SD's prayer
Just an update, not too sure how many are still on that know our story, but for those that are and care to hear.
Bm got her extended standard possession times with 3yo Sd back beginning when she got her occupational drivers license and interlock device in her car in January. After the first weekend she had Sd, SD came back and said to me, "Ma, my Mommy says I can't call you Ma and I have to call you Shell Bell." I did my best to continue with what I was doing and asked her, "She did? Well how do you feel about that?" SD changed the subject and we went on as usual. She continued to call me "Ma" as she has done since she began to talk and even BM has been refering to me as "Ma" to SD for over a year now.
It has obviously been pounded into my little SD's head continuously since then and though I have not made comment to SD that Mommy is wrong, I have informed her that it is okay for her to follow mommy's rule and call me Shelley at Vicki's house, (Where BM lives with her ex-fiance and his mother), but she may call me "Ma" when she is with me and Daddy if she wants to and will not get in trouble.
I have decided to take BM's sudden insecurity and attempt to hurt me through SD as a compliment because I know she would not even bother with attempting to change the name SD calls me except that she know just how much I love her daughter and how much of a mother I truely am to her. It just breaks my heart for SD. She is so young and so much has changed in her life, I hate that BM is so selfish that she would make this crusade to hurt me and SD's relationship with me on the cusp of the major changes that have taken place in SD's life and the pending arrival of SD's Baby sister with us in July. Sd is so excited about our baby and becoming a big sister, the last thing Dh and I want is anything changing in her relationship with us her feeling of being a part of this family. Alas that seems to be the evil BM way. Sacrifice you child to hurt others. What a monster.
Of course she attacks me in a voice mail telling me how horrible I am to be "telling" her daugher to call me mom whem I am not her mother. Then the added that I should give her a call when I think of a good answer. I of course, did not call and will not so long as she continues to act this way towards me. I continue to share with her all of the information I have about SD during the brief encounters when BM picks SD up every week.
So as Sd frequently tells me, "I just want my Mommy to love you." Because DH and I have been very compassionate with SD and told her that we care a great deal for mommy and want only the best for her. When she said it again last week I responded, "I know honey, and I do too, but we can't make somebody like something just because we do." and I made an example of Daddy liking chocolate ice cream and she doesn't and how it's okay to be different. Then I told her it is okay for her to like me and daddy even if mommy doesn't. I said, "One thing we can do when something is really bothering us is we can pray about it and ask God to help us with it." To which my sweet little 3yo Sd responded,
"Dear God, Please help Mommy with her problems so her can like daddy and Ma and our can have pancakes on the patio."
I had reminded SD of how I do like Mommy and how much fun we had when Mommy came over before her bithday in the summer and SD and I made pancakes and we ate them with BM on the patio. It was my response to her telling me that BM says DH and I don't like her and we are mean to her. I asked SD if she has ever seen or heard DH or myself be "Mean" to mommy, SD said no.
I hate this. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! I do believe we are doing the right thing trying to have the temporary orders that make DH sole managing conservator made permanent so we will have greater power to protect SD. It sure is hard though.
Our attorney took BM's depsition a couple of weeks ago and she admitted finally that her ex-fiance does live there in his mother's house with them. she still says they are not involved, but SD has made unusal comments about the ex-fiancee saying he has to ask mommy if they can have a baby and then she wont be able to sleep in mommy's bed anymore. She also said he is mean because he won't let mommy borrow his keys, seeing how BM's has an occupational license including her having a breath tester to get the car started and VERY limited driving times I can see where she would be trying to get someone elses car, she has no respect for the law whatsoever.
I sucked it up and paid for a background check on the ex-fiancee and hit a home run. We just got the complete poice report yesterday and found he was arrested for minor in consuption of alcohol, (he is only 20), possession of marijuana and reisiting arrest. The report reads he shoved the police officer repeatedly and had to be wrestled to the ground to get cuffs on him. It was just three days after BM was in the wreck and arrested for DWI last March, but we hope it shows how unstable it is for SD to be at the house where BM is living.
Yesterday morning BM was supposed to retrun SD, she did not. Dh called and when BM finally called back she said she has the day off so she is going to keep SD. Please pray for us that this is what the Judge meant when she told Bm's attorney that BM had "Better not stub her toe or she will face consequences."
BM and her attorney are trying to use the fact that the Judge's orders have not been made into a formal document since the hearing in October. At first it was our attorney that was lazy in typing them up, now it is her attorney that is wanting to put things in the order that were not ordered by the Judge and in fact are not even included as an option in the Texas Family Code that governs what can go into an order. So as her attorney sits on these temporary orders and ignores them, he is telling BM she can do whatever she wants.
The orders may not be formally typed, but the Associate Judge's Report is clear and should be binding as to what we are required to follow. If not, we could simply deny BM possession of SD at all. Right? We are doing our part and following the rules of what the Judge said in accordance with the State Family Code in hopes that BM's violations can be used against her in our final trial.
BM's attorney has us set to take the depositions of DH and myself the week after next. I am nervous, but a little excited that someone actually wants to hear what I have to say. Even if it is an attempt to get info to use against us in trial.
BM was horrible in her deposition. She pretty much said she couldn't remember anything from last year. I know she was told to respond that way because any other answer would be incriminating her on all of her bad behavior. But I hope the judge in final trial will see a woman trying to prove she is the better choice to have primary responsibility of a small child but says she cannot remember anything from the previous year is pretty messed up.
I hope we've got her pretty good because she testified, under oath in her deposition in contrary to her latest Counter petition against DH. In the counter petition she has claimed DH has a history of commiting family violence within the past two years and should have no access to SD or should have only supervised visitation. When our attorney asked for what the incidents of family violence were, Bm responded that when she and DH were dating and she was pregnant with SD, DH would bend her over his knee and spank her. First Dh and I had to get over how funny that sounds, that is her claim of family vioence? Then our attorney asked her how long ago that was, Bm responded, "I don't know, it was when I was pregnant." Um, hello, did she just forget the age of the child she is fighting for custody of?! Our attorney asked, and how old is Sd? Then Bm responded, "Well, I guess it was four years ago." Our attorney asked her if because of that incident she wants DH to have no access to SD, and BM said, "Well, I'm not saying he can't see her, I just think we should share her equally." :-O Okay, I say case dismissed! I think we should be able to call the whole thing off and DH keep primary just based on BM contradicting her own allegations.
Then her attorney whispered to her to tell him about the incident outside the daycare. For those who haven't read my previous posts, BM called the police and tried to get DH arrested claiming he assaulted her. The police found her story was not believeable and I was standing there a witness to the whole thing. She was pissed because DH showed her a nudie pic of herself she had posted on myspace and tried to talk to her about how she could post that when she had SD. Bm flipped out and tried to take the picture from DH, DH didn't let go at first and BM pulled him down off the curb with her attempting to wrestle it away. DH had the picture in one hand and a folder in the other, he never laid a hand on her and that was what the police found. BM thinks she can claim that we lied and use that against DH in Court.
Here's a little bit of BM's deposition I liked,
Attorney: Did you have a romantic or sexual relationship with John Doe?
BM: Possibly.
Attny: Well, was it romantic?
BM: Not really.
Attny: Well, Was it Sexual?
BM: Not really.
Attny: Well what was it really?
BM: Well, It was just me and his daughter got along really good and she liked playing with Sd. :-?
SHe also said that the people that witnessed her pepper spray a girl in the face all made up those lies because they were all on drugs and the reason she hung out with them was because she was trying to help them with that problem. OKAY, Sure.
So tell me what you guys think so far, would you trust this chick with your kid?
Okay, we're moving right along towards final trial, still feeling pretty good about it. I just want the social study caseworker to see and hear what we need her to and report to the judge. I sure hope she will, she seemed to be very logical and thorough when we met her.
And we're 19 weeks into pregnancy with SD's little sister.I'm just starting to show and I can feel her moving. It's pretty amazing. Dh is so happy to be having another little girl, we are naming her after his grandmother that passed away in o6. SD and I are happy too.
Love to all, I keep the Step Talk bloggers in my thoughts and prayers. I know what a big job we all share and there is a special respect we all can share of eachother's situations. I appreciate you.
- southernshellgirl's blog
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SD sounds sweet
and her mom sounds like trouble! Can't remember the past year?? WTF. Congratulations on your baby . . . it is nice to hear from you and I hope it all works out the way you want.
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
SD is sweet!
I am happy for all that is good for you and pray for more happy pancake times.
Keep SD's best interest at heart...
And release the rest to the powers that be. That's the best advice I have as someone who has gone through the custody thing. Has your DH requested a psych eval for BM? I would. We did and BM caved when the final GAL report indicated psych problems with BM. She was more afraid of psych therapy than losing custody. Doesn't that just raise a red flag.
Good luck!
Peace, love, and red wine
The other side of this issue.
Your SD is very young. Too young to grasp some pretty important concepts that she'll need to understand to navigate her life as she gets older. She doesn't know where babies come from, so she can't understand that you can only have one biological mother. She's too young to understand the difference between a mother and a stepmother, the dynamics of a blended family or how it feels to live in a traditional family. Her attention span is still short enough at this age that her reality is whatever is happening RIGHT NOW. She's too young to understand that a biological mother can be a horrible influence and a bad parent, while her stepmother is a great role model, but that doesn't change the fact that the woman who gave birth to her is her mother.
No offense meant here, but her mother, despite all her faults, is still participating in this child's life on some level. Even though you may be raising your SD, her mother is still in her life. I don't think your SD should ever have been calling you "Ma," becase that is a form of "mother," just like "mom" or "mama" or "mommy." I think it has to be confusing for a child, especially a child this age who doesn't have the ability to understand all these crazy concepts. And like it or not, want it or not, her mother is still her mother and she's probably going to remain in the picture. Who knows? It's unlikely, but it's possible that she may get her act together someday and turn out to be a not-so-half-bad mother to your SD.
I know this is one of "those" issues that tends to polarize people who feel differently about it. My husband is a great man... he's a wonderful father, very hands-on and very involved. But when his ex-wife left, she took the kids, got remarried and started asking her kids to call her new husband "Daddy." It was a knife in the chest to my husband to hear his children calling their SF by a name that should have only belonged to DH. Not only that, but it caused a lot of confusion and conflict over loyalty for his kids, who got punished at BM's for not calling their SF "Daddy" and also were reminded by us repeatedly that they were NOT to call their SF "Daddy." They ended up living a lie, because they kept calling their SF "Daddy," and they also started hiding this and other things from DH and me. It's been horrible. It's been more hurtful than I can describe to watch my husband's face when he hears his children call another man "Daddy." And he's a million times the parent that your SD's mother is. He was never a bad parent. He never deserved this and it hurts him terribly.
I know you don't care if it hurts BM. I know you want what's best for your SD. I just think that it's better for everyone if children call their stepparents by their first name or a special nickname, rather than some form of "mom" or "dad." I also think it's not good for parents to undermine each other, because then children hear two very different messages, one from each parent, and that creates a conflict that most children, and especially a child this age, do not have the ability to resolve. Her mother told her one thing, then you told her something else. How is she supposed to know who to believe? What will happen to her if her mother asks her if she still calls you "Ma" and she says yes? Will she be punished? Or are you going to advise SD to keep this a secret from her mother? Who is she being taught to obey and be loyal to, her mother or her stepmother? Even if your DH does win sole legal custody, his sole decision-making power doesn't tranfer to you. I kind of think you are overstepping.
I don't mean to pick a fight, I just think it's possible that you could unknowingly be setting your SD up for a conflict with her mother that she's not prepared to handle. I think you need to resolve this with BM directly. She needs to decide once and for all if she's going to support SD calling you "Ma" or fight it. If she doesn't want her daughter calling you Ma and you can't convince her to agree to it, then your only choice is to either have SD call you by your name or else start lying to and hiding things from her mother. Think far ahead into the future on this one. If you teach her now that it's okay to lie to her mother and hide things from her mother, then eventually her little mind is going to think it's okay to lie to and hide things from her father. I know she's only three, but believe me, those teenaged years show up a lot quicker than we expect. You don't want to teach her to lie to and hide things from her parents.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Georgia with all respect....
I just have to disagree. I remember going to our first appointment with the attorney, when my first H and I were filing for divorce. My now ex was very angry and hurt. His attorney sensed I was the one wanting out, and he offered this up,
"Many people put in their agreement that if the ex re-marries, the kids will not ever call the step parent "Mom" or "Dad." I was appalled that anyone would put their kids through a divorce, then try to dictate how the kids referred to a later significant other in their parent's life. Luckily, my exH didn't jump on it, because I gave up a ton of things financially to try to smooth things over, but I would have fought to leave that language out tooth and nail. No one will ever tell my kids what they can and cannot call their step parent. No one. Little did I know that my ex would be moving in his future wife and her three kids 4 months later. But....
I can't see a middle ground here. The parent who pushes either way, forcing them to call a step parent mom or dad, or forcing them not to, guilting them either way, is not putting the child first.
You don't have to like it, but most kids know to not do it to you. My SD would never call me "mom" to her mom, but in the past would call me mom here. She would try it on and see how it felt. It was actually fake feeling to me then, sort of like it was a novelty to SD, but I humored her. Then her mom started drilling her, telling her she wasn't allowed to call me mom, tricking her into admitting it by claiming she already knew somehow, etc. She would even tell SD that she'd better bring her a mother's day present they made at school only, or she'd be in trouble, because, "You only have ONE mom. That BITCH is NOT your mom."
Ironically, my BD sometimes calls my ex "Dad" b/c she hears my son's call him that. My ex corrects her that he's her brother's dad. But how confusing is it to a two year old? We just laugh at it. Does it bother DH? A little. But he smiles and doesn't make a fuss.
I wrote this here several times, and just wrote it to Shell on her other post.
But here it is again...
My mantra for BM's and SM's out there everywhere
I have heard my 2 year old son call his SM mom, seen him adorn her with kisses and run into her arms for a goodbye hug...
I have found homework assignments in his school papers in 2nd grade about "My House" which listed SM, exH, Step sibs, Bbrother, even their family dog, but made no mention of me because he was at their house the night before it was due.
I have been called SM's name by both my sons because it slipped out when they forgot who they were talking to.
I have seen them give their SM the better gift, maybe because they thought they had to impress her more than me.
BUT....that's MY problem. MY ego. MY insecurity I had to let go of.
My kids will forever be allowed to call who they want to call mom. I mean, I had friends in Jr High and High School who's mothers I called "Mom" and my kids called Grandma. Women who took care of me at a time when my own mom wasn't capable, after my brother became paralyzed when I was 12 and he was 17. I call my MIL mom at times.
And my mom NEVER felt that meant she wasn't the number one mom in my heart.
My relationship with my sons is wonderful. They also have a terrific relationship with a woman who has mothered them, made them feel safe, made me feel comfortable all those times when they couldn't be with me.
She is a mom to them. Almost as much as I could ever be. And if they ever reach a point where they want to drop the "Step" or call her not by her first name, but by "Mom," well....she has earned that place in their heart....
As well as mine.
We really need to put the kids first here. The children need to know that they do have one basic right. And that's not to feel guilty for loving a parent other than their biological one.
And though I hate to repeat a sentence that I feel the "experts" over-use to make us feel really applies here.
The kids didn't choose for their parents to, bring a stranger into their family who gets to execute complete power over them as any other parent would...
For this one if no other reason, if they chose to bestow the title "mom" or "dad" on a step...then it is their right to do so. The day SD does it, is the day I will follow her lead and drop the Step off of her as well.
Sorry if this is coming across too strong. I guess I am as passionate about this as you are about it, but from a totally different perspective.
Peace, love, and red wine
Im with zenmom on this topic...
My skids call me by my first name, my kids call my dh by his first name but the skids were forced to call their new step father "daddy" by the BM. Now it hurt my dh very very much - still does - but he loves his girls and did not want to force his girls into a very bad position with their bm. (The bm is nuts and would make the girls lives miserable if they didnt call their sf "dad" and her head would have exploded in a million peices if the girls called me "mom" but thats another story.)
For me from the (naive beginning) it was whatever the girls were comfortable with and whatever my kids were comfortable with.
I knew that one day my ex may remarry and would have to face the fact of my kids calling someone else "mom" but I love my kids and was willing to suck up any hurt I may feel. I knew if there were some other woman that they called mom - she would have had to earn that title by caring and loving my kids.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein
I think a lot depends on your perspective and like I said, it's a polarizing issue. I know there's nothing more hurtful than a loving father being cut out of his children's lives and knowing that those children are being taught to call another man "Daddy." It was very confusing for these children, not something that was their choice and it hurt them, as well as my husband. He's never had a problem sharing his children with their SF, but he most certainly does have a problem being replaced by him. Had it been a situation where their father was NOT a part of their lives, their new SF had adopted them and they loved their SF as if he were their father, then that would be one thing, but that's not the case in my family like it may have been in some of yours. I also refer to my SF as "my Dad" because my own father abandoned his children when he left my mother. In a case like that, I think it's fine, but IF the biological parent has a valid problem with it, then I think the biological parent's wishes should be respected, because they have as much right to decide things for their children as their ex.
"50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.”
In this day and age, there's a 50% chance that first marriages will end in divorce. There's one set of "Mom" and "Dad." If the parents remarry and the children are expected to call their SP's "Mom" and "Dad," then the children now have two "Moms" and two "Dads". And when that second marriage fails? Do you tell the children to stop calling their former stepparents "Mom" and "Dad"? What if there is a third marriage? Do these kids now get three "Moms" and three "Dads"?
I think this is for each family to decide what works best for them, but my vote is for telling children the truth to avoid confusion, to avoid potentially alienating the children's affections from the NCP, to respect the roles of involved biological parents and to eliminate the potential for flip-flopping if/when those second, third, fourth, etc. marriages fail.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
I'm with Georgia on this...
but I can also appreciate the other viewpoints. Zen, for once we disagree....
I think the issue just causes too much conflict. I would never be comfortable with my children calling another woman any form of mom. I am Mama. Period. I just don't feel it would be appropriate otherwise. I have also corrected my SD8 (who was 5 at the time) when she asked if I could be her other "mommy".
Whether being done vindictively or innocently, it's not fair to the kids or the other parent. And I just don't care how thick your skin is and how open minded you are, when your child calls another person your "title", it is going to tug at your heart strings....nobody should be forced to go thru that.
Shell, I think you are awesome. I know you are always trying to do what's best for everyone. But I'm gonna have to go with no more being called "Ma". But hey, I like Shell Bell.:) I just don't think that your feelings would've been hurt if BM would have approached it in a respectful manner. Some people just lack maturity and your BM is obviously one of those people.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I guess....
The time had to come CG
BUT....I am still at a loss why that title is an entitlement rather than decided by the kids. I really think it's their entitlement to bestow, to not be made to feel guilty either way. I am with Steve on this one. Mother and Father are biological, mom and dad are earned.
Peace, love, and red wine
I'm really strugglin'...
because my oldest son doesn't call his biological father "dad", he calls my ex, "daddy". My ex has earned that title far more than his biodad ever could. I've actually had extended arguments with biodad over the subject. BS12 calls biodad by his first name. Biodad signed "Daddy" to a birthday card to BS12. BS12's response was "he's not my daddy..." He didn't even know the guy.
But I think that's where the conflict is. My BS12's biodad was REPLACED in his absence. I think that's where some of us are uncomfortable. By our kids calling someone else our "title", we feel replaced....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I think that's where you just have to be strong...
And know in your heart that you're such an amazing mom that you'll never be replaceable. I don't want to replace or displace BM. I don't want SM to replace or displace me. But I do want my kids to feel they can call us what they feel us to be in their hearts, without attachment to any guilt from us. I want them to be free to love us openly, without worrying about our feelings.
