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11 yr old SD with incessant need to say I love you

Dimples-gj's picture

Wow bitter end of patience.
Spouse (bf) and I have been living together for awhile now. Wasn't introduced to his girls until 6 months in to the relationship. We've know been together about 2.5 yrs.
The BM puts me down non stop& trust me I see her girls. A helluva lot more than her and do more things with them in a week than what she does in months.
Well agreement is bf has them 48% of the time, which lately we have them about 75-80% of the time.
The oldest one is 11 and has this frign obsessive need to say dada I love you non stop (seriously minimum 7 x an hour!!) and then throws in a dada do you love me....
This happens non freakn stop..drives me absolutely insane!! She is always wanting to sit on his lap no matter where we are. Is always touching, stroking, petting his arms, his head, his legs. I find this behavior messed up. She's starting to frign develop but I swear has the mindset of a 6 yr old.
I get kicked out of my bed every damn night so the three of them can "cuddle" then I am to not go to bed as they must be left alone after these hour plus cuddles so that they can sleep. He then CARRIES them to bed. THEY ARE NINE AND FREAKN ELEVEN!??!!! It's bad enough that if in OUR room it has a revolving door where the oldest cant even knock on the door before ripping door open and be whining dada.....
11 yr old is great at having a tummy ache,ear ache,back ache, etc ever damn day. 9yr old is just mouthy and having listened to her other she repeats all of which mommy says.
I do nothing to make her feel intimidated as even if I wanted to, I wouldn't stand a chance. If he even sits next to me she's whining and asking to be cuddled or crying for.....nothing. And I this isn't a jealous thing.
I just do not find this to be normal behavior. I do everything for these girls. I'm not accepted to date and am just spent. I do not discipline them at "dada" doesn't make them do as much as put their garbage in garbage can, pick up clothes, get their own juice even...I'm sure you can see where this is's a non stop free for all as he wants his little girls to be little girls for as long as they want. I disagree and think discipline and structure is essential.
I honestly do not know how to cope with this anymore. HELP!!!!

by the way I am the BM of two very beautiful and successful girls that are 22 & 26. So parenting isn't new to me.

Jellybeam's picture

Oh God, my SD11 says the exact same crap to my DH, just not as much. I hear it about 5-10 times a day usually when:
She's been acting like a shit
DH and I are snugglin' on the couch
DH is paying ANY attention to my BD
She's about to ask for something

It's completely Bullshit. I know she loves her dad, but she does pick these opportune times to say so.

It just makes me sick to hear her voice-she says it in a higher pitch than she normally uses so her can sound morther like a lil baby.
When she was 10, our dog was chasing me and I hid behind my husband's legs, SD jumped down there wrapped her arms around both his legs and said,"MY DADDY" same exact day when we were in the kitchen hugging. 10 years old at the time. WTF? Look kid, you're 5'2" and 135 pounds-you cant trick DADDY into thinking youre a baby!

katielee's picture


Just, wow...

And I thought I had it rough. My 11 year old SD acts very babyish, as well. The other morning we went out for breakfast and when she got her pancake, she looked at it like she was totally overwhelmed. Then she looked up and said in a 6 year old's voice, "Daaaddddyyy? Will you cut up my pancake?" And he did! As a woman whose daughter could competently cook an entire meal by the time she was 11, I was really shocked.

Then when my puppy jumped on her, she literally screamed and cried like a toddler. 'm pretty sure she was just trying to get my husband to punish the dog, but hubby knows that dog is MY baby. (He is now trained not to jump on people.) She kinda gets off on having him "take up" for her and tries to create situations where he will.

The thing is that my husband is very careful of my feelings. I guess I'm very blessed. Getting kicked out of your own bed? I can tell you that WOULD NOT happen here. If I had to leave my own bed, I would leave the entire house. As a stepmother, it seems, you HAVE to take care of yourself and your own feelings. NOBODY else seems willing to do it, except maybe your own children. (I, too, have adult children who are my greatest champions:))I think you have to put value on yourself and then he will see it. Sounds like your husband needs a little reminder of how important YOU are in his life.

Anon2009's picture

I think this means a few things:

1. She needs more help and guidance in dealing with this stepfamily situation from her dad and if that alone doesn't work, Dad needs to try to get her professional help and

2. She probably would like a lot more affection and attention from bm. She's a preteen who is going through life changes, and she needs her mom.

fedup13's picture

Your SO is "infantilizing" the children-and that's damaging to them. It's hurtful to kids not to teach them independence and life skills and treat them like babies (which by the way, is about your SO meeting HIS needs to have babies who love him, not THEIR needs). He's psychologically handicapping them.

