KKat's blog has got me to thinking.
I've always wanted to have boudoir pictures taken, but haven't had the courage to do it...
I've heard that they can be as classy, or as raunchy as you'd like them, had anyone heard of or done this??
There's a photog in my city that does work for Penthouse, and takes boudoir shots as well. He has his owm studio and everything. If the pics turn out, ya never know...
I'm sure DH would be fine with it, he'd benefit from it for sure!
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A gift for fathers day perhaps???
OOoo... good idea!
I think if you get them
I think if you get them done, you should definitely change your myspace page (I'm assuming you have one of course) from private to public and post them there...you may end up with a modeling contract! How awesome would that be? I think my DH would love it if I did something like that.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
No, I don't have one.
But when I get the pics back, I'll definately make one!
Do you think you'd be able to help me with that Melis? I'd want it to be very tasteful, of course...
Of course! I've made
Of course! I've made MULTIPLE pages, just for just like this! And it will be very classy
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
it doesn't work that way..sorry to ruin any hopes
Sorry to ruin any hopes, but melis070179 is terribly wrong. Making the photos public on social network sites may get wonderful comments to boost your self esteem, but it will not result in modeling contracts.
I am a photographer (not by profession, I have another job, but I do it as a hobby) and I can almost guarantee that modeling contracts are not earned by posting pics on myspace, facebook, etc. Boudoir is one of the worst types of pics you could consider submitting to modeling agencies. I encourage you to get them done, just don't do it with any hope of becoming a model. Depending on your looks, height, weight, personality and how photogenic you are, you might be able to get other photographers interested in shooting photo sessions with you by posting on OMP or Model Mayhem, but online post will never equal agencies signing you. The main thing for being signed is photogenicity, height & weight.
Runway, fashion, anything really mainstream will want girls with a minimum height of 5'8 (5'10 is preferred) and must typically around a size 0-2. Oh, and very sadly a size 8-18 is a plus size model in the modeling world, it's kinda sickening. There are also plenty of drop dead gorgeous people who don't photograph that well who have no chance of ever being models and there are plenty of very average looking people who have the right height & weight & can photograph well, so even though they're not that pretty, they have a chance at becoming models. If any 'agency' ever asks you to pay to be represented or to take classes then you are being scammed.
Have fun, get the pics done, but make sure you do so with a professional photographer. If it's a photographer without a public studio, I highly recommend taking someone (who will stay out of the way & keep their mouth shut) with you as a safety precaution. There are many wonderful photographers out there and there are many creeps with cameras posing as photographers out there. Send me examples of the photographers work and I can tell you if they're worth shooting with or not based on quality of pics. Overall, find a great photographer, relax, have fun, get the pics taken, just don't get false hopes of 1 photo shoot turning into a modeling career.
Wow. I'm good.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Thanks mantellas.
I was just day dreaming, I suppose. I am tall enough though (5'9", but weigh 130lbs, size 6/8 depending). However, having just celebrated my 40th bday, I think I'm a little old for trying to start that kind of career... :O
I booked an appt to go meet the photog, should be interesting. I just don't want to wake up 10 years from now, and be unhappy that I let the opportunit pass me by. That and the fact that I'm sure I'd rather look back when I'm 75, and see those types of pics of myself at 40 instead of 50... I'm good, but I'm NO Heather Locklear....
Hey LN
Sounds like KKat has revived the old Bucket List. I think the Boudouir pics are nice if done tastefully and are for DHs eyes only. I think it would be a great gift and what man doesn't want a nice sexy pic of his wife. Hang it in your bedroom. I used to want those done, but it would need to wait until I've lost a few pounds now. I wouldn't feel comfortable. Kinda reminds you of the Carson Kressley show that tries to get women to love their body and in the end they do a professional photo shoot in the nude draped in something sexy covering the private parts. I can't remember the name of the show, but I loved it. GO for it. Anyone else have a bucket list that needs emptying?
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Hey, ladies...
Sorry I didn't respond....LN, your idea is SMOKING HOT. I say run with it.
Reason I didn't get back to y'all (Sorry, P, you posted on my other site) is that I had the husband at Lowe's all day picking out fencing, etc. for when I come BACK from my venture. I think I want to RAISE tigers here.
Sure, he's bitching and moaning, but I said HELL, man, you have SIX MONTHS to work on this. And, we live on about an acre of property. That's plenty. Pull some strings, get some permits, let's get it together, dude. Quit your bellyaching and get to work, ya know?
I'm sick of all these other women having supportive husbands and I have a whiner. Sometimes you have to "crack the proverbial whip", really no pun intended.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
Are you planning to have something like a shelter for unwanted
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
cats that have outgrown their cub cuteness? I think there's a real need for that type of thing. With an acre, surely you could offer a home to several...but hope you H puts his heart into it and does it right!
Actually, H's former FIL (a really wierd dude) kept a couple of lions...he had permits. They were taken from him not too long ago because some drunk put his arm in the cage (drunk and stupid, I might add) and was attacked!
If you get your DH to agree to all this, I'm comin' to visit! Because I could use lessons in H compliance!
I didn't realize you could
I didn't realize you could get permits to keep tigers/lions in residential neighborhoods! You're so lucky!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Wish I was in better shape! Oh and younger. But cougars are
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
acceptable now, so maybe I shouldn't worry so much!
I am cougar...
Hear me ROAR!!!!! tee hee
The photog I was looking at
Can make your pictures into a book for your coffee table! Of course, I might have to put it aside when my BD's and their boyfriends are around, but none the less...
Thanks Princ - I'm going to keep this as a surprise for DH, a nice father's day gift, don't you think??
a bunch of girlfriends of mine made a really cool photo book, geared towards divorced men, it was called ' Not Your First Wife's Nighty", and they had some very sexy, and tasteful pictures in this book.....sold like crazy on CraigsList, and it was all done by stepmom's. I bet it would do really well on myspace, hey I could make a page just for that.! " A first marriage is like buying your first home, sometimes you just gotta start small"~ Me.
Chel would you be willing
to help me and Melis with my page?
I would so appreciate it!
When it's done, we could post the link here, so the ladies can check it out!
consider it done
would love to help. " A first marriage is like buying your first home, sometimes you just gotta start small"~ Me.
xmas cards! LOL!
Great idea
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I can see it now...
Wearing a Santa hat, and a few pieces of stratigically placed mistletoe... }:)
ROFLMAO-(I'm so proud I learned something new)
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
You guys are too funeee! Is there something in the air today?
sorry wrong thread
End of message.
My sons got me a session to
My sons got me a session to have mine taken for my 40th birthday. Very tasteful and classy, I loved all the evening gowns and jewelry, wish I could have taken them home.
H didn't like them though.
H didn't like them though. He said the stylist made me look like a Barbie doll. I didn't have a problem with it, who wouldn't want to look like an American icon.
Ahhh pffft! FM, your H didn't want you getting any ideas about
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
finding Ken!
I get called "barbie" alot. Because I'm blonde (kind of) and small. When I lived down south, it was "princess grace" that was yelled at me all the time.
Actually wouldn't mind really being a real live barbie-but poor princess grace-beautiful, but no longer with us!
Talking about beauty-I've always thought women with Latin blood were gorgeous!
Course at the same time, I think Julio, Enrique, Ricky
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
the actor who plays Carlos on Desperate Housewives, and Antonio Banderas were the hottest guys around! (except for my fav-Bruce Willis).
Didn't get to complete my thoughts earlier
H is working on my puter...it's on it's last leg.
I cannot believe what I'm hearing! :jawdrop: I guess I'm just a prude, cause I could never do something so bold. Or maybe I just have too much class and self-respect
You all need spanked. And hard!
Oh Sasha....
Are you trying to impersonate See You Next Tuesday?!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I'm just sayin...
ya know?
Awww... Sasha
The way I see it - you only live once, ya know? Call it a "Bucket List Entry", if you will...
I usually am quite prudish/modist when it comes to my body, but I know they'll be tasteful, and my DH will be very surprised, since I'm not the type...
A "Bucket List " entry for me
would be something like having a house plant I didn't kill...
But Chrissakes...it ain't fittin' to have a strange man take nawty pictures of ya in your unnerwares...it just ain't fitting I tell ya!
Gawd, I don't even let my CAT see me nekked!
Who said anything about unnerwares...
:O :O :O
Kidding Sasha...
Don't want to get "spanked".
when I was in school we used to say
us too
then we would argue about how to spell it...psych or sike LOL
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Sasha you should really
Try to lower your inhibitions... you never know! You just might like it!
I was just perusing the Victoria's Secret site, may have to place an order before the shoot...
That, or Fredrick's. }:)
you mean of Hollywood?
Why, that place sells the most DISGUSTING clothes, IF you can call them clothes, that I have ever seen!
Erm...that is...well I've not really seen them, but um... :O
The trashier the better!
After all, we are attention whores!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Ahh... well....
I've HEARD the crotchless panties are really quite sweet....
And I've been meaning to pick myself up a new cat-o-nine tails (old one wore out)...
They are actually quite a reputable company, I'll have you know Melis. They only sell to the very FINEST of AW's!!! or so I'm told....
Yes, I have a VIP card
Yes, I have a VIP card actually!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
well how do you know
if those panties be sweet, hmmmmmmm?
Oh, never mind...you did say HEARD.
Um, yeah - that's it..
I heard it somewhere....