Of course when it comes to chores, helping out, showing gratitude for all the things I do for them, I will guilt them til the end of time if it works as a motivator for them to get off their butts and contribute to the family! So I guess I am using selective guilt
Peace, love, and red wine
"Mom" and "Dad" are names we encourage our children to call us when we choose to become their parents. Children use these names to identify us as their parents. These special names distinquish us from the other adults in their lives. Why would my children call me Auntie when I'm not their aunt, but their mother? Why would my children call their grandfather "Daddy" when he is their grandparent, not their parent? A stepparent can be as much as or even more of a parent than a biological parent. I'm not trying to take that away from anyone. I think I'm a great stepmother myself. I think of my skids as my own and certainly love them just as much, although maybe in a different way. I'm not their mother and would never try to usurp their mother's role in their lives. I just think those special names - Mom, Mommy, Mama, Dad, Daddy, Papa, etc. - signify a certain relationship and children, especially very young ones who can't make the distinction on their own, don't need the grown-ups in their lives throwing them for any loops later on. What happens when the thirteen year-old suddenly finds out that her "father" isn't really her father, but her stepfather?
Kids don't get to make adult decisions and if you decide, as a parent, that you would prefer to not confuse your child by having them call multiple people by parental names, then that's okay. That's YOUR call as the parent. I don't agree that it's the child's prerogative. Children don't get to choose their parents. It's not about insecurity or not wanting to encourage a relationship with stepparents, it's about giving children clear boundaries so as not to split their loyalties, put them in situations where they might be fought over like a favorite toy or set them up for an unwelcome surprise later in life when they find out that "Mom" or "Dad" really isn't Mom or Dad.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Maybe I am selfish
but I would NEVER want my son to call another woman mommy.
I am the woman who struggled to get pregnant, who was uncomfortable & got up to pee 10 times in the night.
I gained the 60lbs ( wish it was someone else, & I struggle to loose it) I am the one who had the emergency c section. I am the one who tried in vain to breast feed, pumping constantly, taking supplements & crying as despite this my milk supply dwindled. I am the one who got up twice each night to feed, change & get him back to sleep. I am the one who 8 months later is sleep deprived still ( he does sleep through the night but is an early riser.
I dreamed of him, wanted him, suffered & sacrificed for him. He is mine & no other woman will EVER love my son as I do. I made him.
My step sons call me by my first name and always will. ( they goof up once in a while & I take that as a complement, because they have said I am like a second mom ) I would NEVER want it any other way. They have a mom, and although she didn't go through quite what I did ( I am almost 40, she was in her early 20's) she has earned that name not me. She has nursed them through illness, encouraged them & will love them in a way that I never will. I love my step sons very much, but my bond is different.
I am lucky though because my BM is basically a good person ( stupid in many ways, drives me nuts at times) BUT she is a good mom. just different than me. She is not crazy, a druggie or unfit.
Shellbell, I think that it is wrong for BM to have allowed you the honor of being called ma & then to try & take it back because she is mad. She is unresponsible ( I remember what you have told us about the beat down by grandma & the breathalizer to drive ) My heart goes out for you, because you are the mom in this little girls life, you are the role model.
Isn't the big issue here...
The fact that A. IF the Bio parent is in the kids life and B. Is the title forced upon you or not?
My BS is 15 in a few week. He hates his SM, I do not support this, I tell him he must respect her as she is his fathers wife, he does respect her, he still doesn't like her. He stopped seeing his dad by his choice when he was 12, I didn't support this either but it was his choice. His dad didn't fight for it and has call 3 times in 3 years..not really an effort there huh?
BS15 wanted to call my DH dad...DH was happy with that as he loves him and he has little to no contact with his bio dad. DH liked Bio dad also so no malice intended, DH and BS just wanted it that way. I found it very unnatural and didn't really support it but never said much, it wore off in a day or 2 and my son still calls my DH by his first name, had it stuck, I would have dealt with it, it's DH and BS's choice together, not mine.
If my BS did love his SM, I would have loved that, as it made life very difficult that he didn't want to be there. He was always nice to her, but I knew he never wanted to be there, so it was hard for me.
Anyway, just so you could see this from my point of view, it does depend on the situation and the people involved and how they feel. I am very secure with my kids and my love for them and I feel i am a great mum and show my kids how special they are to me everyday. I wouldn't like my BS's to call any other woman mum or mummy because thats me and thats confusing but Ma wouldn't bother me, as long as I knew my kids wanted it and SM wanted it too.
I would have to know the woman did it because she loved my kids not because she wanted some perverse revenge on me.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*