I really do...
I wish they could be all exterminated from the world, seriously, what do they do that is productive to the world?
I just wanted to say that...
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I really do...
I wish they could be all exterminated from the world, seriously, what do they do that is productive to the world?
I just wanted to say that...
Ha ha!
What's productive about roaches? Their amazing resemblance to a**hole ex-husbands and ex-wives!!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
they keep exterminators working !
Why is it cockroaches die on their backs? thats what I want to know?
do their friends turn them over?
don't crack that joke in public...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
I actually googled the answer...
often we come across dead cockroaches in buildings that have died of insecticide. Most of these insecticides are organophosphate nerve poisons. The nerve poison often inhibits cholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetyl choline (ACh), a neurotransmitter. With extra ACh in the nervous system, the cockroach has muscular spasms which often result in the cockroach flipping on its back. Without muscular coordination the cockroach cannot right itself and eventually dies in its upside down-position.
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
they should make
something to also make them disinegrate. They could do it... would be too dangerous.
Just think how many bad husbands would suddenly "disappear"....
Isn't this disgusting?
1)Roaches do bite. "The cockroach is an omnivore, that is, it eats everything edible, animal and vegetable. So if we do not move around too much while sleeping they might be inclined to nibble on our earlobes at night. They are rarely aggressive enough to attack us while we are awake. When visiting Tulane University in New Orleans many years ago I slept in a dormitory room and cockroaches were flying down from the ceiling onto my head. I would guess that these large American cockroaches, _Periplaneta americana_, would be capable of taking a good bite out of me. Only the larger species could take a bite through our skin. Of course the skin of children is much more tender and vulnerable to a roach bite."
2)Cockroaches clean themselves very scrupulously, as most insects do, in order that their sensory bristles on their body walls and limbs are ready to sense any hint of water, food, a mate or an enemy. Thirst, hunger, sex and safety rule the cockroach life. A cockroach with a dirty exterior is not a 'lean mean machine'.
However, the cockroach GI tract can harbor all the diseases that are being passed around in the house or neighborhood. They are omnivorous and thus would just as likely eat a dead mouse or a bit of fallen cheese or nibble on your house plant. They often defecate near or on the food they eat so they are likely to pass the organisms in their GI tract to the food they are eating and the surfaces they walk and defecate on.
While they keep their bodies clean for their own protection, they are not and can not be 'house broken'. Think of them as an eternal puppy. The puppy will instinctually groom itself but, if it is not out in the wild woods, its feces will accumulate in its pen or in the home. Of course cleaning up after the puppy is one strategy that works for a while.
You can keep a scrupulously clean home, but if there are cockroaches in the building they will seek out food and water and your apartment or kitchen/pantry may be the best place to find the small amounts of food they need to survive. Seeing a single cockroach may be a sign that the population is low because there is only a very little waste food around to support a small roach population.
3) The headless cockroach will move if stimulated with a feather or a toothpick. The cockroach will sense an irritation on its leg or back and move to avoid it if it is still alive.
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
I live in the southern USA
and the winters arew not strong enough to kill them off, so they get very big, sometimes big as your thumb.
I had rented apartments before and had them but since moving into my house I have none. Had it exterminated a few times ( every 3 years or so) and have no problems with them.
I was wondering why I have no roaches and everyone else does as I have dogs and leave food out for them...
then I found out rats eat roaches................. and I live by a field and get rats in the winter sometimes.
Trust me rats are far worse than roaches and if you kill them using poison sometimes you can't find them until they start to stink and its the worst smell ever !
It turns my stomach for weeks to smell a dead rat.
so maybe you need some rats... it will fix your roach problem.
I am so glad that I have
I am so glad that I have this information now!
Thanks! Lol
" Everything reactionary is the same; if you don't hit it, it won't fall."
Not mice, but like, actually NY rats... oh my god, they should all die too...
I want to have a cat to keep the rats away!
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
yes we live near a park
with lots of water, so we have not only rats but snakes, frogs, lizards that squirt blood at you, and possum which is like a rat with a white face. At night I have seen some scary things, including bobcats and cyotes and once a fox.
Cat will only play with roaches and some cats will be afraid of rats.
I dont care for cats...
I've seen some scary rats, one I poisoned came crawling out of the garage, gasping, blood coming out its mouth, dragging itself outside... it was big as a cat, and had BIG YELLOW TEETH.
All the neighbors gathered to see as it crawled out to the street and we were all going EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I guess my screaming alerted them...
Now I just hire a exterminator every few years more so in cold winters ( near freezing) when the rats come out of the woods and look for a warm place to stay.
What you need is a pet rat, the king BIG daddy type rat armed with miniture brass knuckles and a small switchblde
and to put him on commision to run the other rats off... and kill the roaches.
EWWW that rat had
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
never mind
you poisoned it lol...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
When I lived on the Gulf, roaches were a constant problem
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
so we had exterminators all the time! Makes my skin crawl just to think of them.
But down where we were, they had what they call wood roaches. Supposedly they dwell mostly in trees (there were alot ot trees there), but they must've thought my house was a tree house! Ewwww...they were huge. I am not exaggerating-I laid out the papers you use to trap mice in the garage, and instead of mice, I trapped roaches. As big as a mans thumb...Ewwww.
When I was in the service
I spent some time in Texas and they had these gawd awful friggin flying roaches! Now you wanna see a bunch of girls screaming and jumping on furniture? These suckers didn't even wait for the sun to go down they came out in the middle of the day! You could pulverize it and swear it was dead, but if you left it there it would come back to life! They were nearly indestructible!
Hey Sasha-those are the ones I was talking about! I lived in
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Texas, 30 miles from the Gulf. But gotta tell, roaches or not, I miss it. How I miss the gulf coast.
When H and I got married
we went to Houston to see his dad, as his dad was unable to make it to the wedding cause he was in the hospital. We went to Galveston and I was really shocked by how pretty it was. I myself wouldn't mind moving to Texas but I don't say that to H cause I don't want him to get scared if you know what I mean!
Ya'll don't live down under...like me. All our roaches are as big as your thumb or bigger.
There are snakes, spiders, ants, lizards, crocs and roo's everywhere...LMAO!!
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
Thank God I grew up in
Thank God I grew up in CA...not too many bugs there. I thought NC was bad, because of mosquitos! I've also seen some roach/beetle looking bugs before too, mostly in the garage, but I just do a fogger once a year and they seem to stay away. We do get a lot of ant hills in the yards so I have to pay the exterminator to come spray out entire yard (1/2 acre) and they use termidor...pretty much keeps all bugs away from my house
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
A friend of mine worked as
A friend of mine worked as an exterminator and the first thing he learned was when carry a bag or anything in the building to exterminate that you HAVE to hang your bag from something otherwise they will get into your bag and boom you will end up with a bunch at home or in the office where you work. Also anytime you step on a roach you might as well throw your shoes away because your bringing home the eggs!
1) NOT all roaches are females
2 NOT all females are pregnant
3)Roaches' eggs are not that tiny,
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
Really? Ewwww. I didn't know that. I just never stepped on
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
them because
a. I was to scared to get that close and
b. I never step on bugs that crunch. I hate that sound!
I also never step on gooey bugs-like big spiders. Can't bear the stuff that comes out.
But what about those nasty fire ants? Who would dream such a little tiny thing can hurt so bad. I once had to run into a restaurant's bathroom and rip off my jeans (I'm sure it looked totally stupid) and get them off my legs. I was shaking them out of my jean legs, smacking them with my shoes. I'm so glad it wasn't a busy time of the day, so no one witnessed my little show.