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Got a Facebook friend request from BM

Nymh's picture

Seriously? Why would I add her? Why would I give her an open door into my life when she has been stalking me for 5 years? *shudder* I don't understand in what world she thinks I would accept her friend request?


Amused by petty ignorance's picture

I thought that my fiance's ex-wife was the only psycho that looked at my myspace page, and mine is private. I found out 2 days ago, when the divorce and custody hearing was finally final after 3 years. Now keep in mind this BM is truly psycho, she tried to kill herself twice and even tried to kill her ex-husband. The judge in Florida still gave this women primary residential parent. For real. So when it was final, I went on my private myspace page and stated that I was happy that I no longer had to be nice to the psychotic ex-wife who has a personality disorder and is obsessed with being like me. She had cut her hair just like mine, and buys clothes almost identical to things that I wear right after I post pictures on my myspace page. My fiance got and email from her stating that he needed to talk to me about this because I should respect her because she is his daughters mother. Then a few minutes later he got an email from his attorney because she contacted her attorney about it. Now I know that this chick is mentally unstable, but for real, I think that I should be allowed to speak my mind on a private page, where she isn't my friend. It started a huge fight saying that she could hold me and him in contempt because I think she is crazy and I might tell her daughter that. Well I have not now or will I ever hurt her child like that. I know that her child will find out who and what her mother really is all by herself. So I was told that I am no longer allowed to post comments that are attaching her on my page. Well I told his attorney, that they can all basically shove it. I won't allow her to control something that is private any ways. WE also told his attorney that it is her problem with my comments, if she doesn't like them, then don't look at it. Crazy..

Georgie Girl's picture


squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

What if BM tried to add me or my husband as a friend? And I think we would both react by laughing & clicking ignore!

I don't think BM is even on facebook. She used to have a MySpace page, which we stumbled upon & learned all kinds of handy info. But it quickly disappeared once she started with her latest schemes to take SD8 away. Hmmm...

BM's current boyfriend just became friends with my dad on facebook. (They know each other from way back when they worked at a college together.) It's weird. I wanted to hit my dad for being that close to the "enemy", but I think he's mostly doing it to be nosy!

petitesphinx's picture

Well, in my case; I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to TRY and attempt to civil to and friend (ly) to BM. That is the kicker. SHE has been totally evil to us when she heard about me through her 3 daughters. Did you all remember how she SENT HER wedding album of her with MY husband to ME through her eldest daughter? Saying that I could remove HER pictures and put mine in them? What a cow! And her wedding album had her/my husband's name on the cover with their wedding date. Now, why in the hell would any newlywed want some POS like that??

Steamed, but for the SAKE of all our children-7 of them, I swallowed my pride and emailed her an invitation for coffee or tea-ANYthing to let her figure out why she hates me. I said that I forgive her for she did to me and I want us to have a normal meeting when it comes to all these kids. They see what's going on, how can I raise MY children to do unto others when they see 3 grown ups yelling, cussing and flipping off the other? I can't lead by example with this woman, so I tried and tried to be the bigger person and give her the chance to get to know me-THEN hate me. But don't hate me without giving me the opportunity to be a witch first! That's cheating ME the right to be a bad person-she jumped into hating me because I took the guy she threw into the garbage.

I am FB-I was on YEARS before she joined, I saw that she joined and read her profile. She went on and on about "God saved her and she's a better person now..." I was like..YAY! Maybe she'll be normal and we can finally end this ridiculous and childish behavor. I added her as a friend and told her that I'd really us to mend this broken bridge and get over the anger so we can move on and do what's RIGHT in the eyes of God and our kids. Nope, she's not "saved" she's not seen the light, she's just pretending to be a Christian so that if we go to court-her nose is clean.

What a disappointment.

If my kids' SM added me on FB or MS, I'd add her; she's a great SM to my kids and appreciate all the sacrifices she endures for the sake of my kids.

WHY....why can't the BMs get over themselves??!

Nymh's picture

The past five years of harrassment and abuse has all stemmed from the fact that BM just can't get over herself and move on. She is so stuck playing the victim and trying to gain everyone's sympathy and support that now that is what defines her. She sent me a message yesterday that she has stopped talking to almost everyone for different reasons and while it is lonely, at least she doesn't have to worry about things being misconstrued? Before, we knew that she was a sociopath but she used to at least have people/family to turn to for conversation, outings, support etc. Now she openly admits to having no one at all and being lonely - and that's her own fault.

I'm like you...I have never done anything to BM to warrant this type of behavior. I am continually suprised, disappointed and shocked that someone could act so immature and selfish (not to mention psychotic) on such a consistent basis for so long. It's as if she believes that if she repeats her lies and beliefs enough times that they will eventually become true even though everyone has tried to prove to her for years that they are not.

I've played the "why can't we just get along for the sake of the kids" tune for so long now I just stopped trying. I honestly could not count the number of times that I have typed or said something like that to her. I used to respond to her messages with something similar all the time...I understand that you're upset but we need to put aside our differences for the sake of everyone's sanity, happiness, for SS...blah blah blah. She told me once that she agreed with her mind, but that her heart was hurt beyond repair and she would never be able to get along with me for the position that I held in her son's life and in her "husband's" heart. So, that's the root of our problems. If I was to just disappear, her life would be mended and she could move on...Sounds convenient for her, right?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

petitesphinx's picture

She still wants your man, Nymh. Sounds like.

BM threw MY husband out, so why-WHY would she care if someone else has him??

I left my ex and wanted to throw him a party when we met his wife! That way it meant he would stop begging me back.

I just don't get what her problem is. I haven't flipped her off, cussed her-anything. I have no enemies but her. And I do not want any enemies.

smile_on's picture


Colorado Girl's picture

I simply denied it.

Wasn't a good idea for my situation. She never inquired as to why.... I'm sure she already knew the answer.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley