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"The Talk"

Endora's picture

I sat down this weekend with DH (Zippy16 was away for spring break)-and pretty much said what I posted last week (See Should I or shouldn't I)-

We had a heated discussion whereby DH said I had a double standard with BS 24 (who works, goes to school, pays rent) until September. A little background is my BS moved out at 17-he was struggling at 21 and wanted to finish his school so I talked it over with DH (fiance then) and he agreed Charlie 2 could come to stay with us - pay rent and move out date was agreed upon-BS helps around the house and yard, is polite and has had the same job all this time-Charlie 2 is rarely home as he has a girlfriend and a life outside his mother.

DH said I have more tolerance for BS (gee ya figure!)and that I needed more tolerance with Zippy16 (the consequence free kid)-I told him he needed to parent Zippy (this was before DH found out Zippy got fired from the job Daddykins got him)turns out Zippy16 cannot pull himself from his video games to get to work on time -AND Zippy has NO manners (no please, thank you )-anyway -before DH found out perfect Zippy16 is an a$$hole on the job-I reiterated that Zippy16 gets NO consequences for his bad behavior.

That is when I got the "consequences don't work on Zippy-I have tried them" apparently Zippy16 only learns when life smacks him in the face but Daddykins runs interference when that happens SO we are back to square one.

DH is finding out he has the laziest, rudest, unlikable teen on the planet-DH says to me this morning that he thinks Zippy needs some manners and maybe Zippy should work at trying not to be late all the time :?

I just wish DH would get with the program and stop making his son shoot himself in the foot all the time-Zippy is going to have some rather hard hitting life lessons at some point that Daddy cannot fix--and I will say "I told you so".


Endora's picture

First instinct was to side with Zippy (his Zippy would never be late!) -he spoke to the union rep-and she is looking into "the firing"-Zippy's lates are indesputible because he must punch in-so if the clock says late-he's late-

I saw two incidences myself-Zippy sprawled on the couch eating cereal and it is 5 minutes before his shift-DH sipping tea in the dining room-totally oblivious!

DH is finally starting to see the light-I hope it is not a case of too little too late...

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Most Evil's picture

I understand guilt parenting, I really do. It is HARD to be the bad guy, HARD to stay on someone, HARD to have the person you love mad at you or hate you - but you have to do it anyway!! or you are not doing right by the child, bioparent or step!!!

I hope DH gets it Endora!! sounds like Zippy is starting to feel the 'consequences' so may shape up himself? We can only hope!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin