BM...what it really stand for
I am in the medical profession and just have to mention this. It makes me feel better and I hope it does you too. In the medical charts, BM is the abbreviation for bowel movement! I deal with SS's birth mother (BM) and I can tell you that I would rather deal with a bowel movement any day. Birth mother's attitute stinks far worse that any bowel movement ever could!
LOL I'm in the medical
LOL I'm in the medical profession as well and giggle everytime I write BM in reference to my SS15's bio-mother.
It's just soooo fitting, isn't it? }:)
LOL I'm in the medical
LOL I'm in the medical profession as well and giggle everytime I write BM in reference to my SS15's bio-mother.
It's just soooo fitting, isn't it? }:)
I think that EVERY stinkin
I think that EVERY stinkin time I type BM…
I’m SO glad someone finally said something about it!!!
Maybe we could just start saying we’re having a Maalox Moment…
I'm not in the medical field,
I'm not in the medical field, but I have always found this hilarious. She really is a POS, in so many ways.
I think BM also stands for:
Bitchy Mom
Bad Mother
Big Mouth
Be careful cuz she's Mental
HAHHAHAHHAA too fun! i
HAHHAHAHHAA too fun! i thought Bad Mom at first! and then i realized it was Bio!
thanks for the laugh everyone! i especially like be careful cuz she's mental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is OUR BM!
"but remember what SM stands
"but remember what SM stands for sadomasochism so what does that make us"
No wonder things get so messy when the 2 come together!!! LOL!
Hey, now you have made me
Hey, now you have made me depressed
But you are correct. There is some great truth to both BM and SM...sadomasochist. I notice that there are some 120+ people on this site right now. How many of us kill ourselves everyday to do the best we can in a messed up situation only to take the constant abuse from the men we love and his weighty baggage? How many of us know we deserve better? Sadomasochists for sure. Shall we go on? SS obviously = son of satan. SD = satan's daughter. Anyone else?
What's brown, smelly, and
What's brown, smelly, and found on a piano bench?
Beethoven's Last Movement.
Me too!
Me too! }:)
I like biggest mistake
I like biggest mistake
BANE of MY existence- Any of
BANE of MY existence- Any of these ring a bell about BMs?! :jawdrop:
NOUN: DESTROYER (destroy [See Destruction]); cankerworm (bane) [See Bane]; assassin (killer) [See Killing]; executioner (punish) [See Scourge]; bibl..plague spot; malaria (poison) [See Bane]; death in the pot, contagion; poisonousness, toxicity. VERB: BE pea in the shoe. cancer, ulcer, sting, thorn; canker (bane) [See Bane]; scorpion (evildoer) [See Evildoer]; dagger (arms)
Thought 2nd marriage was
Thought 2nd marriage was frolic in park at first only to find out he let his "dogs" (the stepkids)crap all over me! LOL! }:) BTW- it is a lyric from Soundgardens' song "Outshined"