Ungrateful SKIDS
SD20 came home from college,,, On Christmas Eve we (me, husband, my 2bD's and 2 Sd's) are at my brothers house for dinner.
2 SD's tell my husband they are going to wal mart to pick granny (MIL) something up for Christmas,,, BULLCRAP walmart closed at 6 and this was 7:30.
Later, me, husband and my 2 BD's go home to prepare for Christmas.
I have my girls get ready for bed. Meantime I am exhausted but knew I had gifts to wrap. Well at 11:00 p.m. I asked husband, where is SD's? He starts calling them both on their cell phones and they have them turned off.
He gets angry.
I start wrapping gifts and prepare stockings. Sitting everything in the middle of the bedroom floor NOT ABLE TO PUT UNDER TREE cause 2 SD's are not home yet.
GUESS WHAT, husband and I fall asleep waiting on them and the kids were up at 5am CHristmas morning with no gifts under the tree but were still sitting in my bedroom floor. I was so mad,,, MY GIRLS suffered because of them!! ARRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!
They went to party with oldest SD's boyfriend til 1 am in the morning!!
Ungratefull arses!
- sunshine's blog
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Hey girl.....been missin ya!
so, what did dh do to them?
Are you surprised!! My girls said something about they were upset in front of husband and skids. Nothing was said nothing was done.... I should have laid out my girls things but I wasnt even thinking.. I was to angry!
I would have gone off on them! What a bunch of inconsiderate asses!
Hey! Glad to see you! I
Hey! Glad to see you! I would have put SDs' presents in a room with oldest SD's puppy so it could pee on their presents.
To every thing there is a season.