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Bit of peace this weekend

dazed's picture

Yep I am actually going out for a friend's birthday this Sat.My BF is getting mournful I won't be at his house with SS again as per every wknd.This wknd I can't be bullied into taking SS swimming and made to feel bad.I do sometimes to be nice (it was my suggestion) and he takes advantage.I said occasionally.I won't have to make any roast dinner.I can do as I please.Sorry if that sounds mean.I have a FT job.I feel like I have another PT job while I am there.I can have some fun and feel younger like BM does every weekend.Thanks


frustratedinMA's picture

My dh has the same responses when I want to do something on my own on weekends he has the skids.. poutty really.. Like.. I should want to spend every waking hour w/his kids.

He even doesnt like it when I go sit in our room to read a book sometimes.. I explain that w/the tvs (yes.. that is plural) going.. its hard to concentrate on reading.. too much outside noise.. or have his kids asking me questions every two mins.. ONLY because I am reading.. and not because they truly want to know something.. its like.. OH.. look.. she is doing something for herself.. lets distract her!

Sorry.. I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this am.