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I feel that my wife has married me only for the step kids...

Jack's picture

I had another blog about my wife's teenagers, specifically, my issues with her son. As part of the custody agreement, he stays with his grandfather for the summer (about 350 miles away from us). He calls her up and says that he's old enough to make his decisions (he just turned 16), and he's quitting school and moving with his grandfather next school year.

I almost feel that she's blaming me for this, when all that I ask for is some respect in my house, but he's out of control (I mentioned in my last blog that I had him arrested for putting his hands on me). He's coming back to our house this Saturday, and I can't help but think that he's going to make everybody's lives hell at that point not wanting to be here.

It just feels like she's in it to have a roof over their heads in a good neighborhood and not to be with me. I don't have my own kids, and she keeps putting off starting a family with me (this year again), and I told her that since I don't have a family of my own that I didn't get married just for the sake of being married. I got married to start a life with the woman that I love (or loved).

I now have 2 lawyers on my speed dial, one that I've been working with for years and added a closing attorney that I've worked with that also handles family law/divorce. I just had to get this out there...


StepLightly's picture

She's probably feeling inadequate and guilty if her son is making these types of choices. And if she's putting off having kids with you...that's not good. She has agreed to have your children, right? If so, I would think she'd want to get on that as soon as possible. I think you should tell her that you love her, but you feel used and blamed. See how she responses -- she may give you the answer you need to move on -- with her or without her.

Jack's picture

I have mentioned this and it's the same thing (not the right time). I have told just that tonight and she just gets in attack mode and blames everything else, me, the uncontrolled environment that provides him with drugs and alcohol down there with his grandfather, etc. She just blows it off and goes back to (when we talk, it's all about you), I've almost left her a few times out of this marriage because of issues with her refusal to control him and if another situation happens like the one that I had him arrested for, it's through and everybody knows it, him, my wife and my step daughter.

kathleen's picture

From reading your post, it sounds like you are fighting against what is best for you. If she is okay with ss living with her dad, and ss wants to live with her dad, then you don't have to live with ss. BINGO Maybe you're life will settle down and you can have the relationship with your wife you always wanted. I say, wish them luck and focus on your marriage.

Jack's picture

It may sound bad but that's what I could only wish for. I feel like it would be divorce court before then.

sparky's picture

"he's old enough to make his decisions (he just turned 16), and he's quitting school and moving with his grandfather next school year." If he does quit school I would make sure he stays with his grandfather. That way you won't have to deal with him and his issues.
" I told her that since I don't have a family of my own that I didn't get married just for the sake of being married. I got married to start a life with the woman that I love (or loved). " If its a deal breaker that you wanted kds of your own and she isn't going to deliver then why not start the paper work for the divorce? I will give her credit for the fact that she knows the marriage isn't going to make it and she doesn't want another divorce and more children of a divorce under her belt.
She may be using you now for the nice neighborhood and lifestyle, but hopefully it didn't start out that way. The problem is that regardless of how many mistakes her son makes she still loves him. Just be thankful that the two of you didn't have kds and bring them into her dysfunctional lifestyle.

kathleen's picture

You know the answer to your question. If you think this marriage is over, or can't be reconciled, take Sparky's advice. You'll be saving yourselves much more heartache in the long run.

Sia's picture

get the book, "stop walking on eggshells". Another poster recommended it to me, and it is great. It mostly is about people with Borderline Personality Disorder, but can really help most anyone deal with certain people in their lives. From what you've said, I think this book may be able to help you. Check it out.
As for the baby thing.....are you sure this is a woman you would want to be the mother of your child? I would think that if she is that way w/SS, then what would make her any better with your child. If you did have a child and you ended up divorced, are you sure she wouldn't act the same way with your child as she does w/SS? You think you have problems now??? That would be worse for me. I generally DONT like ultimatums, BUT if she is so unwilling to bend, then give her one. Counseling, together, or you will leave. Good luck!

Angel's picture

opinion here but she needs to finish her job as a mom with the 16 year old first before she starts anything with a new marriage.

Walking into a situation with "unfinished" kids is not the easiest starter package especially if you want children. It is so not fair to you but you are in her world now. Lots of step parents give more than they should to accomodate the spouse. But I completely understand about wanting your own children. Only you can decide what is good for YOU.

stepwitch's picture

This is sounding like role-reversal. If you get a chance scroll back to my first post and read. I don't blame you at all for reporting abuse, because I went thru the same kind of stuff with my SD, and wished that I had made a report back then.

I never really thought about this going with the opposite sex. Thankfully, my dh supported me thru all the issues, I'm not saying that he agrees with everything I did, but he does support me and I think that is the only thing that has saved us. Sounds like your wife is more committed to her son than you...hmmm.

Don't ever put yourself in the backseat, the backseat was designed for the children. My SD is 19 and still cant find her way out of a wet paper sack! So at 16, Do you have the willpower????? Because that is what it is going to take...

Keep up informed, we are here to help.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

StepLightly's picture

About wanting this woman to be the mom of your kids. She is in DEEP denial regarding her son. If my son (and I have 2 of 'em) did what your SS is doing, the hammer would be dropping BIG TIME. I'm mean to them for way less then that!