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Another Doctor visit?! really?

MdMom's picture

It seems that everytime BM gets SD3 back there is something wrong with her... Two weeks ago it was a rash, the prescription cost FDH and I 104$, not counting the doctor visit... Last week it was because SD3 wouldn't stop throwing tantrums (really she took her to the Doctor for that?) This week its a cough. SD was fine when she left our home, yes she had the sniffles, but its been unusually cold out side (35 and under).

FDH doesn't pay CS, we have 50/50 custody, but he is required to pay for any medical expenses... It seems that BM, other than being a hippocodriac (excuse my spelling) is just trying to get all the money she can from FDH. I just think she is being ridiculous... Does she not understand that doctor offices are one of the most unsanitary places? People go there when their sick, so of course SD is gonna have a higher chance of catching something when she goes to the doctor at least once a week....

I just think its ridiculous!!

CommittedMomma's picture

Do yiu see a copy if the bill before paying it? If so, BM isnt getting any extra money. The doctor is! Is this a new pattern?

MdMom's picture

We have never seen a copy of the bills, FDH just takes her by her work... Which I think is horse shit. And its not a new pattern, the closer the holidays get the more 'doctor visits' SD goes to. I know for a fact that shes going when we have to pick up prescriptions, but not every time she goes to the doctor does she get a prescription.

Journey1982's picture

Before paying any bill, you should have get a copy of the explanation of benefits from BM that the insurance company sends showing how much you are responsible to pay. Also, he should receive a copy of the bill along with a copy of the prescription receipt. I wouldn't pay anything without a copy of these documents.

MdMom's picture

I will be calling the doctor after the holiday to get bills (or copies) sent to our home. If SD had something truly wrong withher we would take her, but it was just a cough she got fromthe weather being cold, my DD had the same cough.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she was bad mouthing FDH up and down the office. That is one of the main reasons he doesn't allow BM to take SD to birthday parties and things on his time anymore. BM made it seem like she had SD all the time, and FDH did nothing with SD. We heard from mutual friends, the last time he let her take SD for a few hours over the summer, that BM told them that FDH was going to give up his rights as SD's dad so that BM's BF could adopt SD once they got married... I laughed so hard!! FDH didn't think it was so funny... So now he has chosen to parallel parent and not allow BM to have ANY of his time, but she loves to give us extra time.I say we have 50/50 custody because thats what the CO says... When in reality we have 70/20 most weeks. (All extra time we get is documented, of course.)

It is possible for us to modify this, but BM hasn't had a job since their devorice two years ago. Well she had one once, but got fired within two weeks for not showing up to work.

I understand that little ones are more susceptible to illness, I have two other daughters younger than SD. So if I though that ANYTHING was serious enough for SD to pass to one of my DDs, or vice versa, I would be on the phone with the Dr in seconds.

And in MHO I think the Dr BM takes SD to is a quack... He wanted to prescribe SD some kind of sedative for her tantrums... Really guy, she's 3 tantrums are normal... Some people.

oneoffour's picture

The one advantage of having SD with you more is you have more influence over her than her mother.

Definitely get a copy of all Drs bills. Because who knows... "the insurance company may have made a mistake and we are being charged more than we should." }:)
lso your out of pocket can apply towards your tax returns.

AmIWicked's picture

We have almost an identical situation. Here is what we are doing:

-Every doctors visit has my husband calling the doctor asking for a print out of exactly what when on and the doctor's recommendations.
-Every time the doctor says in the transcript. "there is no diagnosis" "no underlying condition" "I prescribed blank as a precaution" "no rx is needed" or in one case the doctor actually said "I believe the mother is overreacting to a routine cold which I advised over the counter medication" Those are highlighted.

-Now that my husband and his ex are going to court for parenting schedule modification and his ex is bringing up other crap to just cause a fuss, my husband's lawyer recommended that we present these documents as a counter. (Not for mud slinging, BUT for a negotiation tool)

As an example:
"If you want ABC, then I want you to take over all medical costs."

Doesn't have to be related to be a bargaining tool. And with evidence, if she refuses, the judge will have reason to side with you.

MdMom's picture

When FDH first started his divorce he was paying 1000+ in CS, his lawyer did some digging and found out that BM was gettingState aassistance 500$ in cash and 300$ in food stamps. And she was covered on the state medical (she got pregnant 3 mo after they split). So his lawyer had her sign an agreement that FDH would only pay for SD's medical costs, and BM can't try to get CS for the next 8 years... She really screwed herself though, because she was reported for not telling the state a whole bunch of facts (like FDH has SD 50%+ time with SD) so they took her off state assistance and now she has to pay them back.

Karma's truly a bitch. Lol

ocs's picture


OUR BM tries the same nonsense and once DH stood up to her, miraculously it stopped...

Another twist was, she lied about having breast cancer and because of the added appointments, had to leave SD for extra hours at daycare.
When DH showed up at daycare one day to surprise SD, the daycare provider shared that she hadn't seen SD in months and that BM had pulled her out citing he would no longer help her pay. DH paid the FULL freakin' amount.

BM figured DH would pay out of guilt and YEP, he did. NOW? she pays first and he reimburses... maybe...