Bio moms phone calls
Even when we were out of town with the kids she would call constantly to speak to them during dinner and before bedtime. Should this have been addressed? It's not like she's a good mother. She barely sees her kids more than once a week so why does she even call acting like she has the big role in their lives?
How old are the kids? You can
How old are the kids? You can ignore the calls and text back saying they will call when it’s a better time.
What is the courts opinion on
What is the courts opinion on this topic? Pull order out and read it....IF it says nothing well then. there is your answer.
It is unlikely that a Judge would order
:BM may call kids during 5pm -630pm. Dad must stop cutting is food and pick up the phone. kids must stop chewing food and talk to bm.
Let it go to VM.
Have the kids call her when they are not busy with "ACTIVITIES" and playing....
BM cant change the content of the order by adding her demands.She is demanding by interfering so often. She can go back to court and modify to add REASONABLE call schedule.
IF kids are eow at your place...I would agree to call a call when kids arrive. NOT MORE unless the Judge mad his own ruling.
Visitation is designed for ncp and connect, bond, and experience the family without bm interference.
Hold your ground.
My DH spoke to his girls
My DH spoke to his girls pretty much on a daily basis.. of course if his calls were at a bad time.. that's what he was told and he talked to them later..or the next day.
No, he should not allow the
No, he should not allow the BM to interupt your lives and answering a phone call during dinner is rude. My husband use to do this. The first time he did it at a restaurant, just got up and walked outside to talk to his children. I was conflicted because I didn't want to be the jerk that came between him and his kids but that behavior is rude. I thought about what my grandmother would say about it and yep, she would think it was rude to walk out on someone to take a very non emergent phone call. So when my husband came inside, his food was there, cold and my daughter and I were packing up to leave his butt. I let him know the bus pickup wasnt far away or he could call a cab and proceeded to pack my daughter and I up. He panicked, paid for his meal real quick and ran after us as we made our way out to the restaurant. I don't have time for that rude nonsense and I am independent- I won't put up with it. He never left me sitting in a restaurant by myself again. Of course he is a slow learner and had to be taught in every situation not to rudely take a phone call. I have left him on vacation a few times. Sorry, but I am not going to stand there with my toddler while you have an hour and a half conversation with two rude children. I don't know why men are so rude and stupid with stuff like that, but they need to be properly trained. If it is something your grandmother would fuss at you for then it is rude, even if it is the precious CODs. Don't accept that behavior or it will never end and probably get worse.