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Did you hear about the PA. boy???

Chel Bell's picture

11 years old, and shot and killed his fathers pregnant girlfriend in the back of the head while she was sleeping....then he went off to school!!!! Both Mother and baby died, the father is in shock......he was not aware of any problems with his son,( WHAT????) and the stepmom (girlfriend). The gun was a "junior" shot gun that the kid owned and kept in his room.(again WHAT?????) This story is so crazy on so many different levels. Want to take a moment for that poor woman and her baby and pray. This is why relationships between skids, and their step parents, and the way they behave needs to be taken more seriously.!!


Most Evil's picture

That is so sick!! News said he IS being charged as an adult. Terrifying!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Chel Bell's picture

we may see more cases like this, another poor result of guilt parenting/ PAS. IMO. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch

ferretmom's picture

That is why I sleep with the bedroom door locked, the dog in there with me and a gun. This is how I've lived for almost 9 yrs and no one has ever understood why.

stepmom2one's picture

My H keeps a hand gun in his closet and 4 more guns under our bed. I bought locks for these guns, they are all in cases. He refuses to put the locks on the guns!! He says that if someone would break in he couldn't get to the guns fast enough!! I think that we need to be worried about SD shotting me with them, he agrees that she has serious issues but does not think she would do such a thing. Yeah right.

We had a talk about it when both our kids were on our bed. My son is too little to know about guns but SD says "oh I know where the guns are and I know that the ammo is in the tv center on the family room"

How could my H not think she knows this, the ammo is at the very base of the cabinet. My son took all the ammo out one dday and had it spread acrossed the floor--thinking it was toys. I am telling my H about this, I hope this is the ammo I need to prove my point.

newstepmom2008's picture

The scary thing is, I've told my mother that I can see oldest SS doing the same thing to me. I think if I ever got pregnant he and his manipulative mother would seriously try and cause me harm. They are both psycho! I've had to call the police on her several times and DH tried to talk her into putting SS in a hospital b/c of how violent he was and still sometimes is to his sweet brother and sister. He can totally control this though b/c he punched his sister in the face ONCE here. I verbally chewed his butt out and he had to do chores for several hours and had to give up all video privileges. SURPRISE!!!! No problems with this since then. (He is 180 pounds and his little sister is around 40 pounds.)

His BM is an IDIOT! She lets him rule the house. Not in my house! I'm sure he's sick of hearing..."when you're in my house, you'll follow my rules!" and "Newsflash, you're the child, I'm the adult, I set the rules you follow them!" "You don't have to love anyone in this house, but you will show respect to everyone in this house or you will be punished."

His mother constantly complains about me!!!!! Always saying what a horrible influence I am on him and how mean I am to him. She says I make him cry and on it goes. Can we say TWO manipulative brats! No wonder he has issues!!! I'm not mean to this child, but I do expect him to behave! And yes he got his butt chewed out when he accused me of hitting him. He has undergone a very lengthy punishment for that -- it's been months since I've been willing to be alone with this brat! Before I came along he was failing school -- now he's making all As and Bs. Yeah -- I'm a real bad influence.

With that said, I still include him in ALL activities. I try to treat him like to do the little ones, but it's just so hard when all he's done is try to make my life miserable. I dread every weekend I know he's coming, but I ALWAYS miss the little ones!

Rags's picture

11 is to young for that I think. 13,14,15+ yes. A teen is old enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Even a teen who's mind is mush from playing too many violent video games.

An 11yr old may not have figured out that in life there is no do over when someone dies.

How sad and tragic this story is. For everyone involved.

Best regards,

KittyKat's picture

I don't know if anyone else thinks he looks as if he has FAS, but he definitely has some of the facial characterisitics....

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

Chel Bell's picture

that there is not a loaded gun around???? Because these are normal feelings in stepfamilies......I can't believe the article says that. Making light of this situation. Too bad. Sad "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch