Attack of the freaking in-laws
So DH's sister sent me this message:
"I'm sorry to message you. Not sure how things are going for you. But my Mom called me hysterical tonight. She was upset after your visit. Something about a telephone number. Plus she was upset last time she saw you. It seems every time she sees you something negative about DH comes up. My Mom is grieving so bad right now she only wants to think of the good things about my brother. She was also upset because DH's sons don't really have much of their Dads stuff. We were hoping that they both would have gotten one of their fathers guitars. These boys are still grieving over their Dad's death also. I am having to talk my mom out of crying all the time. It is very hard on me when I'm 1500 miles away. I know your angry with BM but these boys deserve more. Once again sorry to bother you."
Pardon the curse...but WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK???
I am a 37 year old widow. One whose husband wanted very little to do with his family, because of shit like this. I spend hours gathering shit for these two little ingrates who fucking mutilated my house, just so these people would leave me the fuck alone, while I tend to my own children who cry themselves to sleep at night, grieving the loss of their step-father, worried that we will have to move now.
Here's my response so far:
"I will make sure the guitars are returned. It was a misunderstanding. I thought the boys wanted the bass and drum set as that is what they play. I spent hours gathering everything including school portfolios I was making for them, and digging out pictures for them. We brought two full car loads over this afternoon. I'm sure I even sent some of DS's toys, but passed them on anyway to avoid this type of accusation.
Please don’t assume the worst of me under the circumstances, I am doing the best I can. In spite of my feelings for Sarah, I returned their birth certificates, social security cards and health insurance cards Sarah had sent to my house for some unknown reason. I feel like I’m being set up to be a villain in all of this. I feel attacked. I don’t need the added stress. I have enough. Your mother and I left under good circumstances from what I understood. I’m not trying to make this worse. If my interactions with her make her hysterical, perhaps it best that those stop as well. I hurt all the time. My kids hurt all the time. I’m just trying to survive."
{Hugs} I have little more to
{Hugs} I have little more to offer you. I am so sorry for your loss, for your children's loss, and for your DH's painful choice. Just as you are scrambling for meaning and relief from the pain, I'll bet that SIL is struggling to find her own peace while tangentially coping with MIL/Skids/BM's emotional stuff.
SIL sounded as if she was reporting what she has been told and asking for some type of clarity (rightly/wrongly).
Your response back was heartfelt and clear. Breathe. Cyber-hug.
Thank you. I'm gonna need
Thank you. I'm gonna need meds to help me sleep...but I can't oversleep, because I need to help the kids on the bus in the morning. Life is not my favorite friend right now.
((hugs)) sending love and
((hugs)) sending love and strength. I have very little advice as death seldom brings out the good in people. This time will pass and you will be able to close the door on the nastiness.
I am so sorry for you. I wish
I am so sorry for you. I wish these people would just leave you alone. I think your response is great. You gave her facts and were honest about your feelings. I hope you can get things wrapped up with them soon so you can begin to cut ties.
Take a little something and try and get some rest.
virtual hugs to you polly now
virtual hugs to you polly
now you will not send them the guitars, your kids should get something from their father as well, even if it's only SF, they adored him. Block the in-laws from ever contacting you, the estate is dealt with and cleared, they can go and eff themselves for all I care... they never where interested when he was alive and made his life a living hell....
why do they suddenly care, bunch of vultures.....
You block them and you simply grieve and keep the guitars, they received enough from him.
Your MIL, SIL, and SKids are
Your MIL, SIL, and SKids are encroaching on your own grieving process. I would let them know that you will address any SKid and MIL issues at a later time when you have progressed further through your own grief. I suggest that you clearly communicate that the issues that MIL is experiencing are hers to deal with and you are not currently prepared to help MIL through those issues.
If the estate is settled do not allow them to infringe on your own grieving process or the grieving process of your own children.
Take care of you.
I thought your reply was
I thought your reply was perfect and kind. Kudos to you! This is maybe of little comfort for you, but SMs are pretty much always made out to be the scapegoat for all of the family ills, and everyone just always assumes if bio-dad isn't doing much with his kids or the rest of his family, it is all mind-controlling SM's fault. Dad has no mind/thoughts of his own, of course.
And, I won't tell you to not take it personal, because when someone treats you this way, regardless, it is sad, cruel and personal. What Rags suggested above is good advice. You take care, and hugs!
FYI...there is no estate. The
FYI...there is no estate. The house was survivor protected. I had to pay $600 to get rid of his car. He had little life insurance, and left a ton of debt, so I don't know if what there is will be split between me and the boys, or just sent to those bills. He also left no will. He has two electric guitars, and yes, worth money, something he frequently used as part of his former life before me. Since me, it's been the acoustic guitars. So I can let the boys have the electric. I just don't want this to turn into a "oh good, we pushed her this far, now let's see if we can get..." On the other hand, I don't want keeping them here to give me anxiety that they will be back and incessantly harassing me for them. There's also a professional grade drone that SS14 wants, that was purchased under not ideal pretenses (DH told me after the fact, and it was like $800, assuring me he'd get his money's worth out of it by doing pictures of golf courses) and a 3D printer that SS14 would use to print knives and cut himself with. I didn't want to go into all this with MIL, so I told her I had to sell those.
There are 3 guitars (there used to be 5, but DH must have gotten rid of those):
1) Accoustic Applause, which I play, DH gave to me for teaching, and went with us on vacations, and weekend getaways, so absolutely not.
2) An electric Jackson, which mostly collected dust in the basement. (Valued around$1200)
3) An electric Diamond Schecter S-1, also collecting dust. (Valued around $350)
My other option is to just tell them they aren't here. I don't know what happened to them, I can only suspect DH got rid of them, and I didn't want to further upset MIL and speculate as to why. DH used to complain that MIL seemed to losing it, like early onset dementia. So it's difficult to keep stories clear with her. I could mention this, and tell her there are MANY things I'm keeping from MIL like my own money problems, really trying to downplay them because I understand how hard this is on her. So when I seem strong, I'm doing it for her, but I'm actually a heaving mess in real life when she's not around. And as far as BM goes, yes, I hate her, but that's not why I will not go anywhere near her. She's toxic and a malignant narcissist.
EFF MIL Polly - go and sell
EFF MIL Polly - go and sell the electric guitars, you need food to live on... tell them you do not know what happened to it..
stop being nice to make life for them easy, they are suppose to make life easy on you...
hang in there lady .. we are here for you.... and block the in-laws from contacting you, grieve in your own time and look after you and your children first.
I was in your shoes (sort of)
I was in your shoes (sort of) once upon a time... I was 36, my first DH passed away and I had to deal with the inlaws... people who didn't give a $hit about him when he was alive because it was "too painful" to deal with the reality that he was dying. I had a meddlesome brother in law who would tell me how I was "upsetting" his mother with the decisions I was making (to this day, I'm not quite sure what those "decisions" were... maybe choice of headstone color? type of casket? because nothing else changed). And my MIL cried to anyone who would listen, then started in on her campaign to petition for custody of my kids (unfounded, but she liked to throw that around).
I cut them all off... at least until my children and I could grieve and establish our "new normal." I didn't need their counterproductivity in our lives at that time. Even though MIL was fond of telling my kids (5 and 3 at the time) that they would be better off coming to live with Nana, I didn't discourage contact, but I didn't 100% encourage it either. Life was already confusing for them, they certainly didn't need this at their ages.
You and your children need your time together to, as I said, develop your new normal. Don't feel bad for parsing yourself off from everyone for a while. When people act as your IL's are acting right now, they are obviously only thinking of THEIR grief and forgetting about yours. Put yourself and your children first in all of this, without others trying to paw thru his stuff. NOTHING needs to be given to others at this time.
Take care of you and yours. It's hard, but you and your children will come out on the other side.
'New Normal' is the term
'New Normal' is the term we've been using. DS8 didn't want to go to school this morning. I told him to think of school like I do my piano lessons: a break from having to think about all of this. Yes, we have to face it, and yes we have to grieve, and yes it will take time. But we can't do that 24/7, and school is a great way to get a break from the rest of the time. He went to school.
I've actually been encouraging MIL to move back to 1500 miles away with SIL. BM will do nothing but upset her, and leech off her in any way that she can. I know she loves her grandkids, and needs to be there for them, but the whole family is a bunch of drama queens, and best to just separate. But ultimately, that's on them, and not mine to say. I knew that I would have to cut ties from DH's family sooner or later. We have no children together, so there is no reason to stay, especially with this amount of drama coming in my life.
Not to mention, I have 4 living grandparents...which means, I've got 4 more close people in my life knocking at death's door, my grandmother currently in ICU, wondering if she's going to make it out, or die of renal failure. I seriously do not need this added shit.
passing you a strong hot
passing you a strong hot coffee..... and telling you.. there's a light at the end of the tunnel, just hang in there hon
I am so very sorry for your
I am so very sorry for your loss. Bless you!
I believe the biggest mistake people make is rushing into the entire scene "after death and grieving".
After my teen sons were killed in a car accident, my DH and other family members pushed me to get rid of their things. I was so deep into grief, I did things that I later regretted; not actions that could not be lived with, but actions that kept me from grieving and making better decisions.
When my brother-in-law passed at a young age (one year after my sons). his wife did something I learned well from. My SIL shut down the entire family, immediately, including their two bio daughters. SIL told everyone to back off and she would handle it all. She did an excellent job of not rushing and going through it all at her own speed and at the same time gave herself time to grieve. Once everyone knew they were off limits, they actually helped her by leaving her alone and calling to check on her now and then.
Grief effects everyone differently and the vultures are at your door immediately. From this day forward, I would listen to your own instincts and do what you feel comfortable with. You are going through a normal process of grieving and hopefully you don't look back and regret what you have given away.
