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A 2 blog blunder-sorry. Had to let you all know-SD17 hates me! But H expects me to give her

bewitched's picture

one of my diamond necklaces for her 18th birthday!

Here's a new one. A couple of months ago, I mentioned to H that I had a diamond necklace from a previous relationship that I never wear. It's not super expensive, but nice. And I told him we could give it to SD17 for her birthday. This is when I was still trying to have a relationship with her.

Some of you may remember my email to this young woman, where I said she could knock when she comes over, and she will treat me with respect and decency in my home. This was following a visit where she was yelling, screaming, slamming into the house, before H got here.

So tonite he reveals that she hates me. No big surprise there. And if she has to knock, she won't be coming over. Which suits me fine.

Of course, she's also in a temper because we couldn't afford to buy her the $360 prom dress she wanted, and we refused to pay $110 for a manicure and pedicure for prom.

H tried to guilt me-I could read it in his words. He told me that if my oldest son ever decides to come visit (they are not on good terms), H would leave, get a motel room or whatever, because he doesn't want to come between my son and I. Yea. Right. My oldest lives in Arizona, somewhere. He's not coming this way for a very long time, I fear. But read his message-he so obviously expected me to say, "Oh, if SD17 wants to come see you, I'll leave.". NOT. If the simple act of knocking at the door is too much for her to handle, she can stay away. I will not leave MY home for this brat!

Anyway, H then, after telling me how SD17 hates me, and doesn't want to see me, follows it with "Can I give her that necklace for her birthday without letting her know it's yours?"

Nope. Nada. I can't believe the nerve of this man.

I'm sure he expected me to say "of course. Give her that necklace, the darling so deserves it". As far as I'm concerned he can give a a bag of doo and I couldn't care less.

P.S. I let him know that there is no way I will attend her graduation.


Sasha's picture

I would hide that necklace so he won't take it and give it to her behind your back. At the rate he's going, I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that.

Most Evil's picture

Hide the necklace! Even put it in a safe deposit box if you have to. I am not giving any of my jewelry to anyone who hates me!! I am proud you are holding your boundaries girl!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

TinaKay's picture

no way.............

it will only make her think she is controlling you and her expectations will get bigger.
Tell your husband you lost it at the mall while you were trying on clothes and put it away somewhere or sell it on craigslist.

livingonaslipperyslope's picture

Stand your ground - these spoiled little daddy's girls need a good dose of reality. Daddy may enable them and allow them to be disrespectful but the real world doesn't work that way and the sooner they find that out the better.

BMJen's picture

I have to brace myself. I know what ever it is will be a shocking account of a idiot father and his poopsey princess baby girl (at age 17 nonetheless).

I can't believe he thinks she should get your necklace. You've got to be joking.

And yeah right, he can say he'd leave the house. Because he knows full good and well that your son isn't coming to visit any time soon. I'm sure the princess has been pestering daddy about making you leave so she can come over. But I bet she wants to make sure all YOUR stuff is still there so she can do what she wants with it, your computer, makeup, etc. And of course he would say he would leave, like I said your son will not be coming over, but he's running out of excuses to tell princess about why he hasn't kicked you out yet.

That's my take on this situation.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
and then he finally admitted SD17's hatred towards me. And that's when he had the nerve to ask for the necklace.

And oh, yeah. I know he's waiting for me to offer to leave so he and she can reign supreme here. Hope they don't hold their breath-because it will not happen. I know she would love to go thru my jewelry (I've dated alot of guys over the years, and have some nice things from various relationships). I know she feels this computer is here for her enjoyment. And I'm sure he's thinking that if and when I find a job, they can just enjoy my home while I'm gone. Not. You all know what is going to happen the very minute after an employer says "you're hired"?

And since he decided to open the can of worms, I raged about how he and she treated me ever since we got married, and pointed out to him that it continued until he was garnished. Why would a garnishment make a difference in how I am treated? Because he's afraid now of being kicked out. Swearing his undying love has not effect on me now. I know that if he'd loved me in the first place, he would not have put me in this position. You don't do this to people you love.

now4teens's picture

1) Lock up ALL your valuables and hide them over at your parents' house.

2)Move all your things over to your parents' house

3)Move YOUR ASS over to your parents' house

4)Change the locks on your current house (and get a restraining order if you need to in order to keep yourself safe)

5)Kick HIS ASS to the curb!

And that's all I'm gonna say about that!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

because as it happens, H revealed to me a few months back, that about 13 years ago he had felony charges against him for 1. breaking and entering (ex's home) 2. doing physical harm (beat up her bf) 3. property damage (thru said boyfriend thru a window) 4. evading arrest-and 3 more charges I am unclear about.

He magically got it all reduced to misdeamnor because he knew the judge.

But my attorney said I have no grounds for a restraining order as H has not been physical with me since we've been married.

that's only because I kept my mouth shut and cried alone when he was berating me, when he was in his rages. Because I was scared to fight back because he's 6' 250 lbs., I am 5' 110 lbs.

Sita Tara's picture

I agree with 5 teens. Take everything of value to you and put it elsewhere- even a bank deposit box or storage unit if it's not too expensive- until you can get OUT.

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

now4teens's picture

1) Lock up ALL your valuables and hide them over at your parents' house.

2)Move all your things over to your parents' house

3)Move YOUR ASS over to your parents' house

***4)Change the locks on your current house ***here's the edit***Don't worry about the restraining order- just change the locks!

5)Kick HIS ASS to the curb!

And that's all I'm gonna say about that!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

I mean, anything of value that's mine-as in jewelry, out of here.

I finally talked to my folks some about the situation-because Sat. nite I thought I was going to have a breakdown. We were screaming and fighting because he lied to me about the garnishment being from the IRS (who is taking all tax return monies) when it's actually from the State.

And how he continues with his plans-I mean, who in the world in his financial situation would still insist on the Country Club for graduation? And making sure SD17 gets a big gift? Not because I dislike the girl-I wouldn't let that affect any graduation gift-but simply that the money isn't there-we don't have the extra to spend???

So I'm workin my way step at a time.

BridgingTheGap's picture

Your jewelry belongs to you, not her. And its most certainly not for DH to give away to his satanic spawn. If he wants SD to have a nice necklace, he can get the money on his own.