Annoyed with BM
So I don't know if its me being selfish or maybe it's normal to feel this way. But BM won't seem to leave DH family. A few weeks ago sd went on vacation with DH mom. Now BM won't drive sd 20 to OR from DH EVER. But she drove 2 hrs to go to the beach house and hung out with DH family!! Wtf THEN yesterday we were suppose to have sd for the usual Wednesday visit. He went to go pick her up and she was out at the beach with his mom his ex and his dd sister. This bugs me to no end. They were together for 8 years. Ok so that was a good amount of time but it makes DH mad and uncomfortable and it makes me feel like crap. My MIL never calls me to go do anything and tho I realize it goes both ways and I could take the initiative and call but I've been feeling like she dislikes me or there's something idk but is feel awkward because she's always doing something with DH ex and always talking on the phone. Which brings other frustrations. DH and I are having a baby. She is actually due today! but its not happening lol she seems very comfy in there and just not ready. ANYWAYS I don't want MIL telling BM what's going on with MY baby and pregnancy and such. Drives me insane. Because we also know that sd is trying to get info for BM cause she has asked some random questions that we feel a 7 year old could care less about let alone be interested in asking. Such as what month did we buy the house? Or wanting to know how old I am because they know there is an age difference between DH and I. Ok I'm don't venting just so annoyed! Oh and today makes 8 years that DH dad has past away. And BM still refers to him as her FIL even if he was still alive she's been out of the picture for years now. An I really being selfish feeling this way??
Definitely sounds like SD has
Definitely sounds like SD has been put up to some snooping but I think asking your age is probably valid and coming from her. Kids get interested in how old people are. It's a phase I think they all go through. Hell, I loved when I got asked because if it got mentioned to BM it would just confirm that I'm younger than her. Which I know drives her nuts. }:)
LOL --- I love it! BM is
LOL --- I love it!
BM is turning 43 this Nov and I am turning 30 2 days before her
b-day! }:) I love being the UPGRADE! Not just in age, but in EVERYTHING!
And I have no doubt that when/if BM finds out how old DH's new wife is that will burn her ass like a bad rash!
My situation is very similar.
My situation is very similar. My DH was talking about his dead great grandmotherto the skids once and BM said you mean our grandma johnson, She's my grandma too. For the love of god lady she is not your grandma and the woman has been dead for 13 freaking years. BM is besties with my rat faced sil everyones FB buddy and much like clymadia or a bad case of nail fungus will not go away even after 8 years.
Could have wrote this post
Could have wrote this post myself!thats crazy!my MIL too won't even txt me but is up BMs ass no end and all in each others business that is way past 'in the best interest of the skids'.DH feels awful about this as it makes him very upset that his mum does this to him let alone me however won't confront her on it.personally I have compltly given up on MIL as she is disrespecting my DH,me and our marraige.DH wasn't even in a relationship with BM which is an even bigger kick in the teeth however I not speaking and trying to be some1s DIL when they think they have 1 already.
Like another poster said,distance yourself from them and every1s adults and know wot is right and wrong.just coz you are SM doesn't mean you are below BM.
Some MIL make me sick! I've had so many arguments with DH over this that it really does affect our marraige and I'm half way to leave him as it is,but I know how u feel and it sucks and makes u feel like ur not good enuf for them but u know wot,they aren't good enuf to b ur family as u shd only have positive ppl in ur life!x
Well BM asked at the
Well BM asked at the beginning how old I was. I'm gonna be 25 and DH is 42. She has a major issue with it lol. And as for my mil whenever we are around her she is totally fine and we talk and its all normal but then I find myself being quieter then normal because all I have in mind is that she still does stuff with BM. So yes I feel awkward. DH has said something to his mom about how it bothers her and she says "what am I suppose to do it my granddaughters mother"
Nothing wrong with being 43,
Nothing wrong with being 43, be careful with the age comments on this site. 29 isn't always an upgrade.
Yes, not all of us are in our
Yes, not all of us are in our twenties and thirties.
I have to agree, even though
I have to agree, even though I'm 27, I've seen 40 year olds that are hotter than me. To quote Aaliyah, age aint nothing but a number.
I know there is nothing wrong
I know there is nothing wrong with being 43, I was saying that as a response to another poster....and in MY case, I AM an upgrade, not just for age but in EVERYTHING as I stated in my comment. I wasn't speaking in general I was speaking specifically to MY situation.
But thanks for the heads up...hope I clarified myself enough for everyone...
I understand your pain My
I understand your pain
My h's sister not only likes to bring up bm to h's dd's in front of me but gets together with bm, they have vacationed together. H's sister will not only go over to bm's for Xmas dinner but even drag fil with her.
Of course between h's sister and his dd's I hear all about these things. The worst is when we all get together for events such as sgs's birthday, weddings, etc.. then h's sister will carry on about this and that her and bm used to do, or this and this they are planning to do, etc.. etc.. I see right through h's sister's behavior and love to trip her up by either simply involving myself in a conversation with someone else (she realizes her game isn't working because I'm not even paying attention to the conversation) or I will engage bm in conversation - now that is the best! Bm and I get along fine and bm is more than willing to have a friendly complimentary discussion with me....right there in front of h's sister
I know h's sister gets uptight because she wants bm and I to dislike each other and can't fathom that we are friendly. H's sister is the one that ends up looking uncomfortable because bm seems to enjoy talking with me...and has even on occasion indicated she had no idea what h's sister is talking about when she's mentioned some of the 'wonderful' things they had supposedly done together!
Before you go off and start
Before you go off and start with with the age thing. I NEVER said I'm better because I'm younger I simply stated that she had and issue with it. And just because I said I'm 25 who are you to judge how I may be as a person or where you THINK my maturity level may be. You don't know me. I'm not your typical 25 year old.