Taking care of your children and helping them go through a healthy grieving process is where your priorities lie. If you slow down and put EVERYONE out of the picture, except yourself and your children, it will take its course and time will help you. You will never be the same, but you will open new doors and you certainly don't need extra stress. DO NOT worry about anyone and their grief, you can't fix it all.
You are the only one that can control your stress. Stay here with us and take it a day at a time. Good Luck.
I think it was good too.
I think it was good too.
Unfortunately, the sister probably is hearing earfuls of crud from the other side. I don't think she meant it in a mean way per se, but she may have thought those things were true.
I'm sure the MIL is grieving hard for her son and probably speaking with anyone about him would set her off. It's unfair to lay that at poly's feet.
If your DH incurred any debt
If your DH incurred any debt to buy guitars, drones etc. then you have every right to sell off that stuff to repay the debt. Or to feed yourselves. Just because he was planning to derive some income from it later, the situation has changed and those skids are out of luck. This is soo obviously a money grab by BM & co. You have possession, do not give things away easily.
I think the idea of just ignoring their communications for now is good. Too bad the SIL didn't tell Grandma to put a cork in it. Sounds like she's only interested in helping the money grabbers. People in grief act like idiots sometimes. Better to go,quiet and not get into it with them.
You could just say, look I'm putting a moratorium on all assets for the next year until I sort out the debts that DH left behind. If y'all would like to help repay that first, then we can talk about any leftovers next year. Getting Dad's guitar is not going to make their grieving any easier.
And for you, Poly, get lots of rest and take care of your kids.
wow. sorry poly. please
wow. sorry poly. please just block them all. there is no need to ever be in contact again if you feel you've dealt justly with regards to dh's things.
each day is a new day. i love response to your ds.
She's not sure how things are
She's not sure how things are going for you? Really?
I agree with SMforever, either ignore or let the jerks know that you are still sorting through things, debt included, and YOU will contact THEM if you have anything else to give them.
Oh Poly (HUGS)
Oh Poly (HUGS)
Poly, if he had debt, you
Poly, if he had debt, you need to sell his items of value and pay the debt. Look into the laws in your state for someone dyinng without a will. Regardless, what is split is AFTER debts are paid.
I agree with hiring an attorney to help you settle things and keep the vultures away. Do not give the guitars away right now- you need the money, so sell them.
You were more than generous to his kids- just tell his family to leave you alone.
hugs to you.
So sorry you're going through
So sorry you're going through this! And so sorry your inlaws are so selfish and in to themselves. Seems very cruel to me. Please continue to be strong!
Toxic adult aholes SHOULD
I'm so sorry for what you are going thru - but just eliminate ALL contact with these cretins. Forget that they even exist.
This is the part you should
This is the part you should have sent:
Pardon the curse...but WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK???
I am a 37 year old widow. One whose husband wanted very little to do with his family, because of shit like this. I spend hours gathering shit for these two little ingrates who fucking mutilated my house, just so these people would leave me the fuck alone, while I tend to my own children who cry themselves to sleep at night, grieving the loss of their step-father, worried that we will have to move now.
You are being too nice because you know they are grieving. F*8k that. They need to stop with their demands and drama. The one thing I hate more than anything is when people try to remake a past with a lost loved one and the whole guitar stuff is crap. The whole my mom is sad because if you is crap. Tell them to message each other with their bs and leave you and your kids alone. Tell them there is nothing left to give because they won't stop until your sons and you have absolutely nothing left of their father/your DH.
Thank you. I let a neighbor
Thank you. I let a neighbor read some of the messages SS14 was sending DH. She told me under no circumstances would she advise I contact this family again. If there are things they feel entitled to, whatever, but I have nothing but bend over backwards for these children, and this family for the duration of my relationship with them, and now it is time to stop. Let this burden be on them. It's no longer mine.
Then I had a realization: I owe nothing to this family. They have brought more grief than happiness to my life overall, DH being the only exception. So worrying about them amidst dealing with my own grief, and my own life is something I will no longer do.
Just stop. Breathe. Take
Just stop. Breathe. Take this time for yourself and your children...bring in some outside counsel if necessary. you have a right to grieve. For as long as you need. Time to put up some protective boundaries right now. Remember Your grief is your own.
They can wait. You do not have to respond to all that unnecessary pressure right now. it is very insensitive and disrespectful at best to be demanding anything at this time from you. Just simply choose to put it on the back burner and do not deal with it at all right now.
Perhaps if you had a close friend who could act as a communication buffer to intervene and tell them you are not accepting any outside communication right now as you need this time to be with your children. They need to respect that. That is just where you are right now, and it's ok. Pick a strong friend that can help protect your personal space right now.
You be kind to yourself and take as much time as you need to...Your grief is your own. I am so sorry to hear about your loss...peace.
Taking your advice. I did
Taking your advice. I did tell my SIL they can have the guitars, but I'm not lifting a finger to make it happen right now. I have plenty of other things, that I need to deal with, and that I should deal with beyond this.