BM accusations
New to the site but not really new to the stepmom thing been one for about 6yrs. Never felt like I had anyone who understood what I go through as a stepmom and birthmom with my own ex's and DH's exs, then I found this site been reading for days feel as though I know you all. Anyways what made me start looking for help was a new custody battle with one BD and one SS. Plus husband and my BD13 having a hard time getting a long. DH court case will be ugly. BM claims to be sick w/ cancer but only to SS not to us. So we don't know if she's sick or what. Plus she is claiming BF cause emotional harm to SS to the point he's in counseling. Does anyone know what the courts will say about BM accusations.
- sassymom's blog
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Exactly what is BM asking for in court?
Hi there, Is BM just making accusations saying DH is responsible for SS being in counselling or is she asking for a change/revoking visitation?
we are
we are asking for custody b/c her enviorment is unstable bf moving in and out plus ss misses lots of school unexcused. so this is her attempt to stop us, this start all the counseling till served.
Did you indicate
in your paperwork that BM claims to have cancer and list on their your concerns for child missing school & BF moving in and out? How much time does your/you's have with SS right now and has it been ongoing for quite sometime? Also how old is SS?
We have found the courts do not like to change custody of the children unless there is something abusive/illegal happening in the household or neglect of the child. What BM is claiming about the counselling is something she would have to prove for one thing, but on another note, you will have to prove that your enviroment and moving SS would be in his best interest. Is he old enough to tell the courts himself that he would like to live there?
bfs moving in and out and school days yes we have documented. we have standard visitation with 7 year old. bm put him in counseling just recently. the sickness we only have the childs words, he scared for her and bought it up during prayers.
Go to counseling with him
BM can't stop you from setting up your own appointments with SS's counselor. Then you can bring up the "illness" with the counselor (I would do it without SS present.)
Does SS say he wants to live with you? Is she "guilting" him with this "illness" so he stops saying that? These things will come out in court.
Is there a guardian ad litem for SS? Request the court assign one asap. And then do everything in your power to get on the GAL's good side. Ours was a major influence over us winning our custody case. Sounds like your BM and mine are twins.
Peace, love, and red wine
we are planning on meeting
we are planning on meeting with counselor. he has meant living with us in passing. we don't know why she makes her illness so real for a 7yr old. i'll check on the GAL thing, never heard of one before.