensive over SS.... I did book beach trip for the late summer... (on the week that SS isn't here) lol "oops sorry, thats the only time work would let me off cause other ppl have asked off for weeks around it" Not true but he doesn't know that.... So back to the blow up... I mentioned doing something just us (Jason Aldean concert to be exact).. of course he wanted SS to go, afew more things were said back and forth and it comes down to throwing SS up in my face... So the only thing I knew to say was, I would still like to have couple time before we have a kid of our own thats here 24/7 and theres no more couple time except few and far between... besides that WHO TAKES A 6yr old to a concert!? Disney on Ice yea I can see, but a music concert.. umm I dont' think so... but according to him SS would love it cause he really likes J.A.// dear lord theres no winning in this situation!!
Had the same talk and issue
Had the same talk and issue last night when talking about summer holiday. My bf wants his son to come and he doesnt think we should take one extra holiday just for two of us expense wise.
He also wants to take double room meaning all 3 of us sleeping almost next to each other in a smlal crammed room.
When I said i want couple time only, he said well you knew that i had a kid before and i have to take him on a holiday...
Im planning not to take holiday when he has the kid. They can go alone for all I care. Im not spending my hard earned free time on his kid.
Don't blame ya!!!!!
Don't blame ya!!!!!