Probably from Melis - you KNOW what kind of a girl SHE is, right??
melis...that attention ho!
Its attention WHORE, get it
Its attention WHORE, get it right!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
my bad
attention WHORE
attention WHORE
attention WHORE
attention WHO
attention WHO
attention HO
attention HO
See I told you it was attention HO!
Hey now....
I used to work at a Fredericks of Hollywood! 'Twas quite an interesting job. :O
I bet you did! Did you get
I bet you did! Did you get an employee discount?!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
too late, Last Nerve
Now go out yinder and pick yerself out a switch, cuz I'm a fixin to send yer daddy out ta beat yer a$$!
Hoosier daddy??!!
OOhhh Sasha!!
I LOVE it when you talk hillbilly!!!!!
Yeeeeee haaaaawwwww!!!!!
man...you're really good at
man...you're really good at that. Its actually kinda scary!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Do I hear
Dueling banjos in the background????? :O :jawdrop:
Do Do Do Do Do Dum (where's that little music symbol when I need
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Bring It On!
come on ova here
I wanna make ya squeeeel like a pig!
Sasha - NO!!!
OMFG - you are gonna make me pee myself girl. :O
And just in case - I'll be right back! TMI - sorry...)
Ok - I'm back. Whew - that was close... :O
Last nerve, I can see you now
running down the street, away from your computer...
arms flying in the air...
hair flying in the breeze...
screaming at the top of your lungs....
NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Wahhhhhh!!!!!!
Dawn's gonna beat every one of us!
I'm more of the "curl up in the fetal position, begging for the lambs to stop screaming" kind of girl...
hey melis
I used to live in West Bygod Virginia, so I learned from the best!
here's a picture of my mobile home
Got room for one more? That
Got room for one more? That looks like a palace compared to my trailer!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
you betcha
see that thar space on the end?
that is my back porch but I'm sure we can just fix you up a bedroom if'n you don't mind fresh air!
Hey-that looks like the one I been saving up for!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
and you beat me to it?
I can let ya drive my other one:
Dang! I got so excited I shut me down!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
You're a doll!
Damn Girl - that's a mighty
Damn Girl - that's a mighty fine ride you got there!
I was showing it to my DH - he just came in the house from working in the garage:
Sigh... Isn't he FINE?? And he's mine - ALL mine! I'm such a lucky girl...
Damn girl! Apparently you're
Damn girl! Apparently you're not the only one on this site with the perfect husband! I'm so jealous!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Hope you'll excuse the expression, girlfriend
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
that's what my friends and I all call mighty fine man meat!
No wonder you're into Fredericks. Do whatever you can to keep this man at home!
hot DAMN!
Hoosier daddy indeed!
He's just so hawt and
He's just so hawt and sexy!
As Rachael Ray says - "Yum-O!"
Here's a picture of my hubby
OOOhhh... there's two!! Atta
OOOhhh... there's two!! Atta girl!!!
Still think mine is sexier tho. There's just sumthin about a beer belly, ya know?
A hunk of burnin' love!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
But I think I've seen him somewhere...somethin' 'bout those ears???
You call them ears,
I call them 'handles'....
OMG, like I don't like believe you like said that!
Like, that was so funny!
I call em foot rests "Nobody
I call em foot rests
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
ok girls
as much as I hate to leave the party time for me to go!
Thank you all for a truly enjoyable evening!
Oh - we KNOW where you're going...
Don't forget to cuddle afterwards, apparently men think we like that!
Last Nerve...
WHY don't you live closer to me? seriously?!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Melis -
You crack me up. Alot of people don't 'get' my humour - it's very dry & sarcastic, there have been quite a few times I've had to explain my jokes & humour as they stand in front of me looking like a deer in the headlights.
But you guys get me - you really, really get me!! sniff, sniff, sniff....
Whats not to get?!
Guess you have to be brilliant to truely get our humor!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
They're okay, me I'm a big
They're okay, me I'm a big Sam Elliot fan. I sure wouldn't kick him out of bed. }:)
unless it was to do him on
unless it was to do him on the floor! Ha!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I know let's all get glamor
I know let's all get glamor shots done and send them to our secret fantasy guy (girl) and see what happens.
I think Sam Elliot is the
I think Sam Elliot is the kind of man you want to bite in the ass and get lock jaw. When I watch him in his westerns all I can say is YIPPEEE Ride Em Cowboy. OMG I would love to say that in person.
George Eads!
Now I wouldn't kick THAT piece of yummy out of my bed for eating crackers, that's for sure!!
LMAO FM - 'bite in the ass and get lock jaw'.....
I miss all the good stuff
Yes, boudoir shots rock, I have done them as a photographer and a model. I also do digital art from them too, visit my whorish myspace page for pics ;P
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
:)---Gotta tell ya, we had fun with this one!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere