11 year olds suck (VENT)
My SD11 acts like a fullfledged hormonal premesntrual teen constantly.
This morning, after she's already been up an hour getting ready, I tell her 10 more minutes and we're leaving. She says okay.
I peek in her room and all she's managed to do in an hour is take a shower and get dressed. Hasn't done her hair, hasn't eaten, hasn't brushed her teeth, etc.
Anyways....I'm standing in the kitchen waiting to leave, when she comes in and plugs in the glue gun. Why? Her black flipflops are broken and she thinks she'll be able to fix them with a glue gun. I tell her that's not gonna work, to wear her other flipflops.
"I can't. I let my mom borrow them."
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. good thinking. You're only at your mother's house once every two weeks. Why don't you start lending your wardrobe to her?
So I suggest wearing sneakers. She flips out and starts screaming about how she is going to have to change her whole outfit. (I don't know why she's screaming...there's not really anything I can do about her situation).
10 minutes have long passed at this point.
So eventually she comes out of her room in a pair of jeans. Then she can't find the sweatshirt she wants. I'm at my wits end at this point. I tell her, "I think you need to start waking up earlier." She yells, "Its not my fault, you're rushing me!! I don't usually leave for school until 8!"
I point at the clock, which says "8:20."
"Whatever," she mumbles and storms into her room.
The final battle of the morning: the electronics. She is very irresponsible, and consistently loses or breaks anything she takes out of the house. Last week, we found out she'd been sneaking her Nintendo DS to school (which she knows she isn't supposed to do). So before we left I asked her to please show me where her DS, ipod and cell phone are. They were all in her room, where they belong. So I said, "I'm sorry I have to ask you to show them to me, but you tend to try sneaking those kind of things so I have to check."
So this turns into more yelling of course. Its so boring at the after-school program, its so unfair that she has to go there, why does she have to stay at school 5 hours longer than everyone else?!?!?!?!?
5 hours?! By the time I got her to school it was 8:30 (school starts at 8:40), and the latest I can pick her up is 5:30 (school gets out at 3). God she exagerrates everything like that so much.
The car ride to school was terrific....just pouting the whole time. I told her, "Your face is gonna get stuck like that." Which made her pout even more.
Ahhhhh. I need a vacation from this kid!!!
Don't feel bad
I'm going through this with my own daughter right now. She just turned 11. It's the age thing. I've gone through it once already with my 22 year old.
I constantly find myself reminding her to put on her "pit stuff" (I've have to make her raise her arm up to make sure she really did it), rinse her hair out good because if she doesn't it looks like she has dandruff ,wash her feet good (oh man, they stink bad) and most of the time she refuses to wear socks which makes them stink worse. I've resorted to putting baking soda in her shoes then she bitches about that. It works though. If she can't get her hair so so, she throws a little fit. Mornings are rush rush because of the hair thing. If she can't get it right, then she wants me to fix it, which I don't have time for. Then she gets mad and stomps off to her room and slams the door. School mornings are awful. We're right up to the time limit on leaving the house on my days with her.
She does the same thing as yours about having to stay at school. She gripes about me dropping her off at 7:30 in the morning because her dad doesn't do that. He drops her off at 8:00 or after. I've told her numerous times I have to be at work at 8:00. He doesn't have to be there until 9:00. It's not an option.
Mine also has a cell phone, Ipod and DS and Wii. All but the Ipod were courtesy of dear old dad. Isn't it fun to keep up with all that stuff? I'm thinking of banning them from my house. I get tired of constantly helping her look for this crap!
They'll eventually grow out of it or grow up and leave! Woo hoo!!
Amen to that last sentence!!
I'm hoping for the grow out of it bit. But she's got the bee-otch gene (from her mother)...so I may have to wait for her to grow up and leave!
What if...
Every time she starts griping, you blow an air horn? If she needs to get up in the morning... air horn. Any time she irritates you... air horn.
Or you can just day dream about it & laugh wickedly.
Cajun Lady
Im new here, but I have an 11 year old son too. My trick with him is simple. If you back talk you eat a can of green beans (He hates them). He had a myspace (that I would check all the time) and I seen that he threw out the F bomb. I made him eat a can of spinich. So thru a bunch of gagging and tears it was gone. Then he said "I will never say that again!" So eating veggies is a GREAT punishment!
He is a good kid he just likes to say "But..." when I say something to him. This is getting less and less as I go to the kitchen to reach for some veggies. Hope that this helps.
Im new here, but I have an 11 year old son too. My trick with him is simple. If you back talk you eat a can of green beans (He hates them). He had a myspace (that I would check all the time) and I seen that he threw out the F bomb. I made him eat a can of spinich. So thru a bunch of gagging and tears it was gone. Then he said "I will never say that again!" So eating veggies is a GREAT punishment!
He is a good kid he just likes to say "But..." when I say something to him. This is getting less and less as I go to the kitchen to reach for some veggies. Hope that this helps.
Thanks for the tip. That won't work for me - this child is obstinate; she would refuse to eat them point blank, the only way it would happen is if I shoved them down her throat literally.
But maybe it will work for someone else!
I suspect her period is coming. It was about a month ago when she was last this witchy, and I called it then.
Has she gotten her period
Has she gotten her period yet?? Oh cripes.. My sd9 isnt that far off.. I cant imagine her on her period.
She started about 6 months ago. At age 10. Crazy.
Warning signs...
The poor kid started wearing a bra at age 9. And she had hair in under her arms and pubes at least 4 months before it started.
We had been trying to prep her for it for months, because we could see she was developing. Still, she didn't talk to either of us when it happened. She just went about her day. She's a slob though, and left her dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. I saw the blood on her undies and that's how her dad and I found out about it.
oh no. SD9 is months away
oh no. SD9 is months away from starting her period.. just when I thought we would get a break.. She JUST stopped peeing the bed nightly.. now I have to worry about BLOOD everywhere.. PERFECT. not to mention now she will REALLY be acting like her mother.
Maybe not...
Who knows, maybe your SD will hold out. I didn't start mine until I was 14. But it seems like girls are starting the whole puberty thing earlier these days....
My daughters friend
was 9. Her friend was spending the night one time and wanted me to call her mom because her stomach hurt. Her mom said "oh yeah - she's on her period. I was like "You've got to be kidding me."
My daughter just turned 11 and I think she's about to start any time. She started wearing a bra a couple of years ago.
Fun fun!