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Sad my kids are not here.....

Chel Bell's picture

on mothers day...we live far apart, they call me often, almost everyday. My Ex & I practice good communication skills, but it is still hard. I will have them with me this summer, It will be a year that I have not seen them, when I was homeless, I could not have them come up here. My Ex was very cooprative...we do everything for their sake. I really miss them. Sometimes I wonder if the arraingment I made w/ their father was the right one....yes it granted us peace, and space to grow...that we needed... but still , to be away from them's just flat out hard!!! Just for this moment... I wish things were different. Sad


Karma_'s picture

How old are they?

}:) Being my husbands third wife does not make me third rate. It just means my husband is a slow learner }:)

Chel Bell's picture

My girl will be 13, I will have her for her b-day, my son will be 10 next month. I can't wait for July...thats when they will be up for the summer.~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20

B's picture

I totally understand... I went 8 months without seeing my kids. I let them go stay with my parents (who live in another country) while I got things straightened out, left my ex and moved to another state. I thought doing those things on my own would make it easier, but they were the hardest 8 months of my life! I hope you get to see your kids more now that you're settled.

bellacita's picture

but u know it was the rite decision and yr kids love u and prob miss u just as much as u miss them...heres to july!

Chel Bell's picture

Thank you guys for your positive comments, are soooo right, I do value the fact that we keep close in touch, and they are not suffering, like my skids do, between 2 parents that hate eachother. I do as much as possible for them, when I can, and I know in a few short years, they will be well on their way to becoming adults, and things will be alot different.~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20