12 year old SS and his nasty boogers!!!!!!
I am at the end of my rope with my oldest SS. His disgusting habits make it hard for me to even look at him. But the booger picking is the WORST. He has always had the horrible disgusting habit of picking his nose and eating his boogers. And he does it all the freaking time. In the car, in restaurants, at other peoples' houses... he doesn't care. DH and I yell at him constantly, take away electronics, ground him, etc. Well this past weekend I went in his room to get the sheets off his bed to wash them and there are boogers and snot streaks all over his pillowcase, sheets and comforter. I'm disgusted obviously and have him pull his bedding off himself and put it in the washing machine. So he left for his mom's house that same day and when I went back in to put the clean bedding back on his bed I noticed that there were dried boogers ALLLLL over the wall next to his bed. It looks like he just lays in his bed at night and picks his nose for hours. I literally almost puked scraping boogers off the wall for a good hour. I told DH about it and as soon as SS got back to our house yesterday he yelled at him again, told him that he is disgusting and that is totally unacceptable and he took away his phone, TV, video games, etc. I can't help but be aggravated at this kid to the point where I can't even be nice to him anymore. He just says "ok" when he gets punished and then acts as if nothing happened. I know I'm the adult here and I shouldn't hold a grudge against a kid but I'm really struggling with this one. I told DH I don't even want the kid in my car or sitting on my furniture because he's gross!!!! Of course that made DH mad... he doesn't quite understand why I'm so mad at this kid... Ugh!!!!
I don't understand: why did
I don't understand: why did you clean it?
I honestly don't know. I was
I honestly don't know. I was in such a rage that I just started scrubbing. I couldn't believe that I was seeing dried snot and boogers all over our wall. Afterward I wished I had left it for him to do...
Make your DH deal with this
Make your DH deal with this kind of stuff. This should not be on you to own. Maybe if/when it incoveniences DH or SS, it may come to a stop.
Does he have allergies or
Does he have allergies or something? That's a lot of boogers.
Make DH clean it up, at the least. And maybe find something SS wants to earn by not wiping boogers everywhere, since punishment isn't helping.
Nope. That's just the way he
Nope. That's just the way he passes the time, by picking his nose. If he sits down in the living room with no electronics in his hand for more than 5 minutes his hands are immediatley in his nose or his mouth.
"Thats just the way he passes the time.." Gawd oh gawd. What the heck. I know it is not funny but I was laughing at your comment.
Maybe zap him everytime he picks his nose.
SS needs to clean his boogers
SS needs to clean his boogers. His father should be lording over him as he does it. SS needs logical consequences for this. He is 12 and more than capable of learning to clean
Yeah, you do NOT deal with
Yeah, you do NOT deal with this any longer. Lay it down clearly for your DH first. That you will not tolerate picking in front of you or in your personal spaces (this includes car, living room, dining area, etc.). And if it happens you will shut it down stat UNLESS DH is there. If your DH is present then HE must shut it down or you leave - just leave (ok unless your SS leaves in some places like living room). I would also say SS is no longer allowed EVER in your car. Nope. Done. Heck, I kicked SDs and DH out of my car at one point because they would leave trash everywhere. Let alone boogers.
Any boogers found your SS will clean up. This may mean an hour before he leaves your home a booger check is done - every single time.
If your DH does not back you up then DH cleans it.
...I've had my SD pee issues lately so I get it. I'm on clean slate alert now - so far this week no issues (I laid it down for DH last week).
Nick name time!
Booger. Boogie, Snotty, Boog, Nose Nugget, Nugget, Booger Munch, etc............ Have fun with it.
Great idea tying his electronic access to corrective his behavior.
I did not see his age though another commenter mentioned 12. How old is this kid? Interestingly it seems that booger fixated kids are usually not the youngest kids. They tend to be pre-teens or early teens.
We had close family friends that had one of their 3 kids who was a very adept booger miner and the wall next to his bed was a landscape of layers upon layers of boogers. When I noticed it, I never went into that room again and would stay in the LR with the adults. My mom got frustrated with me one visit for not going down to the boys' room to play. She took me aside for a "talking too" about it and once I explained it to her she marched down stairs to look for herself. When she came back up, she gave me a hug and told me to have a seat with the adults.
Stop cleaning up after this kid's disgusting choices. Zero tolerance, total confrontation, apply public ridicule any time his finger approaches his nose, and leave the crusty boogers for he and his father to witness and deal with. My guess is that your DH will go off on him if he is the one to have to deal with it. Let