BM self projecting much???
BM sent another text:
"I am not going to stand for her(outsider) telling our children that I will treat them the same way that her father supposedly treated her while growing up"
Oh please BM, I've got my popcorn and blanket ready, Please tell me what MY dad did to ME growing up! I'm eager to hear this!
BM I fear is self projecting, HER dad BEAT her and her mother, and siblings while SHE was growing up...
I don't talk to my dad anymore, and I've told the kids this, but NEVER said anything about him doing ANYTHING to me...
I've gotten the book BIFF and
I've gotten the book BIFF and it talks about people having narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder,... He and I have talked about the possibility of BM having SOMETHING but really-as the book points out- there is no sense in putting effort into figuring out what(if anything) the other person has, it is best to just treat them as hostile and treat them LIKE they have it so you avoid setting anything off JUST IN CASE they do have it. Because realistically, you won't be able to "tell them to seek professional help" without further enraging them.
And honestly, telling her
And honestly, telling her would just trigger her. She has to identify that her behaviors are negatively impacting her life to the point where she is forced to seek help. Unfortunately cluster b or axis II clients are fabulous manipulators and are amazing at finding SOMEONE to feed into their drama...further validating their thinking...shit hits the fan each time they wear out their welcome someone and are found out...
I would have found it more
I would have found it more funny if I didn't know that BM WAS physically hit a lot growing up by HER dad.
But also she never says EXACTLY what my dad apparently did to me that I'm telling the kids will happen to them by BM... She just says "treat"
LOL and I just got another side of that,... so BM you won't TREAT your kids?? }:)
Cause I actually JUST told the kids yesterday that my dad took me golfing when I was younger and he taught me to golf both left handed and right handed to help me train better!---oh BM
Wow. She sounds like a
Wow. She sounds like a disturbed person. I think SO should consider asking the courts to order a mental evaluation on her or something.
And I too would like to hear about what your dad "did." You sound like a very bad person
Just ignore. Any response at
Just ignore. Any response at all will be seen as validation by her.