What is appropriate?
I was just on TMC, and saw a post about what "dressing your age" means. I have the same question. I am 26, 132 lbs (I was 118 before school started), and 5'7". I wear a size 3, 5 or 7, depending. OSD is 11, and we wear a lot of the same clothes. Cute tees, jeans, capris...I have to raid her closet occasionally to recover some of my shirts. When we go out, I think I dress nicely. I'm very conservative, jeans, cute top, flip flops. Or skirts with a cute top. I do not show my belly button or my buttcheeks off. Solid colors. During the summer, I'm a lazy dresser. I'll throw on a summer dress with flip flops and go. My confession is that I still shop in the junior dept. But I don't go too crazy or hip. I look 18 still, and don't dress like a mom. When I go pick up SK's from school, and their teachers see me, or the daycare people, it's so weird. I KNOW the teachers are around my age, but look SO MUCH older. Or am I the one fooling myself? Am I the one getting laughed at behind my back?
What is appropriate for a 26 y/o "stepmother" of 3 to wear?
- 2Bloved's blog
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26 is still pretty young, 20
26 is still pretty young, 20 somethings can pretty much wear anything, I think, except showing off the belly (which I don't think ANYONE should do, that was so 80s/90s) I'm 29 and I mostly shop at Victorias Secret catalog and American Eagle for casual clothes.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Whatever you want Girl
Your 26, your young, you wear whatever you want..It sounds like you know what works for you.
) well maybe alittle more then a few..but I still go in my daughters closet and steal a T shirt, and the other day she wore my boots. She is 14
Teacher have to dress more conservative, but if you feel good..wear it.. Dont break out those Mom high wasted jeans..please nooo!!, stay away.
IM older then 26 (just a few
Do youlook like your going to a nightclub? NO..your good
Do you look like you need a pole to dance on? NO your good
Whatever you want...
Just because you are a stepmom doesn't mean you are a mom. You didn't crank out the little buggers so don't worry about what you look like. 26 is young...hell if you are any age and can pull it off without looking trashy, then I say go for it! Don't worry too much about looking older. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Enjoy being young. I'm 29, btw and I enjoy every minute of being confused for my SS9's 16 year-old sister (I even get carded at Sam's Club for "R" rated movies..lol). Again, he's not my kid, so I'm not worried about people thinking anything about me.
Too Funny.
I'd wear as little as possible too
Who cares what others think?
Trust me... I've been going through the same thing throughout my marriage. I'm 19, and although I only have one skid, I too realized that people looked at me funny. In the beginning I would sometimes pick Blabb up from school in tight jeans and a cute top just like you. And all the teachers would tell me, "Oh, I didn't know Blabb had an older sister!" And I would just smile and tell them, "She doesn't. I'm her step mom." It was so much fun to watch their jaws drop.
Point is... who cares what people think!? You're still young! Have fun with your body now before you lose it.
lol I love your response, Mustang.
I shopped in Jrs too til I had BD 3
I think you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in and at 26 you are way young to worry about age appropriate as far as I'm concerned. I remember 26 and feeling not quite mom- no longer a kid, even though I had BS 14 at 26. So don't worry about it. As long as you aren't wearing underwear for outerwear I think you're good!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I am 26 also
I have had the same thoughts...should I dress more like a "mom"? I dress very conservative for my age I think. But I dont dress like the typical "mom" that is 10 yrs older than me. I dont show belly or dress in too short or too tight clothes. I work in an office so I have a professional job. But I just feel out of place sometimes. I had my bio son at 16 (barely) so I have struggled with this even before being a step mom.
I decided to just alway err on the conservative side...especially when dealing with school and other parents. Other moms can be mean - especially BM's buddies.
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Honey dress the way that
Honey dress the way that makes you happy. The only thing that bothers me is when you see a woman of mature age (how pc right?) dresses like a 15 yr old. When my boys where younger (I had my first at 19) I always kept a couple of outfits that they called my MOM clothes. Something I could wear to see the principal or for meeting the teachers. Remember that life is a stage and you will always need costumes for the roles you will have to play.When it's just home time or running to the store I dress what makes me comfortable.
I'm 30 and I still shop in the junior's for casual clothes ~
For work, I don't. I'm with FM. It's all about the role that you have to play at that time. I'm Ms. Professional 8-5 M-F, but after work and on weekends, I wear what I want. Of course, I don't show my belly off or anything, but I like to wear low-rise jeans and cute tops. I'm a shoe freak more than anything else. Give me those 3" and 4" heels baby!!
I'm 42 and still shop in Jr's
My thoughts on this are "if it still works, do it". I love wearing my black Converse high tops on the weekend and I shop at American Eagle too. What the heck - you only live once right? I've never really been one to care much what people think. Oh well!!
I have to dress nice at work, but I still wear a Junior size. My daughter (11) and I can wear the same clothes now except for her feet are bigger than mine now - I wear a 8 1/2 she's into a 9 or 9 1/2 depending.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
You are soooo very young. Enjoy your youth and youthful figure. Sounds like you are dressing just fine. I started teaching at 21 and had to start dressing very conservatively even before that----(student teaching). ENJOY, in good taste that is!
I take the United States of Tara approach,
and dress to "fit" the occasion, and how I'm feeling that day, LOL.
There really is an outfit for everything. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch
Maybe I'll flip everyone out and show up
to work dressed like T? Bwahahaha....(I love that show!)
what ever you like
thats my thoughts on this one..IM 46 and i wear 2-6 depending on make...im not dressing like an old lady. Although there are some styles that are kinda silly looking on me (my opinion) cus of my age...but my thoughts are , "hey do i look good?" and if the answer is yes I wear it. IF some eles doesnt like it..THEY ARE JEALOUS...oK..IM not trying to pat my self on the back but would do you figure i got a guy 10 years younger to marry me..
Whatever you want
Well I have 1 sd and 2 bio daughters and I still shop at Hollister, American Eagle, Express whereever. My husband is a "few" years older then me and he still dresses in Hollister. So I say whatever you look good in wear it. I usually have the more trender clothes on then the other moms but hey I like the attetion.
And side note if isnt was not for me my SD would not have any brand name clothes. Her BM shops alot at the local WalMart I can tell by her own clothes.
Whatever you like
I'm 40 and still shop in the jr's dept sometime. I'm 5'4' and weigh 130lbs. Not to toot my own horn but people think I'm 30 - I swear I have been using Avon renew forever and it rocks. Before my Fh came along I always dated guys anywhere from 6 to 10 years younger then. I just don't try to dress like a teenager though, bare belly and all that, or low cut down to my navel. I don't need anything hanging out! I would say you should dress however you feel comfortable and I'm sure you don't dress trasy.
My son is 22 and I have had several people as if he is my b/f - I really thought that was a stretch though 
I'm not a complete prude.
I'm not a complete prude. When my girlfriends and I go out, I clean up nicely. I wear my skirts and my heels. I just don't want to be one of those women who hold on to their youth so desperately that you can tell, and feel sorry for them.
I recently went out to dinner with BF, kids, and my family and some friends. There was a woman there, looked like she came from the Rock of Love Bus. Teased bleach blonde hair. Ripped clothing. Heels. Makeup. 80's reject. And she was in her late forties, it looked like. Did not look cute at all.
I hope that when the time comes for me to retire my skirts, someone will be nice enough to tell me.
LOL Cruella!!!
I need to print this out for my boss!! She's 37, and looks like she's in her mid 20's atill. Dresses very cute casual. She shares clothes with her 13 yo, lots of A&F, AE, Old Navy. And we are always debating if something is "too young" for us.
I'm going to make a copy for my sociology teacher also!! We are using the phrase "binary oppositon" in class, and this is PERFECT!!!