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I just need to get some sleep!

Fed Up And Wiped Out's picture

Well, here it is, almost midnight on a Tuesday night and I just can't sleep. I have so many things on my mind tonight... I have to stop thinking about what is going to happen in the future and what I would like to change about the past. How do you clear your head when so much turmoil is going on around you? I have so much anger pent up inside of me right now towards SD16 and I have to get it out. I know this is not healthy. She is a child. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I have no control over the actions of others, only my own. I also have to keep reminding myself of that. I have not much advice to give anyone, I came here for guidance myself. Does anyone else have such trouble sleeping at night? Lately I've been up all night and very tired all day at work. I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but going to bed has become a chore and an endless string of random thoughts that just won't let me rest. What can I do to stop this? I do not want to have to start taking sleeping medication.


StepLightly's picture

I have 3 adult SDs that don't live here and I don't sleep. The turmoil in your life follows you to bed. Though I believe I've done everything right by these girls, and DH is a great dad, they have not turned into kind, respectful adults. I think I worry about the future. What happens if DH dies? What if we both die? What if I go first and then DH loses his memory and all hell breaks loose? What if the evil tribe moves in on my sons and their future families? God! The list goes on...I'm no help! I just want you to know that you are not the only one. If you do decide on sleep meds, make sure it's non-addictive, like Lunesta or something similar. SWEET DREAMS!

Fed Up And Wiped Out's picture

Well, Step, at least is makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only night owl out there. I was thinking about trying Tylenol PM or something over the counter like that, maybe just for a couple of nights, but I really hate to do that. You always feel crappy in the morning when they don't wear off right away. I guess I think about similar things that you do. Lately SD16 is even more than a nightmare than usual. I should start referring to her as SD666. It's really affecting me negatively and I know that she would be just ecstatic to hear that it's causing me to lose sleep. I'm always telling everyone else to just let things go and move on. I just wish I could!

All I'm for a little RESPECT (just a little bit).-The Queen of Soul

StepLightly's picture

I hate Tylenol PM and all that. It makes me really groggy. My doc gave me some samples of Lunesta and I take one here and there. You wake up really refreshed. It's great. Don't lose any more sleep. Don't let her age you! Wink

Fed Up And Wiped Out's picture

I'll take your advice. Right now, I'm going to go give it another shot. I have to get up at 7 a.m. and it's already after midnight here in good ol' PA. It's going to be a long day tomorrow!

All I'm for a little RESPECT (just a little bit).-The Queen of Soul

fedup3's picture

Hey, I like your name (he he). I too don't sleep much with all of the crap that constantly runs through my head. I'm in PA too. What part are you from?

stepwitch's picture

It's almost 4:00 am and the StepWitch is still up too. My opinion on Tylenol PM is: if you have aches and pains and want to sleep, that's fine, but if not, just take a benadryl. That is the active ingredient in tylenol PM anyway. Be sure to cut out foods/drinks high in caffiene after say 3:00 p, and take the benadryl early, that way it has a chance to work so you don't feel groggy as SL suggested.

Try some meditation and some soothing music. You can always count to 100 slowly in your head. Hot bubble bath, anything you can think of to put you in a trans like state. I play games on my Iphone, that usually wears out my eyes until they can't focus anymore, but I guess you are not as old as I.

Good Luck, Darling...Let me know...

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

sarahbernheart's picture

go to a health food store they can recommend something natural - I have read that lavender is a very relaxing scent.
I would also say keep a journal - put all your thoughts down good bad- dont worry about grammar or spelling, that helped me -dump it all in the book, get rid of it in your mind
hope this helps.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Bradybunchmom's picture

sleepytime tea works wonders on me. Just in the regular grocery store in the tea aisle. I was shocked the first time I drank some and got all sleepy, and no side affects at all.