How did you pick your user name for Steptalk?
I saw an old post and since there are new people-thought it might be fun.
I got my name from an old TV show in the sixties-Endora was actually a very determined Mother-In-Law!
- Endora's blog
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I got mine
after the turmoil my SD put me through, and my DH pretty much took her side..I thought this realtionship is FUBAR (F*#ked up beyond all recognition). But he finally saw her for the real her and still wonders why Im with him..
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..
I have wondered about yours, thanks for solving the mystery!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
mine was a desperate ploy
to not look like the evil step-mother! Did it work?
I LOVED Bewitched, Endora. I wish my kids could watch it. I still wiggle my nose at them or do Jeannie's arm cross/head bob. Either way, they look at me like I'm a booger. Apparently I'm not cool?
Bewitched was
A favourite show of mine as a little girl-I wish I was Endora-could turn Zippy and DH into a few choice things! Ha!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Mine is my B-day
Mine is my B-day
Mines pretty original eh?
I live in Colorado and I'm a girl.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Mine came from
my cat Sia that I had to have put to sleep.
It is
shortform for my name.I was named after the show bewitched!!
Funny funny.....
Mine came from this site....I was reading blogs and saw one from "Tired" and I thought...."well I'm tired too" so thus became my name.
Easy one...
On many a day, my three orange KATS are the only SANE, emotionally STABLE creatures in my world!
I love those little guys!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
My mom used to call me Sarah B after the actress who was know for being very dramatic and my mom thought when I cried (as a little girl)I was over dramatizing.. hence SB
I've wondered many a day if I over dramatize my life sometimes..
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
I picked my name
because I must have a taste for suffering if I'm willing to subject myself to stepmotherhood. secret, really...
I have changed my name, but it's no secret who I am when you read my old blogs, LOL. I changed it for a brief period of time due to security reasons, but I didn't visit the site either... I'll probably reclaim my name eventually.
But the matter is, I really am just another stepmom out there...
"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."
I couldn't take my name back... and I didn't like the other one... guess I'm one of the 'oldtimers' here... so I thought it fitting! LMAO!!!
(former aka, JustAnotherSM)
"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."
I knew that was you...
or had a "feeling"...
Welcome back.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Just becuz
my SD9 treats me like (for the last couple of months) the best SM. She has been telling me how great I am. But before she was so nasty, thought I was the worst person ever. So at first it was kind of a joke. I have not changed one bit but one day I am so great the next she hates me and lies about me. I just can't win. SM#1---yeah right.
Things not allowed
My X grew up in a "cult" (door to door religion)-apparently Santa is a form of Satan (the letters re arranged spell Satan)-so HE was definetly not around their Christmas Tree!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
He was brought up
Mormon(in the UK)-really soured him on organized religion-for many years-
He is born again now, not Mormon.
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Actually, there are two reasons
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
The first, was the TV show Endora referred to. Bewitched was Samantha, a blonde witch. So that much matched.
But then, the second reason. I am lousy at being the captain of my own ship. Made really poor choices when it comes to men...really ick! So I've decided that I must be under a spell of some kind (ok, kidding-know it's my own fault) so I'm Bewitched!
Can I change my name?
I want to be the crazy cousin Serena!
speaks for itself
Im doglover1 because I love love love dogs!! The 1 is because someone eles is doglover. I have 2 golden retreivers and a jack russel. They are the sunshine in my life. Last nite i watched a program called "what would you do". They had a golden in a car on a hot day to see how people would react to it. (accually the dog wasnt in a hot car...they had air conditioning on). If i had seen that...beleive me i would have broken the window and called the cops!! They did the same thing with a baby in the car..and you would not have believed the people that just walked by. A few months ago i did in fact notice a car with a child locked inside...I found the mother and i called the cops!! UNREAL!
I saw that show
What would you do?
If BM was stuck in the car with NO AIR?
I would eat an ice cream cone and watch her dehydrate.
thats funny!!
borbor great comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for my alter ego artist/model stuff, so what the hell, I'll use it here too...
Basically I like legends and mythology, and I always liked the story of the Greek sirens, luring stupid men to their deaths crashing on the rocks, thinking they're following beautiful women and instead they're blood thirsty hags. Their lore is also that of water fairies, and I love the ocean, plus there's some truly beautiful artwork depicting the sirens that I love.
Finally, I'm from the north east US, and always loved Bob Dylan's song "girl from the north country." So northernsiren it is....:)
Yeah I know, I'm weird....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
When I was at work one day there was a muzzled dog left
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
in a closed vehicle on a hot summer day, right out in front of the office. We called the animal control people.
They did nothing. Of course, they took their time getting there (c'mon-there's on 4,500 people in this town), and the really thoughtful loving pet owners were done at the restaurant, where they enjoyed a meal in a cook, airconditioned environment by the time the officers arrived. While their poor dog sat in an oven. Muzzled.
We also saw a small infant left in a car in front of the mall in the city-again, called 911. What happened? Mommy got her hand slapped and told that it was a no-no. UGGGGGGHHHH.
I'm DH's second wife.
And I'm 19.
I have kids
Older than you! Hats off for taking this on so young!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
It was a BIG mistake!
:o I should have listened to my parents when they said to not marry so young... but I was an idiot. I love my husband to death, don't get me wrong...
it's just now I have to deal with a bratty child 11 years younger than me!
My parents are not happy with me either.
I grew up way too fast, and although I am proud of myself (I've gotten a house on my own, my own car, I have a full time job, and I go to school full time)... sometimes I just wish that I could go hang out with my friends like I used to.
My wife is only 16 years older than her BioKid.
Not all that much difference to your age situation so she (and I) can understand your frustration. I am 12 years older than my wife and 28 years older than our kid (my SS). Sounds like you and your DH and my wife and I are similar in age differences.
Hang in there, we have a great life, a fun family and an incredible relationship. Keep your marriage the focus and center of the family and even the crazy Skids and XWBM may get on board eventually.
Best regards,
OMG I did not realize!!
You are so wise, to be so young-!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I'm a gal and I ride a Harley.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
Mine is 'cause
I always feel like I'm walkin' on eggshells around my SDs. I have always catered to their every whim and tip-toed around them. sign-on name.
I got mine from one of my
I got mine from one of my favorite Tori Amos songs "Playboy Mommy". The song isn't what you think it deals with the loss of a child and how you feel with the what could I have done and the guilt and all that. My son Julien was born with Down syndrome and I had to grieve the loss of the child I thought I was going to have and I had to work through feelings of guilt and am still working on that feeling that it is somehow my fault. Rationally I know it is not my fault but I still feel responsible.
I'm so glad you responded
I have to confess I raised an eyebrow over your name a time or two, thank you for sharing your story so honestly, I admire your strength for persevering!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Wow I am glad you told us
I feel for you in dealing with this issue, and give you extra kudos for parenting someone so special. I have to say, I do kind of picture you with the ears and such, but I think its cute! in the abstract, you know?!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Yeah i am not some raving
Yeah i am not some raving hooker that runs around half naked all the time.
i love tori amos!
and i know that song. sounds like it fits u
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Rags is just who I am.
It was my High School nick name and has stuck for at least three generations of Rags'.
My name story
Mine started as a question, Am I the Most Evil Stepmom ever? and I tried to make it Most Evil?, but it would not accept the question mark. So I eventually just made it Most Evil.
I swear I am really nice y'all, but I just can't give up my alter ego yet, ha ha!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
We're the brady bunch......of cats
I had two cats and my DH had two cats. So when we moved in together we ended up with four cats. Good thing I like the little furballs as I'm convinced that four cats equals another child!
Mine is pretty obvious I
Mine is pretty obvious I have or rather had ferrets and work with our ferret rescue.
Mine is simple
I am big on Principles.
Respect. Treat others as you wish to be treated. To include people, places and things.
Accountability. If you can't own up to it, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it.
Give your all. Do not half-ass your way through. If you are going to take up a task, give it your all and see it through. Make sure you can hold your head up when attaching your name to it, whatever it may be.
Be yourself. IAmMe is another name I use. I dance to the beat of my own drums. I do not try to conform for the sake of conformity, nor do I try to stand out for the sake of opposition. I try to remain true to myself in all that I do.
Be a good friend/listener. According to my friends I am a very good listener. I give good advise. HOWEVER, I do NOT tell you what you WANT to hear. I don't believe in going along to get along. If we are truly friends then you are open to hearing what I truly feel about a subject and vice versa.
There is more, but you get the gist. I live my life by a set of principles. A code of sort. These are also things that I ingrain in my kids. I do not want them growing up blaming society for all that is wrong in their lives.
People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->
Princ for Pres 2012!
I will vote for you on that platform.
Best regards,
Thanks Rags.
And I approve this message.
People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->
I picked my name because I
I picked my name because I thought this forum would provide a place where I could be "brutally" honest about how I felt about the whole step-situation. Over time I've learned to edit my life story with friends, family and co-workers who just don't understand the added dimensions step kids bring. I also feel I can never be fully honest with BF about how I feel about his parenting and SD because he can't handle the truth.
I've actually found I strive to fully examine my soul when I post her because of my screen name. If I can't come clean with my feeling here under the protection of a screen name, why even post.
I picked a pine tree for my icon because I often feel like a solitary pine alone in a world of "normal" families. I'm also from a mountain state and love camping among the pines.
Mine seems self explanatory
I feel I am too young to deal with all the junk being a step mom brings. I am 25 but have been taking care of the skids for 5 years already and it seems like its always 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
i named myself after my dog!
bella is her name and its the name i always use for screen names and such bc its easy for me to remember. and it means beautiful in italian!
originally i was gonna use mamacita, but decided against it and combined the two to get bellacita.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
mine is from a TV show, too
The Girlmore Girls. One of my all-time favorite shows. Squeegie Beckenheimer is the fake name Lorelai had make up to see if store mailing lists were selling her name. When she started receiving all kinds of mail addressed to Squeegie Beckenheimer, she knew which stores were guilty of this. Of course, as Rory pointed out, this made the junk mail problem even worse.
Yeah, I'm a TV nerd.
My name....
is a family nickname from the Beatles song: Michelle my Bell. The name Michelle annoys me for some reason??? Not sure why, maybe cause my dad's first wife picked it, so I just go by Chel. , and Chel Bell just stuck with everyone. My Dad used to say Chel Bella. It was cute. ~ Leave out all the rest~