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Colorado Girl's picture

Britney Spears. A most infamous BM. Recently I read that she has been diagnosed bipolar and that she is so out of sorts that her dad has taken control of her affairs. Kevin Federline (her ex-husband) has temporary sole custody all in the interest of the children.

I recently read a study that 70% of biological parents that suffer from mental illness lose custody of their children at some point. My skid's BM is bipolar. She displayed pretty erratic behavior during their divorce. (Stress alot of times will cause manic episodes in those who suffer from this mental illness) DH was so afraid to even walk into a courtroom let alone start an all out war with his ex-wife, that he compromised a great deal in the divorce settlement. I just think that it would've been worth it to AT LEAST have attempted 50/50 placement. Maybe we wouldn't be where we are right now in ANOTHER custody dispute.

So my thought process is that if we all had an unlimited supply of money and resources, could we, too, rightfully gain custody of these children? Instead of the automatic placement with their mothers because it's what society deems appropriate?


sixxnguns's picture

Fiancee and I have discussed this and we both agree the only way he'll ever get physical custody of his son will be when BM gets in trouble with CPS for neglecting SS or something bad happening to him...neither of which are good situations but it's the truth. These courts are just too biased it's sickening.

_Jess_'s picture

In my case, child protective services had over a dozen reports on BM, but they are so backlogged and underfinanced that they don't have the resources to really do what needs to be done.

Abuse reports, restraining orders with SDs name on them against BM's boyfriends, etc....none of this led to BM losing custody. It wasn't until the police raided her apartment and discovered she was selling cocaine out of her house with SD7 and SD's halfbrother (not from DH), age 5, present during the sales, that BM finally lost custody. Even then it wasn't permanent.

We finally got permanent custody because BM signed SD over to DH. Which makes SD feels pretty crappy, especially since BM regained custody of SD's half brother.

sixxnguns's picture

my daughter got a black eye a couple years back and someone called and blamed me for it, CPS was on my like flies on sh*t...there was no way I could've made up the story HOW she got it...and we still laugh about how she got her "shiner" other parents straight up neglect their kids and abuse them and nothing is done...CPS and child support BOTH need to be seriously overhauled...

and judges need to quit bringing their personal beliefs at home and not bring them into's getting ridiculous.

Sasha's picture

I don't think she's bipolar at all. In my opinion, she became too famous too rich too young and hasn't learned how to deal with the down side of success. How many times have we seen this happen, these kids are on top of the world, have everything they can possible want yet manage time and again to crash and burn. Sometimes it's so much easier to label their behavior as opposed to them actually taking adult responsibility for it.

Sia's picture

My suggestion is to document everything she says/does in the future. If she is diagnosed and on meds, or even if not, she will at some point attempt suicide. Then you will get full custody of the kids no questions asked. Because BM and SD are bipolar, I have done a ton of research on bipolar and 90% of all people diagnosed will attempt suicide at least 3 times before actually succeeding. They also get on meds and stabalize, then think they are OK and go off them because they think they are cured. Then the cycle begins. Our BM now only has supervised visitation. I learned a looooong time ago to document everything, every time she calls or doesn't, etc. It will pay off in the end. Also, just because you might have gotten the kids in the beginning does NOT save you from court now. We are in court about every other month or so when she thinks we have done wrong. Currently, SD 16 is complaining that we are tooo mean, so BM is trying to find a lawyer dumb enough or desperate enough to take her money to sue us for custody. The bitch of it is that she has convinced SD that she will get custody, therefore SD's attitude toward us has sucked big time. BM tells her she doesn't have to listen to us etc., it sucks, but that's what happens.
As far as Britney is concerned, I said she was bipolar the first time she had an outbreak, close to when she shaved her head. It's classic bipolar with maybe some personality disorder stuff going on. I feel sorry for her only because she can't/won't get the treatment she needs.

Sita Tara's picture

Psychological diagnosis is sort of a crap shoot. Is she bipolar? Personality Disordered? Depressed? Anxiety Disorder? Oppositional Defiance Disordered? OCD?

The list goes on and on. Some have symptoms of multiple disorders, some are highly functional in work and impersonal atmospheres, but fail at relationships over and over again. Some will attempt suicide for real, some will make suicidal gestures for attention.

As for the famous folks, there is definitely a major problem with validation seeking that makes someone seek fame, especially fame at all costs. I think that it's not really true to say that fame itself did it, I think that fame is an immature goal anyway, but that people like Britney...Anna Nicole...Nicole Ritchie, etc continue to make choices based on their craving for fame to fill themselves up. Addiction to drama is the same as addiction to drugs, food, clothes, shopping, gambling etc. It's still trying to feed the ego, find self worth from external sources rather than looking within.

I think what happens when someone has a psyche disorder is that looking internally for happiness really hurts. They can't accept their own contribution to their situation. It is more comfortable to blame everyone around them for it- yes including the paparazzi in this case. But even that is an unfair blame. You must then extend it to the fans who buy the gossip magazines and watch the entertainment trash shows.

At some point everyone does have control of their lives, even famous people. Britney could fall off the tabloid covers everywhere if she moved to Idaho and went to rehab. Over the years many celebs have fallen out of the public eye, who were just as famous as Britney in their day. These crazy stars who end up in tabloid after tabloid are courting some of it themselves. They don't want to stop being famous at any cost. Sad. But if they really wanted to live a quiet life we would forget about them after a year or two. We really would. Look at Travolta. He was gone for ten years or more before making a comeback. He could have easily fallen away into obscurity way back when. But he wanted the life he's living.

Peace, love, and red wine

ColorMeGone2's picture

I think too much is left to the discretion of judges and their personal beliefs. There really needs to be a revamping of the child custody and support laws in this country. It makes no sense for each state to have their own unique laws. What's good for a kid in TN should be good for a kid in NY, for example. There should be better guidelines for determining custody and certainly more fair ways of evaluating CS based on the children's actual needs rather than the CP's wants.