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Damn Snow: part 2

Chel Bell's picture

Well my kids are still with me, their flight got cancelled yesterday. They did board the plane, but the snow had just started to fall, it looked good for a while there that they could still take off, but as they were de-iceing the plane, the snow just started really coming down hard. So they got my kids off the plane, and we had to go back home. We plan to try again tomorrow, as it should be a better day. The funny part of this, is, my son got his wish. He kept saying the night before, that he wished he had 2 more days, he did not want to go yet. Why he wanted 2 days, I don't know, that's just what he kept repeating, bless his heart. It's always tough to say good bye. I do cry after they board the plane, as it is hard to watch them go. My son somehow got his wish. I could not believe it when my kids came running back off the plane, and into my arms. My daughters tear streaked face said it all. I got to spend New Years eve with my kids for the first time in 4 years. We called their father and told him about what was going on up here and how they would fly out Friday, and he simply said "enjoy your night with them". He had plans to go out anyways, so it worked out even better. As tough as the day was, (driving home in the snow was crazy), it was a wonderful way to spend a cold, snowy evening. I do now believe in the power of a wish. Smile


northernsiren's picture

I guess that's called snow karma, caused some stress at the beginning, but in the end, allowed you another holiday with your kids, and your son's wish to come true. That's great!!!!!!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

SerendipitySM's picture

Chel - that is great!! I'm glad that the wonderful NEW ENGLAND snowstorm worked in your favor this time!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin