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I was almost arrested

sam's picture

So this is my sags from yesterday.My ss and i went to go pick up sd from her mothers.After i sat in traffic forever to get there.So i pull up she lives in a townhouse complex i did not pull in her driveway or even touched her curb with my tire.i just pulled in front on the narrow road in front of her dump.Anyways ss gets out to go in and get her so i sat in front for like half hour waiting for them by this time my blood was starting to boil.Lo and Behold guess who comes out with a paper and pen walks to the back of my truck and starts to write down license plate number which she already had when sd came over wrote them down for her but that is a different post.I get out and ask her if there was a problem i was nice no attitude or anything and she told me that i was on private property and she was calling the police.Then she started calling me names the whole time i at least expected my 16 year old ss to come out but he didnt.Ladies i was so pissed all i thought was grab her head bring my knee up and introduce them together.But i know she would call police and have me arrested for assault.That is what she is waiting while shes calling me names i get in the truck and leave left the skids behind.Went and called my dh right away which was long distance and told him how shitty i was treated and does he finally see and then i hung up on him..So i get home and an hour later after i walk in the door guess who is calling to see if i will come back and pick them up.I SAID NOWAY you had your chance...


sam's picture

I forgot to add one thing i think this was all planned because she kept phoning our house yesterday and i heard my ss say i will think about it and i even told my dh something was up and when he came home yesterday i said told ya so.

Gmama's picture

I ve learned a while ago, out of sight out of mind.
I have been with DH 6 years married for 2.I have come face to face 3 times with BM.and one horrible conversation on the phone. I avoid her like the plauge. I think after her and I got into on the phone my DH PREFERS me not to be anywhere near her,so I don't.I love my SS but, his kid his job,and I wear the shoe on the other foot,sometimes I prefer him to stay out of MY buisness with my kids.I wouldn't put myself in a situation like that again.

sam's picture

My husband works 6 days a week so it is hard for him to get home at 6 and thaen drive for an hour if traffic isnt bad.Also i was trying to be the good sm so sd can get her full visitation in.

Sia's picture

I gave up trying to be the good stepmom a long time ago, it never seems to work out. I hope DH handles the ex appropriately.

sam's picture

We have tried the public place thing and half the time she would be late or not show up or start something you can not interact with this women at all.I dont want this women if thats what you call her she is a disgrace at my house because she has been violent and i dont want that around my bs or at my home.

Nymh's picture

If you're going to have to be the one to pick up and drop off the kids, then it needs to be in a public place. And bring a camcorder next time. Whenever I have to go pick up or drop off SS (on the very, very rare occasion that I do - maybe 2 or 3 times in the past year) I always bring my camera so that I can make recordings of what happens, just in case.

I would suggest having your husband set down some strict ground rules with BM about these pick ups and drop offs. If she lives in a townhome complex then there's probably a park or community property area. She could meet you there with the kids unless she wants to drive them back and forth herself, which if she's anything like my BF's ex wife that will never happen.

But just a suggestion, never ever get out of your car even if she approaches it. Just sit there and wait for the kids. I know that it is annoying and hard to do, but trust me you will thank yourself that you did. If she really wanted to, she could claim that you assaulted her by getting out of your car. It's easy for people to lie and make it look like you did something you didn't do. Just stay buckled in and record what she does.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

sam's picture

There is a park nearby but it makes us nervous that dropping our 14 year old girl walking alone.We actually did that once cause she pulled this crap before and it was dark out we sat on the road not in front of her house but actually on the road she locked sd out until we left once we pulled away she let her in because we drove around the block to make sure this women is evil.

Nymh's picture

What I meant was that BM would have to meet you in this place to make the exchange. That way you're both coming to neutral ground and if you have a camcorder, you can record what happens. I didn't mean for you to drop off the kids somewhere close so they could walk.

I would suggest to your husband that he needs to tell BM if she is going to go out of her way to make exchanges difficult, then she can go out of her way to walk the distance from her house to the park to pick up and drop off the kids.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

sam's picture

I called my dh just 10 minuetes ago because she phoned here just half hour ago and told me that she needed the info off our truck for passports because they are going away well you dont need passports to just go to another province we live in canada.Why couldnt she ask ss he lives with us and knows address and phone number etc..Why would she tell me to get off her property then or she calls police i wasnt even on her dump property i would be scared to catch something.So i think she was just phoning here to ask to come get kids again the answer is no.I told her i was sick of her bulls...and to get a grip and move on and hung up on her.So i called my hubby and we are going to record this and go to police station and tell them she is harassing us and to make a report.I told my dh its either we do something or i will have an assault charge on my record and he will be bailing me out of jail he can choose.

SerendipitySM's picture

SAM - I would never go to pick or drop those kids off again. Regardless of whether or not your DH has to work this is not your problem - he can work that out with his b**** ex-wife. I cannot believe the nerve of that woman - I am infuriated for you!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

sam's picture

Sd just phoned and asked that her mom wanted to know if we would pick them up tomorrow i said no.She then said her brother has no clothes there so i said for her to tell her mother to go buy some.So i hang up with sd and guess who phones back 2 seconds later asked if we were ready to be hauled back to court i just hung up on her.

sam's picture

She isnt even leaving canada so they dont need a passport you can travel freely in canada.I know because i have travelled canada and never needed any passport.

sam's picture

That is my thought and that is why we have to go to police station and let them know and record her harrassment.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I'm happy for you, sam. Now you have the perfect excuse to stop being their chauffeur.

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

nannyof4's picture

From now on don't respond with anything other than you will have to speak to your father about that if it's the skids or you will have to talk to my husband if it's the BM. Don't say anything else to them. And tell your husband that you will talk to your skids only when they are with you, not on the phone when they are with her. And you will not speak to her at all or do any more pick ups or drop offs.

luvdagirl's picture

I would've sat there- let her call the police they do get sick of it- you were on the road- as far as I know thats public property!

I used to have to transport and especially while we were in midst of the custody case I always had another adult with me and recorded on my cell phone everything from the minute I put the car into park til I was a few blocks away- it did come in handy once when BM actually called the police and had a crackhead friend back up a total lie about me verbally attacking her. BM never did that again afterwards.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Nymh's picture

You have to have a cellphone that supports recording video. A lot of them that play video won't record it (like my old RAZR). Check out your phone's list of features and see if it says something about recording video. That's a big thing on my list when I get a new phone. My HTC Star Tac records video, but I need a new battery so for now I'm back to my RAZR and recordig video on my digital camera Sad

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

luvdagirl's picture

I have the rzer and its an option in the menu- most phones have it now and if ou can't figure it out the really nice kids that work at the cell co. like to show off and teach stuff- I love those kids!

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Harleygal's picture

Would the police meet you to her house to pick them up? Or would the cops in your town be present at your house when she brings them. I'm from a small town and I guess the cops don't have enough going on but they would do it for us.

I think this would take a few times for her to get a clue.

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac

sam's picture

When i called the police on sunday they told me that they can do that but i dont even want to go near her house at all even with police.I want her to start paying for them to get here by bus or something she has never put one red penny into gas to get them here even when we were paying cs but there is no cs when one lives in one place and the other lives at the other parents that is our situation now.She wants to control our lives and when we stop catering to her she gets really pissed which is what happened and now we arent going back so she screwed it for herself.She wanted us to come back sunday yah ok mental case.Then she got sd to phone and ask when we were coming back i said were not sd said ss has no clothes there so i told her to tell her mom to go buy some.That pissed her off even more now her family is phoning here i just keep hanging up and laugh to myself.I am a very easygoing person but this women is bringing out my vindictive side i never knew i had.