Am I the cause of the problem...???
Hi everyone...this is my first post on the board, but I'm really glad to be on here and finally connecting with other people in similar situations. Any advice or suggestions would be hugely appreciated!!
I'm a mom to a really amazing 15 year old boy who I had when I was a senior in high school. I'm 34 now and was in a relationship with my son's father/ex husband for a total of 16 years (married for 12). He was 100% who I wanted to be with for the rest of my life and I was head over heels in love with him from day one. We oddly enough never really had that great of a relationship, but it worked for us and at the end of the day we both loved each other very much. Long story short, I found out he had been cheating on me for 10 of the 12 years we were married and then developed an alcohol and prescription drug addiction. I tried as hard as I could for as long as I could, but he was spirialing out of control fast and it was no longer safe for DS and I to stay so I made an extremely difficult decision and left. We moved back in with my parents and have been here for the past two years until my divorce was finalized which just happened in June and now I'm waiting to receive the settlement so we can move into our own home. I have always been a stay at home mom which is great and I feel very fortunate to have been able to afford that, but also see now how important it is to have a degree/career to fall back on if needed.
Going back a little bit, a few months after my ex husband and I separated I started a relationship with someone else and he and I have been attached at the hip since. We have such an amazing time together, he's extremely patient and kind and treats me better every single day which I didn't even think was possible. Thing is that he has three kids (DS 12, DS 9 and DD 7) and is still legally married to an absolutely bitter resentful and miserable woman. I don't and never have liked kids. I love my own son more than anything in the entire world, but that's different because he's mine and he and I have always been a team. I have zero connection with these kids and I honestly don't really want to develop one. It's of no fault of the kids, but they're all developmentally behind, badly behaved and leave huge messes everywhere. The oldest boy leaves food and chewed gum all over the place and is completely addicted to electronics. The middle boy is sweet, but loves to stir the pot and the girl is just whiny and pitches fits until she gets what she wants. To my SO's credit, he doesn't put up with or tolerate any of that and it doesn't fly in his presence, BUT they're with their mom 90% of the time and she allows them to get away with the behavior and doesn't work with them on developmental skills even though she's dual certified in regular education as well as special education. She's lazy and refuses to work professionally or as a parent so that makes it like you're starting back at square one every other weekend when SO gets them.
If he's scheduled to get the kids for the weekend I'm a total jackass all week and deliberately pick fights so I won't feel obligated to be around when he has them. It's really starting to put a strain on our relationship and I do love him and would like to be with him, but I also realize his kids are a part of his life and I need to be accepting of them also if this is going to work. He and his soon to be ex wife also don't speak at all. He absolutely despises her and wants no part of her so while it's nice in some ways, it also makes things more difficult at times. Admittedly because of being cheated on for over a decade my self confidence and willingness to trust other people is lacking significantly. I realize I'm stubborn and difficult and don't necessarily handle not getting my way as well as I should for being a 34 year old mother; however, I feel like I've settled for so long that I don't want to be in a relationship again that's going to be an uphill battle all the time. I understand all relationships take work, but my dislike for my SO's kids is just so strong that I feel like it's doomed to fail.
Last thing that I think is pretty relevant here is that after we first got together I found out I was pregnant. My ex husband had a vasectomy so I wasn't use to having to worry about birth control and SO's soon to be ex had an IUD put in after she deliberately got pregnant with DD behind his back after saying she was on BC, but wasn't taking it. Urgh... He really didn't want the third child and actually pushed for her to be aborted as awful as that sounds. He knew their relationship was bad and wasn't really ever good even from the beginning so more kids wasn't on his radar. She on the other hand has always used the kids as a means to not work. That's a separate issue though. Anyway, because we had been together for such a short time and weren't even public with our relationship, I decided to abort the baby which as hard as it was to do was definitely the right decision for the time. As much as I don't like kids and never wanted to have more of them I think I was so head over heels for this person and felt so great finally feeling like I was the center of someone's world, I got the ingenious idea that maybe I wanted a child with SO. Thinking about it now I realize it was more that because of my insecurities I just desperately wanted a connection with him through a baby since he had that with someone else. Stupid I know and I firmly believe babies should not be born with jobs or as a means to create some forever attachment for personal gain.
That being said, he decided he wanted a baby with me because of how strongly he felt about me so while we weren't trying to get pregnant we weren't really doing much to prevent it either. I ended up getting pregnant again in July 2017, but miscarried in September and we both took that really hard. I got pregnant again in October but again miscarried in December right before Christmas. That was pretty much devastating and put a huge dent in everything. I've now decided kids aren't meant to be for me and I'm good with that. I'm not at a point in my life where I want to be responsible for little tiny people again so I believe all this happened for a reason. It still doesn't make it any easier though and now when I see his kids I see these three little people he created with someone else and I think about the three little babies we created and how none of them ever made it into our world. It seriously breaks my heart.
SO spends a ton of time with my DS because I have my DS 100% of the time due to my ex's addiction issues. SO is beyond wonderful with him which is great, but also makes me feel even more like an ass because of how I am with his kids when we hardly ever even see them. The whole thing just sucks. We're at the point where I feel like I'm just not willing to give at all and he's been giving so much he doesn't feel like he can give anymore without cutting his kids totally out of his life. If his kids were even older maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but they're just so young still... I don't know what to do. I love him and he's honestly perfect in every way except the fact that he has the kids. Do I cut my losses and stop the constant drama for everyone and walk away or do I suck it up and work harder to be more accepting? His kids aren't ever disrespectful to me and he would never allow them to be that way. I really feel like I'm just pissed he has three kids with someone else especially when he says he knew marrying her that it was wrong and never truly loved her, but felt like he was getting to the age where he needed to get married if he was going to have kids and always wanted to have two. Because I don't like kids I guess I take having them and having them with the right person a little more seriously, but who am I to judge? I didn't exactly get it right either...
Help!! I'm driving myself (and everyone else) totally nuts :-( Hopefully all this made sense...I know I threw a lot out there, lol
You may not be the cause of
You may not be the cause of the problem, but you certainly aren't making it any better.
My ex was someone who picked fights to avoid dealing with issues. It made life miserable. When he felt bad about his own jerky behaviour (not often enough) he'd pick more fights to push those feelings away. I couldn't be with someone like that again.
Do you think you maybe carry a lot of resentment about things that aren't other people's fault? His kids are alive and it's not their fault they're alive. You simply don't like other children, that's also not his kids' fault. BM apparently doesn't work outside the home which seems to cause you resentment, but neither do you and you have one high school aged, well-behaved child (apparently) and the support of your parents.
Maybe you simply have too much time on your hands. You need to go back to school or get a job or both. You know you need to because your own child is about to age out and there won't be any child support and if your ex has addiction problems I certainly wouldn't count on any maintenance. You are still incredibly young.
And if you can't stand his children, maybe just don't be around them. You guys aren't married and don't live together. It would be incredibly unfair of you to ask him to see his children even less. It sounds like it's only every other weekend. Just be aware that at any time that situation may change and he may have them for much more time or even 100%.
I don't have much advice- but
I don't have much advice- but I know how you feel; I was mad at my man for having a kid with his ex too.
Not reasonable I know- I ended having to leave because I was getting more crazy- some people just aren't made for a step family environment ( I'm definitely not)
Have to Remember
There are many ways you can get SK, 24/7/365 or full time. Then what are you going to do,? BM can died, get hurt and can’t care for kids, go to jail, just leave or leave with new BF. Can’t handle kids, move far away and DH fights to have kids full time and it goes on on on just read the boards
Move on. He’s not the man for
Move on. He’s not the man for you. Don’t feel bad or guilty. It just didn’t work out
I don't think you are wrong
I don't think you are wrong for wanting what you want.. but with his baggage, this man isn't the right one for you and it's unfair to continue to punish him for having kids with that woman. It's very soon to be back in a relationship.
My advice.. learn to love yourself enough to hold out for what you want.. get out and become independent... work on yourself.. get a job and develop your career. finish raising your son. Maybe you will meet Mr. Right.. or maybe you will develop a close set of friends to socialize with or a new hobby. But it's clear that this man isn't the right match.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your responses.
My son is definitely not an angel so it's not that I'm saying he's so much better behaved, but his issues are anxiety based due to the divorce. He has a hard time going to school even though he does very well academically and athletically. Last year was less than easy with all of that and my ex husband was a really huge pain in the butt for a good while which made DS confused about how to feel over me having a new person in my life. SO has been extremely extremely patient, tolerant and understanding. I would have bailed on him a long time ago.
I almost wonder if my problem isn't so much with the kids, but rather that I see it as a pretty big character flaw that SO would take marriage and having children so casually. To me both of those things are lifetime commitments and should be done with someone you love and intend to love and be with for the rest of your life. I also realize life isn't a fairytale and people make the wrong decisions and shouldn't have to pay for them or be constantly reminded of them every day for the rest of their lives. He wishes already that he didn't ever marry her. He wishes he hadn't had the kids with her. He wishes he had gone off auto-pilot and left many many years ago, but he didn't. Hell...why did I stay with my husband for as long as I did? I knew he was messing around and I still stayed and was head over heels in love with the man.
I also want to make it very clear that I really could not care less whether SO's soon to be ex has a job or not. I always kept myself really busy around the house cooking, baking, cleaning, doing yard work, volunteering at the school, working out, etc. My problem with her is that she does nothing and that in turn makes the kids lazy, misbehaved and developmentally behind. She won't even sign them up for sports or after school activities because she says it's too much work and too time consuming. If she doesn't want to work then don't work outside the home, but do something to help your kids become better and set a good example for them. She acts like a total idiot. SO makes a very good living for himself and my ex husband also still by the grace of something powerful has his job which is an excellent government position so I'm not hurting financially either. I'm just waiting for my settlement to be released to me, but I do plan to attend an online university to obtain a degree so I have it to fall back on.
It's just hard. All of this is really hard. I'm so stubborn and think I've become that way almost to try and protect myself over the years, but it's not paying off anymore and I've become rigid and unwilling to budge on things that shouldn't be a big deal. Are kids who aren't infants, like me, enjoy my company, aren't rude and disrespectful really *that* horrible that I can't possibly bring myself to be able to tolerate them for not even 48 hours every other weekend? I go back and forth, but am starting to think what was said about some people just not being able to handle stepkids and being a step parent is true. Maybe it's not for me ever or maybe it's not for me right now.
I mean is it really possible and believable that people have kids together but don't have a strong emotional bond??? I question SO's backstory with this woman even though his family and friends all say the emotional connection was very clearly never there. It makes no sense to me and when things don't make sense I tend to not believe them... I'm a mess, lol...urgh!!