What do the abbreviations mean?
Here are just a few (for now):
sm = stepmother
sd = stepdad
bm = biological mother
bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
sd = step daughter
ss = step son
bs = biological son
bd = biological daughter
dw = darling wife
dh = darling husband
dd = darling daughter
ds = darling son
poa = power of attorney
cs = child support
mil = mother-in-law
fil = father-in-law
pas = Parental Alienation Syndrome
What do the abbreviations
What do the abbreviations mean?
Here are just a few (for now):
sm = stepmother
sd = stepdad
bm = biological mother
bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
sd = step daughter
ss = step son
bs = biological son
bd = biological daughter
dw = darling wife
dh = darling husband
dd = darling daughter
ds = darling son
poa = power of attorney
cs = child support
mil = mother-in-law
fil = father-in-law
pas = Parental Alienation Syndrome
Your fantastic! I was making
Your fantastic! I was making educated guesses
I thought DH was divorced
I thought DH was divorced husband