I think the time has come....
For me to have a woman to woman talk with BM. BF seems to be doing everything he can and she isn't appearing to get the message to go away and leave us alone unless it is directly related to the kids. He has asked her to not call unless it's an emergency. He told her she can email him. She did well for a couple of weeks, but now she is creeping the calls back in...BUT doing things like calling from SS13's phone because she knows he will answer that. He DID ask her to call one day last week to get a report from SS13's Dr. visit. But she used that opportunity to try to keep him on the phone about anything and everything else BEFORE she would ever get to the information about the Dr. visit. Then she called again later that evening. He ignored it. Now, I've found out that she is sending him all kinds of messages on face book??????? He has repeatedly told this woman that he doesn't want to be "friends" with her. The part I really don't understand is that she HAS a live-in boyfriend...the guy she LEFT BF for that she was having an affair with for two years!!!! I almost asked him the other night (we were all at SS10 baseball game) if it bothered him that she calls and emails and messages her EH so much? I wonder if he even knows? Of course, obviously his scruples aren't the best since he was having an affair with a married woman, BUT to his credit she DID lie to him at first and told him she wasn't married. AND she also didn't tell him she had any children until well over a year after she was "seeing" him, but I digress. Yep, I think it's time for a little talk with her face-to-face so that she can see (as a dear friend of mine so eloquently put it) that if she does not understand what I am saying to her and stop what she is doing that I will kick her @$$!
Ahhh, did I mention how much I like this site for venting?
Wow, good luck with that.
My guess is that she will not be...ahem..."receptive" to your message. It's pretty likely that she will tell you, in so many words, that she does not give a flying f*** what you think.
Sigh. BMs -- at least the aggravating ones -- aren't particularly logical or mature people. Their motives defy logic and can't be explained by anything except the desire to control a situation that is manifestly NO LONGER theirs to control.
But hey, by all means, go for it -- and then make SURE to blog here and tell us how it went!
I'm in the mood to read about a good old-fashioned a**-kicking!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)