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Bio mum slapping my skids

hunibuniboo1001's picture

Today was a shock as me and my partner had his 2 sons in the car and one hit the other and we told him off and he said but mummy does it.... we then found out that when they are both brushing their teeth in the morning before school if they don't hurry up their mum slaps them across the face and this has been going on for weeks!
We have called the police and they are sending social services round to interview the children. Does anyone know what kind of outcome we should expect ? At the moment my partner and the ex have shared custody.

Maxwell09's picture

The outcome you can expect is a shitstorm your way from BM. Expect her to make your lives hell for imposing proper parenting enforcers upon her. You might even get a few CPS visits as well. Seriously though, why didn't your SO-their father-ask BM point blank what was going on. It's doubtful she will admit what she's done to child services, it's likely she'll pressure the kids into lieing for her and it's extremely probably she will retaliate.

Oldmom's picture

It is not against the law to smack your kids. As long as you don't cause welts or leave a mark that lasts more than 4 hours.

You may not approve of her smacking the kids but the reality is nothing will happen.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

It depends on the state. Some states have laws against any form of physical punishement. Some say what may or may not be used to administer said punishment like only a bare hand. Some say where the strike may happen such as on the bottom.

If you have a decent reason to believe a child is being abused than as a caretaker of that child you should take reasonable steps to protect them and yes CPS is reasonable.

Due to my job I am a mandated reporter. If I am told by a child they have been slapped it's not my place to decide if it was reasonable or true nor do I want to try to do that.

CPS will take the report and decide how to handle it. This may be the first step. Maybe mom just lost her temper once and she feels really bad and will never do it again. Or maybe next time she'll put the kid in the hospital for bouncing his head off the sink. There is no way of knowing and it's better safe than sorry.

Acratopotes's picture

her kids her decision.... you need to stay out of this.

BM can easily change her kids story saying but you are doing it as well, you are not even married to their father.

Best would be to stay out of it and let your partner deal with it, or not, still has nothing to do with you

hunibuniboo1001's picture

I think it does have something to do with me as they told me about it and if it's been happening for months I don't see how this is ok. Social services so far have said they can't be in her care for a while.