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Tax question

SoontobeWifeandMom's picture

So currently we have 50/50 custody with BM. We are planning to move shortly though and change to 75/25 if that. Well BM brought up what we are going to do with the tax returns today. For this year we are splitting it, but next year we are going to take all of it since we will be the true custodain parents. BM threatened to take us to court over it. Does she have a case? Would we have to give her any?


sparky's picture

What does the contract say? Normally the person that has custody get the deductions or they need to sign a form giving someone else permission to carry them as dependents. Form 8332? If there are 2 kds sometimes 1 parent will take one and the other will take the other to keep the peace.

Rosedeer1's picture

If you are the custodial parent you have nothing to worry about, we just won placement and it is no brainer, let her take you to court whom ever has the child more or pays more gets to claim them as a dependent. When my DH had split custody he still was able to calim his son because he financailly supported him more paying out 150 a week in CS eventhough his son went back and forth every 3 days.

Good Luck

mlbltd678's picture

To Keep the peace so she would not bring us back to court and fight us having full custody we agreed to claim him every other year and she could claim him every other year. We honestly felt t wasn't worth the battle in court, which for us anyway always favored her side. We would rather make sure we had the kid than to worry about the tax return.