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Been doing some reading on PAS

wickedstepmom's picture

holy crap! this is incredible to be reading other posts on this board about PAS. Notreally sure what it was all about DH and I googled it and our eyes have been opened. gave us a ton of info. From what we are reading, BM is the alienator and DH is the victimized parent. Poor, poor SD16. She is the one who has really suffered.


JaxStarryNite's picture

Someone had posted about PAS, and I was like, hey! And acrynom that I dont' know! So I did the same thing, googled it and I probably sat there for a full minute w/out even blinking.
I couldn't believe there was a NAME for what BM was doing. It has really opened my eyes to a lot of things and there's so many awesome resources I've seen. I can't wait to read more!

wickedstepmom's picture

Every section we read on that website, DH kept saying, "that's BM!" or "that's SD16!"

We finally are feeling like we are not alone and that if BM and DH end up in court one day in the future, he's prepared.

Seasons's picture

is PAS I am not getting it help!