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SS6 newest way of trying to get his way

kaffonseca's picture

HAHA..I can't fault the kid for trying..his newest line is "I have a good idea Kaff"..than he will proceed to tell me what he wants - a new play outside..etc.." isn't that a good idea? he'll say to me..

HAHA! usually I'll just "that's a great idea..but it's not happening"

Poor kid. HAHA.

The hard part it's summer and he is still in school..9pm and it's just getting dark..he wants to go outside and play cuz' he doesn't realize it's nighttime.So lately his good idea is "it's a good idea if I go outside and play on swing while you watch me , RIGHT? "


Amazed's picture

Ya gotta give them credit for trying. I'm trying to get ChooChoo to understand that even though it's his summertime...mommy still has to work so he has to get up early like I do so he has to still go to bed early. Bummer for ChooChoo. His great idea is that I stop working so he can stay up late and swim all day.

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

BMJen's picture

Wouldn't it be great if we could do it? If getting up at 6am, not going to be until 12pm, working all day, etc didn't make us worn out and we could actually do all the things with our kids that we want to. I sure wish I could!

~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~

WowjustWow's picture

It doesn't end, lol. Last Friday SD14 called DH right before he was leaving work and told him that she had spent the day cleaning and organizing her room and that she and her sister, SD12, were good all day and didn't fight, so she decided she deserved a candy bar. They stay home all day M-F during the summer.

Well, DH had to stop for gas, so he got her one. If that's all it takes to keep her and her sister from fighting all summer and cleaning the house, it will be candy bars abound at our house on Fridays.

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

kaffonseca's picture

would say the SAME thing!! HAHA

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

DISbelief's picture

My SS is almost 6 and does the same thing. My girls never did that though. That male dominance thing starts young I guess. Aren't THE MANS ideas always the best and most important??? It doesn't really bother me. I just tell him "that is a great idea, you should ask your mom if she can do that for you!!" all excited, like he just came up with the cure for world hunger. He is still so young that he actually DOES go and ask his mom. Wink


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Gia's picture

several times...

Like... I have a great idea... (insert NOT great idea here)... and all I say is like... hmmm... I don't think so... lol

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

smnikki's picture

my ss does the exact same thing...i just say really? maybe we should call daddy and see what he thinks? ss just gives up because he knows im the soft touch and if i say no, then daddy is for sure gonna say no.

BridgingTheGap's picture

He did that all the time lol

He was born when I was a teenager so I got to babysit all the time. The plus to this was that I got the chance to watch him grow up. When he was five and six he came up with all sort of "great ideas that will work if you just listen to me"