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5 minutes in and I'm gritting my teeth!

Wicked2Three's picture

OK, tomorrow is the last day of this semester for me. I am glued to my computer trying to get my projects done on time. That's why I have been on ST so much! LOL! Totally avoiding my homework. Wink OK, so I'm knee deep in my homework here and my little guys have been SO good for me. I have promised them anything they want if they let me ignore them for 2 days. They seemed to buy it! This distraction has in no way allowed me to forget that Turd Blossom was coming today for the weekend. She has been here 5 minutes and I have not seen her yet, but already I am irritated. I HATE the way she talks to my children. As I said they have been great all day. The minute she walks in the house they get all weird. I hear this from the front room..."Boys, boys". UGH! She's not that much older than them and she sounds like shes 80!

1) I have been reading Stepmonter and I am really getting a lot out of it.

2) I have decided to disengage and this time I think it might work! I think it will work this time because I am finally able to accept the fact that they are just turds, it's not my fault, and there is NOTHING I can do about it. Oh oh oh! Aaaaaand I don't have to feel guilty about not liking them. That feels so goooood!

3) She still irritates me though.


Wicked2Three's picture

I just heard Turd Blossom sniping at and correcting my children. Apparently my DH was indisposed. I called and asked for him to come into my office when he got a minute. I asked him if she was "baby sitting" or who left her in charge? I told him there are only 2 people on this planet that are allowed to parent my children besides myself. That would be DH, after all I guess they are his too (LOL), and my sister. We were raised by the same people so I know she wouldn't do anything differently than I would. Parting shot before I sent DH away (So I could study you know! Pffft!) "If I can't parent her, she had better stop trying to parent my children!"

My poor DH! I am going to milk the final few hours I have left of "studying". I have a summer class but it will not have any homework. I guess I shouldn't tell him that. Wink

LotusFlower's picture

accepting that the skids would not have had the character they had before I met them if I had raised them from birth....its SO hard when u have certain standards and then u have to deal with someone who has such low standards, or in some cases, none at all....I took their poor manners and ignorance about things personally and felt it was a reflection of me,.,,,but yur right...ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!..luckily for me, we have them ft and they have blossomed into truly good people, but for a while I wanted that t-shirt...."Its not my fault....I'm the step-mom"....maybe yur influence will help her....

"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"