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3 weeks and NO FIGHTING!!!

VENUS452's picture

DH, SS, and BM all went to a therapy session three weeks ago to try and figure out why SS has been so horrible and hateful to BM. They figured out (I already knew this) that is was BM's parenting (or lack there of) that was causing the disrespect and tantrums.

DH and BM talked a lot of things out and I think "possibly" she might have realized that DH isn't this terrible being that she tries to make him out to be.

Since their therapy session, there has been NO FIGHTING (knock on wood) between DH and BM. I swear it has been the most calm three weeks of my life. I wish they could be this cordial always.

However I do fear that if/when they explode again, it's going to be EPIC!!!

Here's to hoping it will last!

texanTD12's picture

Out of curiosity, how do you fit in the picture? Meaning, does BM fight with you? Or attack you during those fights? Or is it more so about DH? Also, how did going to counseling come about? Congrats on the no fighting!! I hope it stays that way:)

VENUS452's picture

No, BM and I do not fight and I do a damn good job making sure I stay out of it. I never involve myself in decisions, etc. (of course I share my thoughts with DH, but he's very good at making sure he doesn't share my opinions, he just claims them as his own). For the most part, BM likes me. She even told DH that she was happy I was in SS's life, because she never has to worry about him being taken care of.

To be honest, the two of them have VERY POOR communication and that's why they fight. And they are both very stubborn so neither of them are willing to admit they were wrong.

SS was being very aggressive toward BM, spitting, hitting, biting her, telling her he wants her to die, etc. And at our house, he's a total angel. BM wanted him to go to anger counseling, and I suggested the first session the three go together. While I want SS's issues to be addressed, I had a feeling DH and BM's poor communication and constant fighting wasn't helping.

Some people told me I was crazy for having them go together, but I'm glad they did. They have a long road a head of them and they need to figure this co-parenting thing out before SS suffers for it.

texanTD12's picture

Well more power to you!! I am glad to hear that. BM HATES me, and it only derives from jealousy. I don't talk to her but anytime that my SO has an idea or opinion, she attacks it because she knows that it is something we discussed together. It's horrible. I wish they would go to counseling, the kids need it too. She refuses to even co-parent with him or discuss the children's well being. Says when they are with him, it is his business and has nothing to do with her, and vice versa. Good job at the way you have handled it! I hope it continues to work for you!!