^^This is so true and well said.^^

I also agree that abuse allegations could be in his future.

sterlingsilver's picture

IMHO you have 3 choices:

1) leave

2) make very strong bounderies and tell dh that he can snuggle with his girls in their own beds (ya weird) or

3) put up and shut up, or rather put up and stay out.

RedWingsFan's picture

DH is a very sensitive guy so I had to be very careful, as he was very touchy about his daughter at first. Now, not so much, cuz he sees her for what she really is, which is a lying and manipulative brat.

Anyhow, the first time I brought it up was the hand-holding thing. She was 12, her parents had been apart for a year, she was going back and forth between the two every other DAY since they lived 1/2 mile away from each other. She was thrust into the mini-wife role and relished it.

So, I noticed that everywhere we went (even just sitting at home on the couch) she had to be right next to him, holding his hand, fingers interlaced. It was like she was his girlfriend. So I said that. I waited till she went to bed one night and I said "do you see any other fathers holding their 12 yr old daughter's hand the way and how often you two do?" And he said no. So I said, "do you think that's normal?" And he thought it was. So I told him I didn't agree and for him to do some research on it for me because it made me very uncomfortable. He asked his dad, granddad and a few close male friends that had daughters around the same age. When they all agreed with me, he decided to stop holding her hand that way and that often.

We went from there to the constant need for her to sit on his lap (even at the dinner table) or right next to him. And when he was laying on the floor during a movie, my daughter and I were on the couch, SD spooned him on the floor, grabbing his arm and throwing it over top of her body. At that point my daughter looked at me and said "WTH is up with THAT?" Again, waited for her to go to bed and told him outright "that was pretty inappropriate of her to do and I'm surprised you didn't stop her". He said he saw her as just being extra clingy because she was jealous of my daughter and then had second thoughts and just didn't do anything about it.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when SD called a "family meeting" between her, DH and BM regarding affection DH was showing me. She said it made her REALLY uncomfortable to see DH kiss me or hold my hand. And when he returned from this "family meeting" and told me they all came to the conclusion that maybe he and I should cool it on the PDA in front of her, I flat out told him "I'm SO glad you, your EX wife and your CHILD agree on how OUR relationship is supposed to be; however, I frankly do NOT". I walked out and left him to think about that. He immediately went back over to BM's and had another meeting, this time laying out the law that neither of them would control him or our relationship and that was that!

HE has to nip it with her and do it now. You can't, because you'll be made out to be the evil stepmom.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

"i love you dad. I love you dad. I love you dad."

From both SS13 and SS8. All freakin' day. Every day.

All I can think is that they're super insecure and have to be reassured of his love constantly.

It's super sickening though.

Drac0's picture

I was reading this and nodding my head. Believe it or not, this seems like standard step-child behavior. I'll bet his daughters go bat-shit crazy if their Dad is out of line of sight for more than 30 seconds?

My SS was almost exactly that way.

There's two things you have to understand 1) Children do need some kind of self-affirmation and attention. What they don't get from one parent, they'll try to sap from the other. Like a drug, getting the parent's attention like this stimulates the senses and when that stimulus dissipates it leaves the child wanting more and wanting more right away 2) Your husband, either through ignorance or out of secretly desiring the wish to feel needed by his children, encourages this behavior. By doing so he is doing a huge diservice to his daughters.

So how do you fix this? Well there is no overnight, flick-of-the-switch solution.

In my case, the solution came when my DW got pregnant with our son. Suddenly SS couldn't lean on her, cuddle her and sit on her lap like he was so used to doing because it made DW uncomfortable. I pulled SS aside and told him straight, "What's the matter with you? You're not a baby anymore! Learn to look after your mother rather that try to sit on her lap."

I gave my DW a similar speech when she was lamenting over how SS would have to deal with "sharing" DW. "For Frack sakes! You're a MOTHER not a freakin' Geisha!"

SS still cuddles with DW and acts like a needy un-loved child starving for attention. Just not as much.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^Yeah, 6 yrs old with a PACIFIER in her mouth sleeping on grammy's lap...crazy shit.

RedWingsFan's picture

Sad, isn't it Echo? I seriously passed a 6-7 yr old kid yesterday in the store and he had a pacifier in his mouth and was trying to TALK with it. I sooooo wanted to walk over there, yank the fucker out of his mouth, glare at the mother and say "Is this a baby? Because once they can walk and talk, don't you think the pacifier is obsolete or were you dropped on your head as an infant?"

oldone's picture

I don't think that is grandma - that's a BM that's been rode hard and put up wet.

