The LOOOONG Weekend
I am glad to be back to work for the rest! As some of you know Zippy16.5 idea of the perfect long weekend is to sleep until 1pm or 2pm-get up and make a loooong leisurely "breakfast"-eat said breakfast ON the living room couch watching cartoons until 3 or 4pm the X-box his brains out until bedtime-repeat performance ALL weekend.
WELL -I told DH that I could not stand another weekend of this behavior and SOMETHING must be done-here's how it went:
Fiday night see above.
Saturday AM-Zippy has PLANS OUTSIDE THE HOUSE -Zippy crawls out of bed at the crack of 11am-tells DH of plans and says he needs a ride, oh and by the way can we pick up Art (Zippy's friend). DH considers our schedule for Saturday and says "Zippy we will be leaving soon" -this is apparantley WAAAY too soon for Zippy.
Zippy in full blown whine: CAN I AT LEAST HAVE BREAKFAST???
I interject to say "DH, Why don't we take a few minutes and Zippy can eat, then we will pick up Art and take Zippy and Art to GASP -now don't faint everyone -Another friends house"?
DH: Well Endora, you had a fit before saying that I drop everything to take or pick up Zippy everywhere-I just can't win..
(we were at a BBQ with other adults-DH decides to "spring it on me" on the way home that we will be picking up Zippy because he cannot bus for ten minutes ON HIS OWN-DH just cannot look for ways to promote Zippy doing things for himself was my real point).
Me: Exasperated at 11:10AM with Zippy and the gang.
We all bundle off in the van to pick up Art.
The afternoon goes quickly and Zippy returns just in time for dinner at 5:30pm-see beginning sentence as to how the evening progressed, with one exception -I asked, as we BBQ'ed if we could forgo the family sit down and for DH and I to eat together with a glass of wine, and maybe Zippy could grab a plate and continue whatever he is doing downstairs-DH looks like I shot him in the heart-"You don't want to eat together with MY SON" :O .
DH and I watched George Carlin and his schtick on raising kids these days-BAD IDEA!!!
DH and I got into a heated discussion about coddled kids these days and apparently I was dragging Zippy's pristine reputation through the mud-so I stopped and went to bed. DH slept on the couch.
DH goes to work early (has his own business)-I call him at noon-he is stilled pissed at me-we kind of discuss things and he is feeling better. See first paragraph above as to when Zippy crawls out of bed-
Calls his dad at work and says he wants to go visit his half sister on the other side of town (she is an adult with a 4 year old boy-Zippy's nephew)-is it too late to ask her? DH says-Zippy, you can try-
DH gets home around 3:30pm apparently after dinner he will be driving Zippy to his half sisters whereby Zippy will be spending the night-THEN he will have to pick Zippy up before noon as Zippy's nephew will be having visitation with his BD (yes the cycle continues...)
On the way home Zippy16.5 tells DH he is going to a movie with Art-DH comes home Zipless
Apparently Zippy overheard some comment I made that he really needs to get out of the house more and took it to heart-DH feels "sorry" Zippy overheard this and again I am the bad guy railing on his perfect son!
I have come to the conclusion that I will "tell it like it is" nicely-that kid seriously needs to get a life-DH will just have to deal with it.
- Endora's blog
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Hide the remotes
Have you tried hiding the remotes? It worked for me now my SS 15 3/4 is too bored to stay in the house and gives me PEACE by going to his mom's or somewhere else! I also told him if he sticks around doing nothing, I'll put him to WORK - Lord forbid!
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***
thank heavens for chores
I do that too! They no longer whine about being bored. B/C when they complain about that they get a chore. That's what my mom did to me and they get it now LOL.
Good Idea
Re the "hiding the remote" in the living room-I could capitilize on Zippy's sheer laziness to actually "look" for it!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Remote in the laundry basket
I make my SS 15 3/4 do his own laundry. That way, if HE wants clean clothes, at least HE does something around the house & has to do it HIMSELF. He'll wash them but has a problem putting the clothes away. I've hidden the remote in the bottom of his clean laundry basket without the batteries so he knows he'll have to earn the batteries to get the remote back if/when he actually gets to the bottom of the basket. Endora, I'd get a chain put on the fridge & lock up the cabinets. If he wants breakfast, he would have to wake by 09:00 and do a chore to earn it. He wants dinner, take out the garbage. He wants (fill in the blank), do this. You may have to become a drill seargent to straighten out his arse before it's too late.
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***
DH would NEVER let me do that to SS16.5-(put locks on fridge and cupboards)-Zippy does his own laundry and lives out of his hamper (no sweat off my nose)-DH does not want SS16.5 raised with strict rules as they do not work for Zippy-he just does not respond to that type of parenting :sick:
But I will hide the remote without batteries! I like that one!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Think it's a plan
Crayon you nailed it right on-Zippy would not actually "look" for the remote-he would engage Daddykins to do the physical part!
BTW-DH comes huffing and puffing in the door from picking Zippy up from his sister's-
DH-"Endora -(Zippy's nephew) -(lets call him "Zappy4")- Zappy has the whole friggin house as a playpen!!! -that kid is going to have some serious issues with no boundaries!
Me: :O
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Today is a good day, I've been able to sit back tonight and laugh at these comedies of errors! I know they are horrible -- trust me I go through them too, but it makes me smile knowing I'm not alone and not the only "meanie" on the block!
God forbid a child/teenager learn responsibility. I've already told DH/BF that SS(11) will NEVER live with us b/c he's not willing to step-up to the plate now! I'm dead serious, this lump is not going to be living with me until he's 50!
I've never met a kid as lazy as this kid! I mean there was one time he was too lazy to even wipe his butt. BM ripped me a new one for chewing SS out...I chewed back, and then chewed some more for about another hour or so! Not my finest moment but OMG did it feel good telling her what I'd been thinking of her for over a year! She finally got to where all she could do was utter "uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh"
I'm actually looking forward to this weekend -- Mr. Lazy will not be sleeping in and being an oaf all weekend
I got a puppy several weeks ago. She's like an alarm clock! 6 a.m. WIDE AWAKE BARKING LIKE A MAD DOG! haha
Too lazy to wipe *yuck*
Get this, my SS 15 3/4 would make a huge pile of crap in his toilet (he has a room with an attached bathroom) then not flush and LEAVE IT FOR DAYS while he went to "mommies" house down the road. I finally had enough after a couple of dozen times telling him to grow up & flush his Sh'ty toilet and made DH go after him at mommies house to flush. The SS was peed off to say the least and his face was beet red when he walked back in the door. When mommy called to find out where her precious son was, I told her DH picked him back up to come home & flush his toilet and proceeded to tell her he leaves a pile then goes to her house for days and I wasn't going to stand for it anymore. Somehow, I don't think she thought taking that drastic measure was necessary. But, needless to say, we've cut down the flushing issue and now it happens rarely. Hopefully, when the lazy arses grow up, maybe they'll understand we weren't just being meanies and trying to teach them to be responsible and thoughtful contributers of society. One can only hope.
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***