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ahhh, i feel so liberated

leftfield's picture

I told bf that we are better off not getting back together. That I love his kids, but I didn't realize BM was also part of the package. He told me she is a great person and I should give her a chance. I then reminded him that a great person doesn't cheat on their husband. A great person spends time with their kids. A great person doesn't take their kids for a roller coaster ride with their on/off again boyfriend, etc.

He rebutted by telling me she doesn't spend time with her kids because she is trying to better herself for them by attending Grad school. That's great, but she's been in Grad school for 3 years and has another 1-2 years left. And she didn't *have* to go back to school. She was doing well with her undergrad degree in nursing.

He began defending her again and I told him he can have her. But I reminded him that she recently threw a hissy to HIM about the possibility of her boyfriend cheating on her. She thinks he was cheating because *someone* stole some medications from her glove compartment when he had her car. And she suspects it was a girlfriend of his. My boyfriend was pointing the finger at her SO, calling him a BUM and town slut..... when I sarcastically said, "you know, it was probably some sort of psych medication that was stolen". He said he *thinks* it was pain meds for her back pain and migraines.

Ahhh, can't win.

I bought his kids 120.00 worth of Xmas gifts that I'm bringing back today. I'm going to use the refund money for a better Xmas gift for my parents.

Auteur's picture


Seriously, I don't know whats wrong with these guys who think the BM is "sooooooooo wonderfuuuulllll" even though they've been crapped on six ways to sunday by said BM.

GG (biodad I live with) still holds the Behemoth (BM) and her family in HIGH ESTEEM more so than his OWN family!!! In fact he has a SPECIAL disdain for those of his family who LIKE me! He seems to FAVOUR his family members who still are chummy with the Behemoth!!


There's nothing worse than living your life with a BM apologist!!! Take it from me and many others on this forum!!

Now, dear, vow to NEVER EVER date a man with children EVER again!!!

hippiegirl's picture

I will never understand how these men can defend the very woman that ruined them! It blows my mind. WTF? I once asked my DH "well then why in the f*&k did you divorce her if she's so f#*king wonderful?" Idiot!

HadEnoughx5's picture

One thing I've learned in my relationship with DH is that I am never ever right. Your smart to have figured it out before you tied the knott. I agree, return the gifts and put it towards people who love and appreciate you!

StepOnMe101's picture

Yeah I would stay out of that MESS!! He is constantly defending the BM...WHY? And WHY is BM sharing personal info about her boyfriend possibly cheating? No boundaries there.