Those blue things look like "underpads" - used to put under incontinent people. I use them as "pee pads" for my dog as they are much cheaper than pee pads and are bigger.

I live in a high rise and they come in handy at 3 am - especially as there's usually a murder within a few blocks of here about once a week.

fedup13's picture

an 11 year old says, "dada I love you non stop (seriously minimum 7 x an hour!!) and then throws in a dada do you love me...." She has some major issues. Dada?? I would disengage on that one and call her out on it in front of BF. Skid does the "love you Dad" a lot, probably once an hour, which to me, is still very excessive. He does it when DH stops paying attention to him for 10 seconds and he needs to reign his attention back in onto him.

an 11 year old, "is always wanting to sit on his lap no matter where we are. Is always touching, stroking, petting his arms, his head, his legs." Again, MAJOR issues. This has to stop and your BF is the one that needs to stop it. Ridiculous.

"I get kicked out of my bed every damn night so the three of them can "cuddle" then I am to not go to bed as they must be left alone after these hour plus cuddles so that they can sleep. He then CARRIES them to bed. THEY ARE NINE AND FREAKN ELEVEN!??!!!"

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! They kick you out of your bed to cuddle and then you are not allowed to go to bed when you want so THEY can sleep!!!! WTF! WTF! WTF!!!!! You need to have a FIT over this immediately! This is SO wrong! The carrying them to bed, wow. He needs extreme counseling and parenting classes. Do not let them do this to you! This seriously pissed me off and I don't even know you! This is some crazy twisted shit and no one deserves it.

onebright1's picture

Thats just as eeewww as Stwin9 that says "me want mama" "me want ice cream" etc....

Dimples-gj's picture

Oh my you all rock!
He's my boyfriend not husband and ya marriage not in the foreseeable future cuz well he says after first marriage he will never marry again....
So ya I don't know wtf I still doing here Beee

The BM does eff all with these damn girls and no he says oh they're warming up to you...I excuse me it's been 2.5 years ffs!

Then when I say I can't handle it I'm fed up well then I can leave as his girls are his #1 priority and he will cuddle, hand hold, ETC until they don't want to anymore..he wants them his little girls as long as possible ....grrrr..
I want them to grow the eff up. I can't comprehend how the 11 yr old (who's far more immature ) doesn't get harassed at school she's so's nauseating.
It's just all so frustrating and I've said look! I choose to love your girls I don't freakn have to nor do I have to incorporate them I everything but I do!!! He has seen counselor and my god so effn happy when he came home and said he has to admit that I do so much and that maybe (ya ok maybe?? Geezuz) maybe I'm not appreciated as much as I should be but until next episode it'll all be forgotten again.
Incidentally 11 yr old is not wanting to go to school ... Comes in to room 3-4 times during the night where he gets up..gets her water or whatever and then tucks her in cuz dada. Dada. Dada. Efffffff!!!! Bah! Holy O hell stress batman! Lol

And that pic wtf? Sure as shit hope its gramma and not mom lol

Thanks all you make me smile through all this crap and its appreciated!!!!


stepinafrica's picture

How can a kid kick you out of your bed? How can a nine year old and an eleven year old even BE In your bed? Are you serious? The first night my SS spent at our house I laid down the law on that one! He has NEVER slept in our bed.

Dimples-gj's picture

he has this overwhelming guilt and is a yes dad 100%
drives me feckn mental I try to talk to him but he gets extremely defensive and will google the crap out if any/everything I say after all there's nothing wrong with their behavior in his eyes makes excuses non stop and then I hear oh she's like I was at that age
geezuz obviously from the short time he did have balls they didn't toughen him up enough and he will fight with me until he's blue in the face meanwhile cruella (bm) can scream tell swear at him and he will take it saying its not worth fighting with her she always wins ya because she still has you by the kahunas!
ugh I can inundate this forum site with my rants oh well it's that or have BP go through the roof

Dimples-gj's picture

Just so hard just packup and is a terrible situation and. NOW because they hate me so much and he's so worried of losing them (not sure how..their mother is a feckn deadbeat) sooooo his new thought ...oh we will get two diff places and he will stay with girls in one when he has them (which lately is about 70% of the time) and live with me when he doesn' come on.
I know I know what I should do....just so damn. Hard to. Blah...thank you for the input, totally appreciated.

mermaidlady1960's picture

Echo is right. I love your input.

I'm new here so I have been just reading well..everything on this site. It has helped me like you wouldn't believe. So here's what I see:

Your original post was last March, this is November, Nothing has changed. Your still talking about it months later. Re-read everything one more time, and then read it again. I think you know your answer.

Thats what I did with my post I first posted and for me It worked wonders.
Good Luck